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is it ever a good idea to shit your shants?

blood fart

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


i had a situation sort of similar to this not so long ago before i rented a house further down the train line


i had crack heads blasting ghetto rap at 3am while tweaking and going through my trash

these people were beyond fucked

they lived in state housing, had kids (the majority anyway) and fought everynight

i had to buy earplugs to get a decents night sleep


a kid probably a few years younger than me tried to break into my house at about 2 am one night

since i wasnt drunk i woke up and found him trying to figure out how to unplug my tv

needless to say im pissed, its 2 am and some retard is robbing me

i let my anger take hold and i just pounded the everliving crap out of the kid, and once hes on the floor im kicking the shit out of him

after i calmeddown i was shaking so bad i couldnt even stand


i look down at the guy and hes just sobbing quietly into the floor

i dont think ive ever felt worse in my entire life

i took him to hospital and told him i was checking him into rehab and that if he didnt agree i would call the cops about the break in


fast forward a few months, hes out and clean, got his own apartment and a job

we've actually become friends now

its funny

the best thing i ever did for someone was beating the shit out of them



Holy shit. Thats pretty hectic

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


you people are supposed to be graff writers,right?graffiti is an illegal activity,right?....

snitching is never acceptable under any circumstances,period,end of story...jesus christ whats the fucks wrong with you people?



^Truest response in this entire thread.


Threads like this are good for exposing who the nut ass cornballs of Chanel Zero are. Apparently it's the vast majority.

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


all you old school comic book nerds will remember this guy: he'd clean up the neighborhood.



vigilan somthing or other


i still remember ditching school one day and going to 7-11 and reading that flash issue that had a character come out of the closet... then the clerk called my mom and told her i was ditching school and she came and beat my ass in the parkinglot with a cowtail i bought with my lunch money

















goooo teen titans gooooooooo gooo teen titans go!



nerd points 143

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


pop quiz hotshots...theres thirty crazed nazi crackheads with bats knives chains trying to get in your residence, you got no gun or weapon beyond a kitchen knife,they ARE eventually going to get in and brutally slowly murder you...dont snitch now retards...NEVER snitch...grow the fuck up:rolleyes:

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


moogle --it's vigilante, you are correct. looks like we both grew up around the same time. i think i still have a box of comics at my parent's house, i can guarantee there are some issues of vigilante in there. vigilante came before the punisher, and it was a kick ass comic because it wasn't super powers. it was just a dude in a ski mask fucking people up left and right. oh the good ol' days of being a kid.

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


Threads like this are good for exposing who the nut ass cornballs of Chanel Zero are. Apparently it's the vast majority.


to each his own DAO. not everyone on here comes from the same walk of life, morals, or ethics. some of us aren't gangstas, street cred card carrying thugs. some of us hold down jobs, have shit, want our shit safe, and would snitch on neighbors if they were shady little fucks who were inching towards the door, when we aren't home, with sticky fingers and cracked out eyes. this is an internet graffiti forum, but that doesn't mean we are all fucking gangsta gun clapping thugs for life. some of us are just normal fucking people who you probably would consider clowns, nerds, geeks, dorks, or even pussies. i don't think anyone is going to lose sleep over it. we all came here for the same reason either way, an interest and respect for graffiti.

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


to each his own DAO. not everyone on here comes from the same walk of life, morals, or ethics. some of us aren't gangstas, street cred card carrying thugs. some of us hold down jobs, have shit, want our shit safe, and would snitch on neighbors if they were shady little fucks who were inching towards the door, when we aren't home, with sticky fingers and cracked out eyes. this is an internet graffiti forum, but that doesn't mean we are all fucking gangsta gun clapping thugs for life. some of us are just normal fucking people who you probably would consider clowns, nerds, geeks, dorks, or even pussies. i don't think anyone is going to lose sleep over it. we all came here for the same reason either way, an interest and respect for graffiti.


It's unfortunate, but there are a lot of people in the world like DAO. People that can't see beyond their own narrow moral field of vision to understand that there are grey areas in life and sometimes compromises need to be made. What KOH said is totally on point. You have to look out for you and yours, because no one else is going to be proactive about it.

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


Since when are writers suppose to forget about all laws because they choose to break a few themselves?


Your logic is fucked up.



in situations like this, you can become a hypocrite easy. that doesn't mean you should forget about all laws. i'm not saying follow them, i'm just saying uh, keep them in mind. as far as calling the cops, i think the general rule should be not to if you can reasonably avoid it. and that's subjective of course.

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


It's unfortunate, but there are a lot of people in the world like DAO. People that can't see beyond their own narrow moral field of vision to understand that there are grey areas in life and sometimes compromises need to be made. What KOH said is totally on point. You have to look out for you and yours, because no one else is going to be proactive about it.


not to take your shine dao





^Truest response in this entire thread.

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


to each his own DAO. not everyone on here comes from the same walk of life, morals, or ethics. some of us aren't gangstas, street cred card carrying thugs. some of us hold down jobs, have shit, want our shit safe, and would snitch on neighbors if they were shady little fucks who were inching towards the door, when we aren't home, with sticky fingers and cracked out eyes. this is an internet graffiti forum, but that doesn't mean we are all fucking gangsta gun clapping thugs for life. some of us are just normal fucking people who you probably would consider clowns, nerds, geeks, dorks, or even pussies. i don't think anyone is going to lose sleep over it. we all came here for the same reason either way, an interest and respect for graffiti.




^People like that aint even welcome in graffiti where I come from. They get weeded the fuck out. It ain't even about being "gangsta". It's more morals and self dignity. Having a real job and paying your bills don't take shit away from common ethics. What the fuck ever happened to just minding your own business??? Your neighbor getting high and having lowlifes over the house is THEIR own business. Not yours. If somebody's scared of getting robbed (maybe cause they did the same shit when they were a junkie, I don't know) then just keep your shit locked like a normal person.


I respect that looking at both points of view and all. But I would expect the other point of view to be from an old lady or a suburban douchebag before i would ever expect it from a so-called graffiti writer on a graffiti forum. Espescially someone with a mohawk and brass knuckles tatoo on their neck who constantly talks about all the fucked up shit they seen and been through. For somebody like that to be shook of a couple junkies living a few doors down in their apartment complex just seems suspect. And the tremendous outpouring of support (on a fucking graffiti forum) for that person to call the cops on said junkies seems pretty fucking suspect as well.

But then again this is channel zero. Where maybe 10% of the people on here ever were thorough.

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


Hey DAO, why dont you go sit in Bloodfarts joint and shoot anyone that comes in. That way you can boost your hardcore street cred while preventing anyone from calling the cops. Ill totally look up to you as the coolest person on the planet.



^And you're just an annoying little douche that nobody even takes seriously. I can't wait till you and your fuck buddies EBPH and Some1 get banned. :lol:

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


I have to give DAO credit.. No matter how many people disagree with him, he still holds his ground hahah




As for the situation.. I think all the good advice has been said, scattered in amongst the "burn the place down" and "get a pet bear" advice. Even if you did drop the dime, (which I don't see myself doing, but then again, I'm also not in the same situation) I don't see the cops doing much. Unless they actually did break in, and you have proof, what could they do? I've never called the cops, but most times having to deal with them, I can assume they'll have a "Your fault for living in a shitty area" type attitude. And I don't mean that in a disrespectful way, and I'm not saying that's how I feel.



As about half the other people in this thread said, just get out as quick as you can.



And I've seen TOMBEROCKS up in some pretty gully dumpster spots..

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


Get more lock's on your doors, keep a bat or knife next to the door. which ever your willing to use and ride it out for 2 months. It sounds like the place i grew up. but take away the Mexicans and add drunken bogans beating there missus's. I personally don't feel right snitching but if you think you can do it and not regret it then thats your battle not mine. I don't have to live there you do. If you have some friends that are willing to go sort them out for you then go for that. It's not being a bitch if your risking going back to jail over crack heads.

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


to each his own DAO. not everyone on here comes from the same walk of life, morals, or ethics. some of us aren't gangstas, street cred card carrying thugs. some of us hold down jobs, have shit, want our shit safe, and would snitch on neighbors if they were shady little fucks who were inching towards the door, when we aren't home, with sticky fingers and cracked out eyes. this is an internet graffiti forum, but that doesn't mean we are all fucking gangsta gun clapping thugs for life. some of us are just normal fucking people who you probably would consider clowns, nerds, geeks, dorks, or even pussies. i don't think anyone is going to lose sleep over it. we all came here for the same reason either way, an interest and respect for graffiti.


very well said earl

if the props button was still here i'd be clicking it like mad

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


Nothing changed.


The cops were there to impound a truck owned by an ex-maintence man who lived at the complex.

He got evicted and fired for smoking crack.

And now lives in his truck.

He was parked in the parking lot, sleeping.


I don't like getting the police involved..but as I said, I am at the end of my rope.


I am not scared of these guys physically..I am worried that in a crack frenzy, they will think it is a good idea to break into my house and steal my shit.



I talked to the hippie chick.

At first, I was yelling, then I calmed down and tried to reason with her.

her:if you didn't want to be around this, you shouldn't have moved here.

me:I didn't have to be around this until you moved in. You are in the wrong, not me.

by the end of the night, she was crying.

And claiming she wanted to change her life.


Thinking I might have made a change in the situation, I drank tequila until the sun came up and went to bed feeling optimistic about things.


Then last night after I went to bed, a crack head walked into our apartment, sat down a laptop and started talking about crack.

My friends told him it was the wrong apartment.

I woke up and went outside.

In time to see the hippie girl's boyfriend buy crack and go to the downstairs neighbors apartment.

And the dude who walked into my apartment followed.


As I was going to work this morning, I saw the same dude, still awake.

Wandering around looking shady.

The downstairs crack heads sold their truck for crack money.

Things like that make me know that they are not above doing anything for drugs.

Including stealing my fancies.


Point being, nothing changed.

She is not willing to clean up her lifestyle.

We are not finacially able to move right now.


I'm just going to bring home baseball bats and look into getting a security camera.

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


Fuck that dude came into your house. Knows you got a laptop knows the other shit you got in your house is gonna break in. Bats are going to put you in jail and security cameras arent going to do shit. I could just keep calling till some shit happens.


I may sound hypocritical because I have wandered into peoples houses and fell asleep but dude was wide saw what you have and whats on a crack heads mind? 1. CRACK 2.WAYS TO GET MONEY FOR CRACK...

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Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch?


oh that's funny. crackhead forums. top ten threads in a crackhead forum:


1. better ways to suck dick and get paid

2. i have lips that look like powdered donuts

3. ooot ooot ooot! i've got shoelaces

4. Diss the person above you thread

5. white girls do the shake shake shake

6. how much for this cheeseburger?

7. how to use excel to manage your crack money

8. how to shave your bunions with a swiss army knife

9. sandals vs. sneakers

10. why does my brain itch?


bloodfart --break into their house, steal their shit, sell it, move out.

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