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Top 12 5ozers You Don't Like

Weapon X

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Re: Top 5 12ozers You Don't Like


1. Gliko, approves of nothing but himself. Too cool for the internet and trancends life, yet is still here.


2. Seeking, just cause.


3. Some 1, Used ot be obviously preppy and didn't pretend to be otherwise, and now is up in all the threads saying Nigga this nigga that, and posting hats that say Hustla in Duty Free and New Balance 574 hat combos.


4. ILBC, I actually don't know how I feel, it doesn't matter, but sometimes he has a I know everything and the secret to life and I just like to fuck girls and that's it I'm so cute but I don't know it shhhhh...Atittude, but this is the internet so everyone does, I don't really get annoyed to much on her so your on the list?


5. ABC, I like him, but he hates agreeing, and probably me.



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Re: Top 5 12ozers You Don't Like


Weapon XXX, it's kinda ironic that you started a thread such as this one because you are the SOLE member on 12oz that I don't like simply because you're an Arabic, curry smelling shitbag who also just happens to be an assclown

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Re: Top 5 12ozers You Don't Like


(lens sent me a message on myspace and asked me politely to post this here)



Dear 12oz,


It has been a long time since I was completely barred from these boards but when it came to my attention that I made your latest “Who do you hate most on 12oz?” thread, I was ecstatic to learn I topped the list.


In absentia I still prove the capability to infuriate and enrage a lot of you….some who have even gone as far as deleting folks from your myspace profiles for just associating with me. Aaron Gombar and I laugh at you jerks off here in sunny exile.


I’d like to sum up that I get laid a lot more with hotter girls than 95% of you animals. Your hatred of me is my cocaine.




The one and only Lens "

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Re: Top 5 12ozers You Don't Like



4. ILBC, I actually don't know how I feel, it doesn't matter, but sometimes he has a I know everything and the secret to life and I just like to fuck girls and that's it I'm so cute but I don't know it shhhhh...Atittude, but this is the internet so everyone does, I don't really get annoyed to much on her so your on the list?







haha wait what? let me address everything here.


i do know the secret to life. i will share it with you. the secret to life is to have fun, period. fuck everything else. fuck making money when it stresses you out. um, i cant think of anything else to fuck. but you get the idea im sure.


i dont just fuck girls. i look for actual relationships, but most girls are way too clingy and so my relationships dont last long. sometimes i do get in the mood to just go around and fuck random girls, in which case i try to. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt.


i dont understand the whole cute thing but i dont know it. i know i look good. i know girls want me and i know i have a good personality.


i love you though, kniggas.

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Re: Top 5 12ozers You Don't Like


haha, ok. lens its time to get called out. i let it go for a long time because i didnt want people to know how much of an idiot you were, but here goes a couple things i can think of.



1. the first day i hung out with mimi you told her "me and ilb are like best friends, we hang out like every day" when in actuality i had only met you once or twice before and both times were months apart.


2. we were at a party, you saw vizie doing a tag and you offered him your marker on some straight gay shit. for real god. me and whoever else was there laughed for days about that. actually one of the main reasons we continued hanging out with you for that long is because you did so much stupid shit. you were like a never ending bottle of hilarity.


3. homie, how are you going to lie like you fuck hella girls? every time we went to a bar you didnt pull 1 chick. ever. not one. you'd start talking to them, you'd say something wrong, they'd turn to me and start talking to me and ask me why you're such a douche.


4. you're 30 and you still have an asian fetish.




that is all.

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Re: Top 5 12ozers You Don't Like


Haha, I like how you got all pissed and pulled his card and he didn't even say shit, nor is he even here anymore. And I don't mean that in a dissing you way. But it was just random funny.


1. I misunderstood, you have my blessings.


2. I am not ashamed of KniggazInDemStreets, Kill Innocent Darfur Survivors.


3. I just have a picture of you in my head wearing sunglasses and smoking cloves and just depressingly scoffing at everything you post, and I will probably not shake that, but now I kinda think your cool, not that it matters. Cool.

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Re: Top 5 12ozers You Don't Like


hahaha. that is a sweet picture, i would address that too but id much rather you think of me like that.


also i wasnt saying it so that you would be ashamed, i was one of the first ones to applaud you on joining 12oz with that kniggaz name. you said some funny shit.

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