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You will survive: study


By Julie Steenhuysen Tue Aug 21, 9:52 AM ET


CHICAGO (Reuters) - Despite the laments of pining pop stars and sad sack poets, U.S. researchers now think breaking up may not be so hard to do.




"We underestimate our ability to survive heartbreak," said Eli Finkel, an assistant professor of psychology at Northwestern University, whose study appears online in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Finkel and colleague Paul Eastwick studied young lovers -- especially those who profess ardent affection -- to see if their predictions of devastation matched their actual angst when that love was lost.

"On average, people overestimate how distressed they will be following a breakup," Finkel said in a telephone interview.

The nine-month study involved college students who had been dating at least two months who filled out questionnaires every two weeks. They gathered data from 26 people -- 10 women and 16 men -- who broke up with their partners during the first six months of the study.

The participants' forecasts of distress two weeks before the breakup were compared to their actual experience as recorded over four different periods of time.

Not surprisingly, they found the more people were in love, the harder they took the breakup.

"People who are more in love really are a little more upset after a breakup, but their perceptions about how distraught they will be are dramatically overstated when compared to reality," Finkel said.

"At the end of the day it, it is just less bad than you thought."





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thats not true. i dated a girl for 6 years, i thought id be fine after it all went down. son, i quit my job didnt eat and just painted for about 9 months straight. i was soo fucked up during that time. i could sleep for about an hour at a time, so usually i didnt even bother going home i'd just go to sleep where i was at and then keep on going. shit was excellent.


well it was excellent now that i look back on it, but back then i was out of my mind.

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thats not true. i dated a girl for 6 years, i thought id be fine after it all went down. son, i quit my job didnt eat and just painted for about 9 months straight. i was soo fucked up during that time. i could sleep for about an hour at a time, so usually i didnt even bother going home i'd just go to sleep where i was at and then keep on going. shit was excellent.


well it was excellent now that i look back on it, but back then i was out of my mind.


daaaaaaaaaumn son

over the edge

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thats not true. i dated a girl for 6 years, i thought id be fine after it all went down. son, i quit my job didnt eat and just painted for about 9 months straight. i was soo fucked up during that time. i could sleep for about an hour at a time, so usually i didnt even bother going home i'd just go to sleep where i was at and then keep on going. shit was excellent.


well it was excellent now that i look back on it, but back then i was out of my mind.


dang man, her pussy must have been the living end

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It's always the most unstable, out of your mind times when you get the most bombing and painting in, isn't it?


me and my homey where speaking about this the other day.

went something like.


what writer who gets up crazy like a maniac is not on drugs or has some sort of hate life situation.

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Why didn't they do this for marriages?

This study is a crock of shit, as far as I am concerned.

I mean they took it at a college!! Isn't that where there are so many women around if you fuck the same one more than once you are in the minority? Or is my perception of US campuses wayy off?

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Why didn't they do this for marriages?

This study is a crock of shit, as far as I am concerned.

I mean they took it at a college!! Isn't that where there are so many women around if you fuck the same one more than once you are in the minority? Or is my perception of US campuses wayy off?


That sounds kinda right. College kids are for the most part pretty dumb. I saw on the news just the other day they're the most susceptible to identity theft. Also, 2 months in a relationship can hardly be called a relationship, seriously how hard can it be to be like, "Well see ya ol' no-name bitch."

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Exactly Dhabz, that is right.

Most of my relationships last around that sorta time length, by then they usually catch onto the fact I don't want to put up with bullshit lies, or can't be bothered doing anything with them or it is gonna go nowhere so it is a mutual agreement to part ways.

But yeah, I don't believe this for a second

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I think anyone who knows me at all knows what Imma say about this situation


We broke up after 2 years, and I've been freakin the fuck out for the last 3 months or so. Right now I'm doing OK, but the first month was brutal....I couldn't eat, called out or left work early everyday, I could only sleep with ALOT of vodka and Nyquil, I got into a few really brutal fights (including her new boyfriend and his bestfriend), and I was having full blown, crying like an emo faggot, psychotic, emotional breakdowns every couple of days.


Fuck breakups.

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How the fuck do you get such a strong "connection" with a girl that you guys go crazy like that after she dumps your ass?


There's other girls out there that will fuck you all Sunday.


I don't know...women are just silly human beings with tits, and they don't matter to me as much as Tony Romo's arm when staying in the pocket. I respect them, but next time you wanna cry over a girl, think about Zimbabwe or Chechnya or that mom that gets the word that her son died in a drunk driving accident.

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How the fuck do you get such a strong "connection" with a girl that you guys go crazy like that after she dumps your ass?


There's other girls out there that will fuck you all Sunday.


I don't know...women are just silly human beings with tits, and they don't matter to me as much as Tony Romo's arm when staying in the pocket. I respect them, but next time you wanna cry over a girl, think about Zimbabwe or Chechnya or that mom that gets the word that her son died in a drunk driving accident.



In some ways I feel bad for people who are incapable of caring about a girl (like my brother)


Other times, I realize your life is so much easier than mine


Edit: Don't take this like I'm the kinda dude who falls in love with every girl i meet, cuz I'm far from it. I've treated moreeeee than my fair share of girls like nothing but accessories, but sometimes one comes along that just fucks your whole view on life all up

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In some ways I feel bad for people who are incapable of caring about a girl (like my brother)


Other times, I realize your life is so much easier than mine


Edit: Don't take this like I'm the kinda dude who falls in love with every girl i meet, cuz I'm far from it. I've treated moreeeee than my fair share of girls like nothing but accessories, but sometimes one comes along that just fucks your whole view on life all up


I hear that. A part of me kinda wants to feel that one day. But in the mean time, the only thinking I'll do of a girl is those subconscious thoughts of sex we get ever three seconds, according to scientists, or whatever..

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