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dane cook is not funny.............


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dane cook sucks.


george carlin would kick his ass in a street fight.


Yes, george carlin is funny as hell, I read his book napalm and silly putty, very educational. Dane Cook on the other hand, is not that funny. I will admit that I laugh at his shit sometimes, when the topic of the joke is something I can relate to. Like when he was talking about throwing up, and being sick. You stay home and watch the price is right. Bob has been dead since the 80's and he comes out hanging by strings, the big wheel is filled with blood. That was making me laugh.

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dane cook is almost as bad as russell peters who is almost as bad as carlos mencia, because he is bad in a somewhat original way, whereas they simply fall short of dave chapelle


Carlos Mencia is NOT original, dude is so fucking annoying. His jokes are week as fuck too.


He really needs to give up on the whole “I’m Spanish” thing.

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he was right though about when you're out somewhere, and you ask someone to take your photo for you, they all-of-a-sudden act like they've never seen a camera before.


"what am i supposed to do what is this, hold on do i... wait... what button do i push?"


"bitch the button on top, where it's always been since the beginning of time"

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No you laugh because he yells at everything but then that proceeds to get annoying. The art of joke telling is a lost item with most comedians today.....


No, his voice isnt that funny to me. I just thought of Bob actually being dead hanging by strings, and that big wheel being filled with blood. That is my kind of humor


Everything else I dont really care for.


I was also drunk last night and dont remember what else he said.

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Carlos Mencia is NOT original, dude is so fucking annoying. His jokes are week as fuck too.


He really needs to give up on the whole “I’m Spanish” thing.


no, i meant Dane Cook is some what original, at least in his super annoying delivery, although the Louis CK theft is confirmed. carlos mencia has a special place in hell waiting for him, when he finally chokes on that final burrito while making a joke about a black midget. Carlos Mencia is accepted as a 'brother' by certain contingents of the arian brotherhood. Fact. And, Eddie Murphy is far from the best ever, since, at the very least, he does Richard Pryor jokes, but isn't as funny as Richard Pryor. Not even close

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I have been hating Dane Cook since i first saw him win that comedy central showdown or whatever and he got number 1, and i just fucking hate that guy. Anyone can flip out on stage and be a moron, the people i know who like him only started watching stand up because of dane cook. carlos mencia sucks as well.

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