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Have you crackheads ever tried to sell a bitch to someone?!


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Alright I moved to the ghetto. I know what your saying but Psalm Juan arent you translucent?! Yes this dude be white as hell knaw mean? So what am I doign in the ghetto? I dunno the town no body thinks is ghetto they think its pretty white folk but I moved into the one ghetto area. It looked nice when we were looking at the apt for the first time!


So everytime I go to my apt some stupid shit happens that white people dont do...Am I being racist no. I grew up with ghetto kids I know the distinctions between the too...


Yo last night I am chilling with my friend eatting dinner watching Ultimate Fighter we are blazed chillen. There had been yelling and screaming banging of things from the people below me my friends like "do you think they want us to turn the tv down?" I say "no the jamaican dude down stairs plays reggae music with the bass turned all the way up till 1am sometimes its only freakin 930pm we are straight."


Two seconds later I get banging on my door...mind you I am blazzed so this freaked us teh fuck out...




Me: Dude what the fuck its 930 at night are we bein to loud?

JamaicanDude: Nah man its ok caint eben eaaaar you down stairs...

Me:Uhh ok the whats up what do you want?

JamaicanDude: (looking around sketched out like) Nah ay wnt to know does you want to buy a laptop mon!?

Me:WTF!? DUDE ITS 930!!! Where the fuck you get a laptop!?

JamaicanDude:Whatcha taulkin bout mon i got a warehouse full a dem!


JamaicanDude:I got hp dell mon I got dis one right eerr (whips out laptop)

Me: dude I got no cash on me or in my house I dont need alaptop either

JamaicanDude: Aight mon see ya tomooorrroow


WTF?! how random is that I was so confused this dude just jacked somebodies laptop fuckin crack heads....

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


i was at a tattoo shop my boy worked at when a crackhead came in and tried to sell us a cd book he had stolen out of my room mate's car.


i would have beat his ass, but i didn't want to catch anything.

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


My bestfriend who turned into a crackhead sold his guitar and amp for like 40 bucks to my other friend. We joke about it constantly asking him how much he wants for his tv, computer, etc.

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


i have some crazy crack head stories. one of em was tryin to bum money off me. she was like "uh need some formuhla for my baby" but she was pushin around a cabbage patch kid in a stroller

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!




O-Dog: You got some money or not?

Basehead: Come on, man. You kmow I'm a little short. Hook me up, man.

O-Dog: Nigga, hook you up? Fuck outta here.

Basehead: Man, I got these cheeseburgers. They some double cheeseburgers.

O-Dog: Nigga, I just ate. I just ate. If you ain't got no money, you just assed out.

Basehead: [as O-Dog was leaving] Come on, man. I'll suck your dick, man.

O-Dog: The fuck you just said?

Basehead: I said I'll suck your dick, man. Come on now.

O-Dog: [shoots basehead] Suck on that, you bitch-ass trick.

[to A-Wax]

O-Dog: Anybody want a hamburger?

A-Wax: I don't want no motherfucking hamburger.

O-Dog: I got it from that basehead.

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


this fucked up chick came over to us while we were painting a wall. She was eating french fries from the chinese spot. She walks up to **** and is like " uze got nice eyes. I like'z the color..... can I touch your eye?" **** reples. " No. Can I have a fry?" She walked away. Came back an hour later trying to sell a top loading VCR. Weird day.

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


Yup, on maxwell str. market.

She tried to smell me a bottle of Coolwater Colgne for $3, but I think her goal for that

day was spraying her piss on white people. Mannn that stunk.

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!




O-Dog: ....... you just assed out.


Oh snap, I have not heard that term in a looong time.



As for crack heads.... living in Rogers Park (Chi) for 6 years, well, hell, I got too many stories. I still can't believe half of the shit I have seen.

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


I don't buy shit from crackheads generally, but I got no problem buying stolen merch off scumbags


I don't really chill in my hood much these days, but my sister still does constantly, so she always knows someone with some ill stolen shit


I'm gunna miss actually racking myself :(

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


A homeless black man tried to sell my bf and I an iron from the bus stop while we were in our car.


I thought about acting like we were interested and having him come up to our window....then speed away!

....just to fuck with him

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Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?!


Where have you been living your entire life?


There are people who constantly come up to me and my friends asking us if we want to buy something, from shoes, watches, suits, leather jackets to wallets.... everything.


I actually built my empire on stolen goods...

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