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Anbody here ever been to rehab???


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wasnt the mod gieko sxe ahwile ago? i dunno, my minds a bit scrambled myself..

i be on suboxone nowadays...been to rehab twice (inpatient) and once outpatient...i agree that you dont have to go there to be get sober...you have to want it.

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They tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no'

Yes I've been black but when I come back you'll know know know

I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine

He's tried to make me go to rehab but I won't go go go


I'd rather be at home with ray

I ain't got seventeen days

Coz there's nothing

There's nothing you can teach me

That I can't learn from mr hathaway


I didn't get al lucky at class

But I know it don't come in a shot glass


They tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no'

Yes I've been black but when I come back you'll know know know

I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine

He's tried to make me go to rehab but I won't go go go


The man said 'why do you think you here'

I said 'I got no idea

I'm gonna, I'm gonna lose my baby

so I always keep a bottle near'

He said 'I just think your depressed,

kiss me here baby and go rest'


They tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no'

Yes I've been black but when I come back you'll know know know

I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine

He's tried to make me go to rehab but I won't go go go


I don't ever wanna drink again

I just ooh I just need a friend

I'm not gonna spend ten weeks

have everyone think I'm on the mend


It's not just my pride

It's just til these tears have dried


They tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no'

Yes I've been black but when I come back you'll know know know

I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine

He's tried to make me go to rehab but I won't go go go

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I had a friend with a somewhat bad drug problem...I told him if he ever touched the shit again I was gunna crack his fuckin head and then cut him out of my life. He's been pretty damn good since then, a few minor relapses but a couple of good slaps usually straighten him out after those

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rehab is about replacing one habit with another. in most cases, the other habit is god whorship. if you're not down with god, pick something (like chess, for example) and throw yourself into it. if you're going to be addicted, you may as well choose your addiction.


i agree with this. fuck this rehab stuff and just get with it on your own, you can do it. get addicted to graffiti. become a tie and fuck everything else. id say that's not such a bad idea.

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yea it is very expensive...the union insurance plan takes care of that for myself..

suboxone has been a godsend for myself...true its trading one addiction for another (buprenorphine is an opiate, sch.lll), but id rather be using this and actually living my life, vs being dopesick half the day and trying to get money and score pills/dope the rest..pm if you (or anyone else) gots some questions...ive been on methadone before and im hoping suboxone is the final step ill take for full sobriety.


Ive thought about goin on suboxen...I have no insurance and the shit is mad expensive...Well see what happens...Fuckin oxy contin...Oh well...
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My aunt got me that AA book for either my 15th or 16th birthday. She looked at me with a sarcastic shit eating grin and asked "do you like it?" like she was getting joy out of pointing out the fact I was a fuck up in front of the rest of the family. I was fucking pissed.

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i got conned into going to a meeting once. i thought those guys were severly demented. aa seems like some kinda brainwashing type cult or some shit. all holding hands and saying prayers? wtf? give me a drink for christs sake. i can take mass quantities of all drinks without acting like a total fuckwad, except straight vodka. i know that so i dont fuck with straight vodka. end of story. thats all i need to know to control my alcohol. thats all you need. do what you can handle junior.

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suboxone is weak shit. for pussies. methadone is equally as gay. just kick cold turkey or dont kick at all. i don't like people who cant devote themselves to anything. if youre going do do dope... go all the way. if you want to quit... quit all the way. suboxone and methadone are for lukewarm lifestyles.

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suboxone is really good compared to fuckin methadone that is shit you might wana start on methadone but never stay on the shit for longer than a year or so switch to suboxone if you really want to live a normal life again


yes, exactly..but i would even say a year on methadone is to long..if i had the choice again, i would opt for the 21 day methadone taper, then switch over to sub a few days later.


doug : i respect your view..i tried numerous times to quit CT, but couldnt stay sober for a respectable amount of time...i tip my hat off to you sir if you can do it successfully and maintain sobriety.

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There's no hope in dope.


On 9/11 I got my foot melon balled.

The size of a quarter and 1/2 inch deep.

I was in the hospital for two weeks.

My one-legged boyfriend would bring me dope a few times a day.

The nurses knew.

When you have insurance, you can get away with a lot.


That whole ordeal didn't make me quit shooting dope.

It didn't even make me quit shooting dope in my feet.


Od'ing dozens of times and being brought back from the brink of death didn't make me quit.


Spending 2 1/2 years in prison didn't make me quit.


Living in alleys and sleeping in doorways didn't make me quit.


Killing all my veins so that it would be a 45 minute blood bath just to find a working vein wasn't enough to make me quit.


The only thing that did was my niece.

And not wanting to be the reason she had a shit child hood.


everyone needs a reason to quit.

most people need help in quitting.

I don't think the reason or the method really matter.

Just as long as it works.

And you get your life back.

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