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deterrent, for the 18th time, what's up on colon blow?


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The Colonblow 3-Pack is going to allow you to Colonblow three times, about 10 days apart. This 10-day format is a great approach if this is your first introduction to Colonblow. Keep in mind, you don't stop eating, so thereafter, you can Colonblow every 30-60 days to provide a consistent targeting of long-term waste.



what? that sounds odd and mad homo

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So, before I went to Maui My girl Elizabeth never order the

shit to get me shitting. I still very much am all about this. I'll

keep you posted but for the mean time, I'll create a My Maui

Vacation Photo thread, and it does include outdoors pooping!


Here couple sample pictures, it may be a while before I make the thread,

I have 1200 photos to edit down and my flight back to chicago leaves tonight.







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It made me laugh cause it made me think of something I would do. Fuck $10 fru fru tiki drinks at the club, give me a 12 pack of cheap beer and a few shooters of e&j and I'm on vacation.


edit*don't get me wrong, tiki drinks, when made proper, can destroy you.

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Nothing like a beautiful, pristine shore and blue skies accompanied by a can of "OLD STYLE".


OLDSTYLE isn't even sold on the island, I had the check a 30 pack at the airport northside.. chicago.. cubs.. what.. Just got home Photo thread to come.....:)

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read this to a melody:


drinkin earlier in the evening

couldve gone paintin but im burnt to a crisp

fuck yall nigbots outright hatin

i didnt go to wendys but i couldve


read it to a melody, D.





thowing up on that bitch

just drank a 30 pack

thowing up on that bitch

just drank a 30 pack

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