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i wonder what all the gun advocates that are satisfied with the lax gun laws will say as an excuse since it's shown that he bought these guns legally. what will their excuses be.


i wonder what gun advocates like casek will say. probably something about how bush planned it so he can use this incident as a precursor to invade north korea

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If everyone was armed all the time it'd be the fucking old west again. People getting shot for not paying their tab. People getting shot for cheating at cards and shit. You might be surprised how many more crimes of passion there would be. Everyone loses it at some point. Hopefully you aren't armed to the teeth when you do lose it and have some time to let the feelings subside and think more rationally.


cowboys were the shit. I bet youd think twice about cheating at cards. and thats the point.

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... with guns.



And bombs and knives, and axes, chainsaws, molotov coctails and a million other things.



And do you really think the death toll would have been anywhere near 32 if somebody, anybody in those classrooms had a gun too? Do you think he would have been so confident that he could just walk into a school and just start blasting at random if it wasn't illegal for anybody else to have a gun to fight back? I'm pretty sure that those that founded America would agree that this wouldn't have happened if people were still allowed the freedom that comes with the 2nd amendment.



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i wonder what all the gun advocates that are satisfied with the lax gun laws will say as an excuse since it's shown that he bought these guns legally. what will their excuses be.


"Lax gun laws" is an oxymoron. It's not as easy as the media portrays for any nut to just walk into a store and buy a gun. It's actually alot easier to get a gun illegaly than legaly. So your statement makes no sense.

And like I've already said, if other "law obiding" citezens were packing too... this along with alot of other fucked up shit wouldn't have gone down the way it did.

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RIP to alot of people... but ESPECIALY to professor Liviu Librescu.






"Don't miss Seth Leibsohn's short piece on Professor Liviu Librescu who was among those killed at Virginia Tech yesterday. Professor Librescu is also the subject of the Jerusalem Post article Scott linked to below.


Seth notes that Librescu, a holocaust survivor, sacrificed his life to save his students. He was shot while blocking the door to his classroom, while students jumped out the window. More than sixty years after his liberation, the rescued became the rescuer.


In a 1974 speech in which he introduced returning POW John McCain to the CPAC convention, Ronald Reagan asked where we find such men. He answered, "We [find] them in our streets, in the offices, the shops and the working places of our country and on the farms." Professor Librescu's heroism reminds us that we also find them among those who come to this country from other lands."


UPDATE: At NRO, a former student remembers Professor Librescu.

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And Yet There Are Heroes


It's important to see heroism in tragedy, too. A 77-year old Aeronautical Engineering professor who survived the Holocaust in Romania moves to Israel and comes to America on sabbatical. He decides to stay here. He adopts this country as his own, and helps save America by saving Americans--by putting himself between the gunman and his students. He survived Hitler and died in Blacksburg, but he died a hero.


Israeli professor of Romanian origin Liviu Librescu numbers among those killed in the Virginia Tech University massacre on Monday. According to the International Herald Tribune, Librescu sacrificed his life to save his students. He had blocked the access to the his class so that students can run from the attacker.


Librescu, 77, was teaching at the Virginia Tech University for 20 years.


Israeli media also announce the death of Liviu Librescu. The online edition of the Jerusalem Post reports that he was shot to death, while ynetnews.com writes that he was killed during his attempt to block the access to the class.


Alec Calhoun, a student who witnessed his death, told the Associated Press that he saw his teacher blocking the door to the class while some of her colleagues were hiding, while others were jumping out of the window.


The professor had been driven to school by his wife less than an hour before he was shot.


AP writes that his wife Marlina and sons Arieh and Joe have already started to prepare for his burial in Israel.His daughter-in-law Ayala has said the professor was very passionate of his work and a dedicated family man, while University colleagues described him as a "real gentleman".


Liviu Librescu graduated the Politechnical University in Bucharest in 1952 with a specialization in aeronautical engineering. In 1972, he received the Traian Vuia Award of the Romanian Academy of Sciences.


In 1979-1886 he served as mechanical engineering professor at the Tel Aviv University.


According to ynetnews.com, he and his wife were survivors of the Holocaust who immigrated to Israel from Romania in 1978.


The-then communist regime in Bucharest did not allow him to leave the country, but that became possible after Israeli PM of the time, Menachem Begin, pressed Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu to let him go.


Several years later he left for the US. He has teached mechanical engineering at the Virginia university since 1986.


He was awarded Doctor Honoris Causa of the Politechnical University in Bucharest In 2000.

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And bombs and knives, and axes, chainsaws, molotov coctails and a million other things.



And do you really think the death toll would have been anywhere near 32 if somebody, anybody in those classrooms had a gun too? Do you think he would have been so confident that he could just walk into a school and just start blasting at random if it wasn't illegal for anybody else to have a gun to fight back? I'm pretty sure that those that founded America would agree that this wouldn't have happened if people were still allowed the freedom that comes with the 2nd amendment.




i dont really want to get in to this , but im pretty sure if i was in the mind state to walk into a school and start blasting with the only real outcome for me at the end of it being dead, i probably wouldnt give a fuck if kids could stop me or not, it would only make things more dangerous.

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i really dont understand how people dont see anything wrong when a seriously mentally unstable person is able to legally obain weapons for a massacre. in turn, thinking that if everyone had a gun, the situation would be better.




Legally, he was not allowed to obtain a gun, because he had been involuntarily institutionalized at a psychiatric hospital. That bars a person from buying a gun. He lied on his application, and because psychiatric records are often hard to obtain, he passed the background check.

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i really dont understand how people dont see anything wrong when a seriously mentally unstable person is able to legally obain weapons for a massacre. in turn, thinking that if everyone had a gun, the situation would be better.



some people are straight up faggot retards is all

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i really dont understand how people dont see anything wrong when a seriously mentally unstable person is able to legally obain weapons for a massacre. in turn, thinking that if everyone had a gun, the situation would be better.




I really don't understand how people can see anything wrong with law obiding citezens being alowed to exercise their constitutional right to have the ability to defend themselves and others around them from nutjobs that will openly rampage with guns (or other shit) that they WILL obtain either legaly or illegaly.

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i dont really want to get in to this , but im pretty sure if i was in the mind state to walk into a school and start blasting with the only real outcome for me at the end of it being dead, i probably wouldnt give a fuck if kids could stop me or not, it would only make things more dangerous.


But it would also end up with alot less inoscent people dead in the end.

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