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300 - we run deep


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i mean shit, we didnt go to see that movie for the impressive acting, we went to the movie to see mother fuckers get owned for like an hour straight, and the movie served that purpose very well


agreed. i went for the amazing visuals and to see battles, ass-whoopings, etc.


anyone who went and left criticizing the plot and storyline and were mad worried about the method acting formats or the stanislavsky system should be shot.


it will get some bad reviews and won't win "best picture" or "best director" or "best actor" because the critics like artfag movie shit that involves some kind of a romantic drama or something about a retarded kid overcoming odds. it may win "best visual effects" though.

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agreed. i went for the amazing visuals and to see battles, ass-whoopings, etc.


anyone who went and left criticizing the plot and storyline and were mad worried about the method acting formats or the stanislavsky system should be shot.


it will get some bad reviews and won't win "best picture" or "best director" or "best actor" because the critics like artfag movie shit that involves some kind of a romantic drama or something about a retarded kid overcoming odds. it may win "best visual effects" though.


nah dog, dont get me wrong, i just expected something more similar to gladiator, something that wasnt solely visual effects.

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dude, if it was based on actual historical events then i'd understand. but the movie had goblins and orcs and 10 foot tall god-kings and other fantastical shit. so the movie is fiction, not part of ancient history. all they did was was loosely base it on the battle of thermopylae. but the fact that they showed persians and blacks allied and in the same boat with evil zombies, monsters, and demons would definitely stroke negative racial connotations.


what one of your fellow greeks said:


Greek critic Dimitris Danikas criticized the movie for showing Persians as "bloodthirsty, underdeveloped zombies," and went on to say, "They are stroking [sic] racist instincts in Europe and America."



Frank Miller's comic did not have any zombies or orcs, or anything like that. Strange that they'd add them. I still haven't seen the movie so I can't say my opinion but I am looking forward to it.


Try and find the NPR review, it probably holds all the stereotypes about NPR from a homosexual, liberal reviewer who doesn't like violence, doesn't like gore, doesn't like manly-posturing, doesn't like yelling, and holds pity for people who "think they just want an entertaining movie and don't care about the violence" because "this just isn't the time to glorify war".


I wanted to kick him into a well and yell "SPARTA".

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My friend told me thtat if we started fighting with spears he'd fuckin love to join the army and kill some motherfuckers?


But this movie looked great and was fucking awesome to watch, but I think the talking scenes were just for bathroom breaks.


bathroom breaks indeed. had to piss like a racehorse considering the fact i got in with 2 24oz seirra nevadas. Nothing like a crisp beer and people getting speared to make you feel just that more manlier.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
my what? i don't have sparta abs.


im calling bullshit !


Anyways you still owe me soda money for one autographed picture of me no shirt drinking said soda....


until I receive payment no free shows.....

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I figured you, more than anyone else on 12oz, would actually love that combination.



Because I have such a soft heart.

You are correct.

The baby laughing did make me smile.

But then it made dude mad.

And he decides how I feel about everything.

So, what he hates, I hate.


Not so much.


It just made me mad that some jerk would actually bring their kids to see this movie.

Bad parents are my enemy.

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this movie kicked major persian ass!!!


I was worried at first when I sat down at the theater, it was filled with a buch of little fuckers, I was like damn is this shit pg-13!!!


After an hour into the film I was like damn the little ones are going to have nightmares tonight!!!!

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I don't know.. trying to play that this is somehow trying to influence kids to join the millitary is rediculous. First of all, its a movie made after a graphic novel. They didn't just come up with it. The graphic Novel was based on the movie "the 300 Spartans".

Second, I'd feel like the invading Presians trying to stick their nose into everything is more like America than anything. Not the greatly outnumber force of 300 people.

And all the bitching about the masculinity and all that....sorry..thats closer to how people acted. The Spartan Army is still to this day a model for military forces everywhere.

Try to think in context of things.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
I don't know.. trying to play that this is somehow trying to influence kids to join the millitary is rediculous. First of all, its a movie made after a graphic novel. They didn't just come up with it. The graphic Novel was based on the movie "the 300 Spartans".

Second, I'd feel like the invading Presians trying to stick their nose into everything is more like America than anything. Not the greatly outnumber force of 300 people.

And all the bitching about the masculinity and all that....sorry..thats closer to how people acted. The Spartan Army is still to this day a model for military forces everywhere.

Try to think in context of things.


Actually most of are modern army take traditions from the Legionaries of Rome :p

































....which is based on Greek influences

























.....which had Sparta in it.

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