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the un official workout thread


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I havent worked out in a year and a half, but im slowly getting back into it, and im trying to do it right.


I stopped because i felt like i built myself up all wrong. Poor posture, weak lower back, arms srugged forward. I also hit a serious plateu in cardio as I'd get winded after an hour and coudnt continue. As much as guys like to "Build for strength not looks." There's a lot to be said about someone who maintains flexibility mobility and posture, yet is still very strong.


Tuesday & Thursday

-1.3 hours yoga (focused mostly on correcting posture)

-1.3 hours weight training (calisthenics and kettlebells)

-1.3 hours lap swimming


And I too am on something of a ketogenic diet. I dont know if i have chron's disease but my body does have a hard time digesting breads and starches. Also horrible indigestion.



Oh and here's a few of my friend's videos.



And his website: http://thebarunion.com/


Small guy. Big on calisthenics. Im going to try to implement as much calistenics as

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A. Take 20 minutes to work up to a 1-rep max muscle-up (using the weight vest).


B. Take 50% of your 1-rep max and perform two sets of max-rep muscle-ups with that weight, resting two minutes between sets.


C. Perform three sets of max-rep handstand push-ups or push-ups with two minutes of rest in between.




todays WOD

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At first it was iffy.

Takes about 10 days to get used to it.

Strange feelings in your head, lethargy, etc...

Now I'm back to feeling normal and actually prefer it.

No more random hunger pangs or spikes in energy.

Plus you get Friday and Saturday to look forward to for your carb ups and booze.


So what you just eat meat and eggs and drink water during the week days?

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I'm not into running much, but when I do sprints in the indoor soccer field at the gym I go to... I get this soreness for like a week between the top of my ankle and the bottom of my calf, I think that's your soleus muscle? I feel it any time I stand up or walk around.


What can I do to fix this?


I stretch before and after I run, but it doesn't help.

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I'm not into running much, but when I do sprints in the indoor soccer field at the gym I go to... I get this soreness for like a week between the top of my ankle and the bottom of my calf, I think that's your soleus muscle? I feel it any time I stand up or walk around.


What can I do to fix this?


I stretch before and after I run, but it doesn't help.



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so im just gonna for out the money to go the gym lift shit and box i can never stick to it at home and a mate invited me to his spot for a free month trial so ill see how that goes i need to stick to it regardless of wheather my shoulder is up for the challenge.


once you get through the first three weeks... you'll get a second wind... once you get around the three month spot if you push through and stick with it you will have developed a habit and will 99% of the time stick with your routine. i've been going steady now and am about to start some krav maga classes soon.

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I'm not into running much, but when I do sprints in the indoor soccer field at the gym I go to... I get this soreness for like a week between the top of my ankle and the bottom of my calf, I think that's your soleus muscle? I feel it any time I stand up or walk around.


What can I do to fix this?


I stretch before and after I run, but it doesn't help.


I used to have the same problem, the only way i get rid of it was 2 keep walking... i tried stretching, ice, hot tub, everything. After walking for a day or two i felt it start to go away.




Oh and if somebody wants 2 help me out, whats the best home workout 2 get rid of a beer belly?? Im fat.

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I flipped a motorcycle at 140 mph and landed on my knee, so running after didn't go over well. My knee would swell up quick and made it impossible to continue running. The reality tho was that my hips were weak and therefore out of alignment, resulting in too much force on the knee joint, so i started doing yoga. It's worked miracles.



Working out should always have a major emphasis on balancing muscle groups out. If you do the biceps, do the triceps, If you work the pecs, you gotta do the back. If you don't you end up unbalancing the muscles in your body, which adversely affects all the other muscles in your body which need to overcompensate for muscles which overcompensate for weak muscles and so on. Everything is internally related.

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Working out should always have a major emphasis on balancing muscle groups out. If you do the biceps, do the triceps, If you work the pecs, you gotta do the back. If you don't you end up unbalancing the muscles in your body, which adversely affects all the other muscles in your body which need to overcompensate for muscles which overcompensate for weak muscles and so on. Everything is internally related.


That doesn't happen so much if you stick to non-isolation exercises. Like if you do whole body movements, your body knows what's up.



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Funny. I was gonna ask you about that tire and the sledgehammer.


I haven't built my sled. Decided to look around for a flat sheet of metal (found),

some piping, and something to use as runners. Now I need to cut the metal sheet

and bend it, weld, etc.


Here's 20 of the best fitness blogs:



and the girls of Gorilla Fitness.....


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That doesn't happen so much if you stick to non-isolation exercises. Like if you do whole body movements, your body knows what's up.


Thats completely not true. Most people, regardless if they even workout at all, have bad posture. Thats because we spend most of our lives sitting, hunched over in cars, at work, on bicycles etc. Various sports are notorious for making athletes with bad posture like boxers, MMA fighters, etc. Even the amount you wear shoes can throw off your musculoskeletal system.


And isolation exercises don't lead to bad posture. People who dont isolate and work out the corresponding muscle have bad posture... which is almost every dude in the gym. Guys love to only work out the parts that they can see.

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What's the one thing you always see guys doing in the gym? Presses. What's the last thing you ever see guys doing in the gym? Back exercises. What's the result? Most guys look gawky with their shoulders rolled forward and huge traps. Reason for this is because as you work out and tire the pecs, the deltoids and traps have to overcompensate, extending further forward. Then other muscles have to compensate for those muscles and so on.

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Yeah. All calisthenics. They love it because they dont have to work out in a gym to exercise. There's also something very ego-massaging about misusing equipment to do exercises nobody's ever seen before.



But yeah, Casek, I know you got knee probs so I'm tellin you this: check out yoga. Most knee issues are actually hip problems that yoga can correct.

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