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the un official workout thread


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I brutalize my legs at least twice a week. I'm a masochist and enjoy the torture.


The harder you work your legs, the greater your overall strength goes up.


Focus on proper technique and don't get so concerned with what your putting up.


I guarantee you'll get there safely and will have built a better foundation.

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Yeah for sure. I know to lower my weight whenever i struggle with form, it's usually when my back starts to round.


Shit's just excruciating, I find like 80% of lifting is mental (getting yourself pumped up and motivated) and the rest physical. If you're not feeling up it on a certain day, chances are you won't be able to get the weight up.


I've also been having problems with my knees, pain and overall weakness. I've always had knee problems but I'm really noticing their effect on my gains now that the weight is getting heavier.

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Yeah for sure. I know to lower my weight whenever i struggle with form, it's usually when my back starts to round.


Shit's just excruciating, I find like 80% of lifting is mental (getting yourself pumped up and motivated) and the rest physical. If you're not feeling up it on a certain day, chances are you won't be able to get the weight up.


I've also been having problems with my knees, pain and overall weakness. I've always had knee problems but I'm really noticing their effect on my gains now that the weight is getting heavier.


Then don't go so heavy. Change your workouts by shortening the rest time between sets, slowing


the negative part of the movement and explode on the positive. Squeeze your quads as hard as you


can when you squat. You don't need a lot of weight to kill your muscles. Do drop sets, supers, listen


to your body.


...AND NEVER, EVER, LET YOUR BACK ROUND!!! Look straight up at the ceiling and kick your hips


forward. Your form sounds horrendous. Look up some videos on proper squat form.

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Nigger, if you don't know how to squat properly, rework your dang form or you will stall out before you even arrive at any meaningful poundages and/or hurt yourself.


Learn to squat to a box without rounding your lower back and keeping tight thru the whole movement.


As for looking straight up in the air...well, that might be preference.

I find that looking at the floor off towards the horizon works best for me and the sunsets make me rage because I hate the fucking sun, because i am the correct white race and it harms my precious milky skin.


Google "So you think you can squat" on the U tewbz and watch the whole series.

Ur knee pain is more than likely a result of your shitty form and compounded lifestyle issues like sitting down all day and not watching enough rape porn.


420 1 <3

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All this stuff I know already, I'm just commenting on how intense they are.


I know how to squat properly and I lift with my buddy who knows his shit and has been doing it for years. He's a form nazi too so I make sure my technique is on point. Yeah I prefer looking up, It forces you to keep your back straight and leads the drive of the bar upwards.


It's just gotten to the point where I'm actually stalling, lowering and making really slow gains on most of my lifts. It's not remotely fun (except for deadlifts, heavy deadlifts are the shit) and I have to push myself as hard as I can.


Currently just eating a shit load, drinking mad milk and trying to pump myself up before going to the gym.

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Are you counting your food intake?

If not, you may be overestimating it.

It's very easy to under/overestimate your calories/macros.

Slow and steady is the name of the game though.

Small victories in each session.

Even if it's only one more rep or the same amount of reps feel easier or you do them with better form/more confidence...that is progress and strength.

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No I'm not counting my intake at all, but I'm not too worried about that at the moment. I'm just trying to eat as much as possible and trying to get the weight up. I really should start though, yeah I'm getting bigger but I'm also getting fatter haha.

Slow and steady is the way it's going now. I know what you mean with the small victories and how the little things can boost your morale.

I'm gonna start taking fish oil capsules as well to help with the recovery of my knee. Probably gonna take a week off heavy squats too and just do like one plate or something to strengthen it back up.


Positive feedback is appreciated though, must spread rep.

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Anyone ever used those scales that measure your body fat percentage, muscle percentage and water? Can you trust those? How can you measure how much body fat % you have?


I've been playing intense basketball 2 times a week for a month now, awesome cardio, don't even think about it!

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kinda in a funk currently with getting to the gym. i blame it on a combination of being busy with a newly purchased house, weird wrist injury, no ipod for a few weeks i.e. listening to horrible top 100 hits radio the gym plays, and getting really sick of the "everyone's cool friend" dudes at the gym who are there every time i go. at least with headphones i can ignore everyone else there. god damn.


excuses excuses.

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Anyone ever used those scales that measure your body fat percentage, muscle percentage and water? Can you trust those? How can you measure how much body fat % you have?


No. Not at all.


The only shit that is accurate is a water displacement test or a dexa body scan. Even calipers have a range of error up to like 5%. Don't worry about your bodyfat. If you can't see your abs you are well over 10%.

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Have been steady swimming six days a week, three of which are coached sessions with a team. I am hoping to compete by the summer.


Also been hiking a couple times and have become interested in that with a side of trail running as the summer approaches. Found out about this guy:




and have enjoyed reading up on his trip, dude goes on these monster long and fast hikes doing like 30 miles a day for over 200 days and things like that.


At any rate I have been having fun doing it and have been going pretty solid since November and 6 days a week without exception since the beginning of Feb.

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On Sunday I went hiking and I pushed myself a bit to hard, 3400 feet of elevation gain over 4 miles and then ran back down. Woke up on Monday and my thighs were sore as fuck and while they have been getting better I was still holding on to the railing and going down steps like a cripple yesterday (Wednesday).


I still went swimming and was surprised to find that after warming up I could swim just fine, more or less. Just goes to show that different exercises work the body in very different ways. My question for the workout thread is this: was it the hike uphill or the run downhill or both that left me in such pain.


It was Mt. Si that I went up by the way for anyone in the area, nice little walk but I would take it slower next time. I did the eight miles in 5 hours including the scramble up haystack and a snack on top.

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It was just DOMS, man.

It happens when you do different shit that your muscles aren't adapted to yet.

Like if you go from strength work to endurance work, you activate different muscle fibers and they will leave you sore.

In fact, I don't even think you overdid it.

That might have happened with low volume work that you aren't used to as well.

Add the fact that hiking and running is higher impact on your joints and....welp.


This shit happens to me when I make small changes to my lifts too.

Like if I change my deadlift stance from conventional to sumo, it will affect certain muscles differently and make me sore as shit and vise versa.


For future reference, stretching does nothing to relieve this.

More exercise and time is all that will help it.

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My bit toenail got fractured and I had to have a chunk of it removed yesterday, doctor says no swimming or hiking for two weeks:(


I am not sure how to approach this exactly I could try to do some lifting at the apartment complex gym or something, I am not really keen on taking a solid two weeks off.


Messing around on the internet on the subject of trail running I found out about this Kilian Jornet Burgada character, what a beast. Check out the salomon channel on youtube or do some searching around, this ultrarunning and sky running thing is nuts.

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Lol gas is serious about this thread.......yeah i don't know where it went.


Any recommendations for an alternate to dumbbell shoulder press? My left shoulder has always hurt ever since i dislocated a long time ago. I've gone to the doctor everything is fine but every time i do dumbbell presses (Sitting and lifting straight up) it hurts. I do side and front raises but i obviously can't use the heavy weights for those. Any other exercises/techniques i can use to lift heavier for the shoulders? Would it be better with an ez bar or something? Anyone else with shoulder problems?

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Lol gas is serious about this thread.......yeah i don't know where it went.


Any recommendations for an alternate to dumbbell shoulder press? My left shoulder has always hurt ever since i dislocated a long time ago. I've gone to the doctor everything is fine but every time i do dumbbell presses (Sitting and lifting straight up) it hurts. I do side and front raises but i obviously can't use the heavy weights for those. Any other exercises/techniques i can use to lift heavier for the shoulders? Would it be better with an ez bar or something? Anyone else with shoulder problems?


Yeah bro, I've had rotator cuff issues since my early teens. The shoulder joint doesn't necessarily


need heavy weight for growth/gains. Go lighter (where there's no pain issues) and just do higher reps,


drop sets, and thirds(what are also called 21's for biceps). Do the exercises that do NOT make you


hurt and cause other muscles to compensate for the injury. Try and see if there are any machines that


feel better for your shoulders. I do a lot of stabilizer exercises/strengthening movements before every


upper body workout so as to avoid injuries.




The mechanics of that joint don't aren't made for very heavy weight.

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Yeah bro, I've had rotator cuff issues since my early teens. The shoulder joint doesn't necessarily


need heavy weight for growth/gains. Go lighter (where there's no pain issues) and just do higher reps,


drop sets, and thirds(what are also called 21's for biceps). Do the exercises that do NOT make you


hurt and cause other muscles to compensate for the injury. Try and see if there are any machines that


feel better for your shoulders. I do a lot of stabilizer exercises/strengthening movements before every


upper body workout so as to avoid injuries.




The mechanics of that joint don't aren't made for very heavy weight.


Disagree and frankly I'm offended by all of this.


All of your muscles will eventually need heavier stress as well as extra calories to grow, so just get that idea out of here right now. Higher reps only build endurance and weight lifting for endurance is for phaggots. Niggaz should be in the 6-12 range for hypertrophy and 1-5 for strength. Anything above that is cardio.


BUT FIRST-----------if you are having shoulder issues...fucking fix them.

9 times out of 10, shoulder issues are from sitting hunched over all day, not doing soft tissue work and then doing too much pressing.

SOLUTION: Do twice as much pulling as you do pressing, do soft tissue work on your pecs and all other muscles that surround your shoulders and sit up straight.

Get your mobility in order and correct any shortcomings in it AND THEN LEARN HOW TO BARBELL PRESS PROPERLY.

Machines may be a short term fix tho or help while you are fixing your shoulders.




Look up Eric Cressey's blog.

He's a shoulder expert and strength coach.

If you want his books, I can email them to you.

Fair warning though, they are information dense and the exercises that correct all your pains are boring as fuck, but they are worth doing if you don't want to be a gimpy dickhole for life.


P.S.- Try doing facepulls after every session....EVERY SESSION, NOT JUST SHOULDER DAYS. They don't need to be heavy, just work the range of motion. Do them however you can maintain form the best. I do them seated with the cable machine and the rope attachment. You can do higher reps on these to work through the range of motion. Try to do them so you feel it working in your rear delts and try not to push your neck forward. See if that helps your shoulders.

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Disagree and frankly I'm offended by all of this.


All of your muscles will eventually need heavier stress as well as extra calories to grow, so just get that idea out of here right now. Higher reps only build endurance and weight lifting for endurance is for phaggots. Niggaz should be in the 6-12 range for hypertrophy and 1-5 for strength. Anything above that is cardio.


BUT FIRST-----------if you are having shoulder issues...fucking fix them.

9 times out of 10, shoulder issues are from sitting hunched over all day, not doing soft tissue work and then doing too much pressing.

SOLUTION: Do twice as much pulling as you do pressing, do soft tissue work on your pecs and all other muscles that surround your shoulders and sit up straight.

Get your mobility in order and correct any shortcomings in it AND THEN LEARN HOW TO BARBELL PRESS PROPERLY.

Machines may be a short term fix tho or help while you are fixing your shoulders.




Look up Eric Cressey's blog.

He's a shoulder expert and strength coach.

If you want his books, I can email them to you.

Fair warning though, they are information dense and the exercises that correct all your pains are boring as fuck, but they are worth doing if you don't want to be a gimpy dickhole for life.


P.S.- Try doing facepulls after every session....EVERY SESSION, NOT JUST SHOULDER DAYS. They don't need to be heavy, just work the range of motion. Do them however you can maintain form the best. I do them seated with the cable machine and the rope attachment. You can do higher reps on these to work through the range of motion. Try to do them so you feel it working in your rear delts and try not to push your neck forward. See if that helps your shoulders.


Do I smell a pissing contest??

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