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the un official workout thread


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So since reading Convict Conditioning I have seen good results.


Routine: Leg Raises x 100

Push Ups x 50

Squats x 50

Wind sprinting.


For as simple a routine as it is it's impressed me. Arms are significantly stronger and defined. As well as my legs and core. Plus it's free. Oh and I add in freeweights too.



Excellent, man. How long have you been using it?

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I have heard diamond pushups fuck your wrist up... try just close hand where your thumbs are touching but fingers are still pointing forward. I know the military stresses not doing diamond pushups even.


If you look around long enough you will find some "expert", somewhere, saying this about any and every exercise. It depends on the person in most situations. If you have wrist problems, then sure it will mess it up, but beyond that I'm pretty sure that if you don't do anything stupid like try and go balls out while your wrist joint is grinding like a meth-head's teeth...you should be fine.

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do tripod pushups train a different muscle group or something? i understand how diamond grip and wide grip would, but tripod not so much. im guessing its mainly a core thing?


see when i think of tripod im thinking

both arms flat on ground and then your head (tripod). get balance and go up into a hand stand. then start your hand stand pushups.


id do the hand stand pushups over the tripod pushups any day



and today i finally got 4 muscle ups on a row, with a kip.


and i can land bar muscle ups ftw again, with a slight kip


kip kip kip

to much cofeee

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Rhodesian war factory?


i felt that way yeah but it was actually a nice place guys wernt all serious with you theyd joke around but when it came to working out then they knew what they were talking about.

it fucking hurt(nh) and dear god near all the dudes looked like bigger leaner meaner darker taller mike tysons.

definatly going back plus its pretty much the basic equipment you need dumbells bench pull up bar rowing machines guy didnt like running machines there so we went for a 10 mile run..not feeling that much but ill get used to doing double that he said..aching pretty bad today but thats good so i think ill go back.

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nah i wont be quiting i like smoking and if it happens it happens id say just cutting down to a pack every 3 days is an achievment itself so im working on doing that.


i got started at 14 and over the course of 3 years just went overboard im like fuck i need a shit smoke a cigarette fuck imcold smoke a ciagerette fuck im bored smoke a cigarette fuck im tired smoke a cigarette..it is addictive no matter what people say but its just another thing i like to do only ive realised i shouldnt be over doing it.

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