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i ruined some dope gear last night and ended up grilling shit like george foreman till 4 in the mornin, i am taking it easy tonight becasue i actually am abusing alcohol not just drinking lightly it suck how when you feel depressed sauce makes you think your better, then it fucks you when youve had too much..

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I pregamed it way too hard last night which resulted in me being trasheddddddd.

I started out at my buddy's house with a half G of captain and energy drinks doing some shit similar to jager bombs but better. We killed this shit and smoked an L in about 2 hours then headed to my other friend's house who was having a party.

I didn't intend on drinking anymore but I felt left out not having any beer so I threw up 5 bucks and drank like 12 assorted beers ranging from miller lite to sammy adams.

This morning I woke up with my cell phone smashed into 9 pieces that I apparently did for no reason, two swollen hands, a sore neck and a sore knee. Ehh oh well..I didn't do any drugs this weekend and that was my goal to not do any of that bullshit so I'm good.

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Abby style (et al) beer in the fall is the shit though so it's worth it. I can't call myself anything close to an expert tough - anyone have their favorites? I know Delirium is a favorite of the Alco, but any others?


If you are talking actual abbey's i'd go with these for starters:





As for Belgians and strongs I would reccomend:




Belgians aren't really my thing, but there are some really good ones out there.

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Sunday and Mondya made hte firts time I've gone 2 dya sin a row sober in 6 months, Iw as rla proud of myself


I painted alotttttt of shit int hsoe 2 dyas., thren last night shit got real fucked up, so I'm tkain AT LEAST tonight off, so ehre I am drunk as fuck as you can prolly tell


Ydoel acha boyyyyyyyyyyy

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How'd you pull of a concussion?


And Splint2, yeah I don't really speak the language. On occasion I grab quantities of the "Belgians" at the store and sit back and enjoy. I can't say I've read on them nor have anyone else that likes them around me.


I think that Tris Pistoles is the same brewer as La Fin Du Monde which I've had a few bottles of over the past few days. I'll check that Orval if I can find it...

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concussion was the result of some "dance floor justice" if you will.

i don't really know how it happened. I remember UNEARTH playing most of ENDLESS and then there are about 35 minutes of missing time. my head is still fucking killing me. seattle kids mosh alright, alot less two-stepping than colorado so that makes me happy.


i'm not going to drink til the headache goes away.

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Last night I drank a good bit of Seagrams whiskey and had probably like 6 Killian Irish Reds. But the awesome thing was I watched my friend stab some dude in the face and then toss him down some stairs. Shit was ridiculous and entertaining. Too bad he is probably going to go to jail now but he will be alright.

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