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I got my drink minus my two step


It is cold and rainy, so I figured some Heinekens and a cheesesteak would warm me up.

Off to party and try to stick my cock down the throats of little ho's who are smashed off Natty Ice.



atta boy!


Today is my birthday , the homies roommate is out of town so we are gonna have some hoes come over jeahhh.

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new belgium is a great brewery, i've spent many nights drinking there.

last new years the party i was at was thrown by a couple of their brewmasters, we drank some fucking delicious and crazy "unreleased" type beers all night long. well til i hooked up with that girl that gave me some sort of broncitis shit...



the weather has been lovely here today. i'm feeling tired, but cheery enough. i may try to find some drinking associates this evening. tequila......

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new belgium is a great brewery, i've spent many nights drinking there.

last new years the party i was at was thrown by a couple of their brewmasters, we drank some fucking delicious and crazy "unreleased" type beers all night long. well til i hooked up with that girl that gave me some sort of broncitis shit...



the weather has been lovely here today. i'm feeling tired, but cheery enough. i may try to find some drinking associates this evening. tequila......


You are the man.. I was checking there website about that unknown shit..


They just have such a good quality about there beers.. I actually savor their beers... Makes life good..

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I was watching the news this morning and they were talking about those fires. They didn't mention one normal citizen but yet they went on and on about how all kinds of movie stars had to flee from home, shit was stupid. But the other night I drank with my buddy who just came home from the marines. I drank so many yuengling black and tans that I woke up the next day with the worst shits ever, and that never happens to me. So I'm going back over his place and I am going to force feed him whiskey until he shows me his marine killing skills.

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Fuck the weather here Fist. It has been raining for like 3 days. I think I need to move somewhere that the weather is always shorts and a tee year-round. January is going to fucking blow donkey cock on some 3 degrees outside type shit.



hey man, the weather here ain't the tits by any standard. it went from summer to fall to winter in about 4 days. i'm sure the winter side is only going to get shittier too. try playing army in freezing rain to start you day.

today was a fluke i think... it was like 55/60 and just plain comfortable, hoodie-weather


so the plans for tonight have changed. going to a piano jazz bar joint. should be fun. also, i am not driving. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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Fightinga cold, but I'm not going to act like I'mstaying in on Friday, what with all the Halloween parties and what not....WHich is why I choose to drink hell of herbal ttea and Jim Beam with lemon and honey.


Otherwise known as hot toddies.


Gay name, great drink under the right circumstances.


/no homo

/yes alco

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You didn't miss me though.


Went to a party and broke my sobriety on tequila in a gun shape bottle, Patron, Gentlemen Jack and dark beer. This last week I have been sick and sober, which was nice, but left my gallon of Hornitos and the vodka and the bourbon I had spent like $150 on last weekend sitting around collecting dust.


I got a flu shot today which had me dizzy on top of my existing illness. SO fighting disease like world war 3 on the insides I made my liver feel pain like it hasn't felt in a while. On top of that my girlfriend talked shit to the lesbian who abandoned her twins - people got concerned, I got supportive. I was like fuck it. Spell check is awesome.

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You didn't miss me though.


Went to a party and broke my sobriety on tequila in a gun shape bottle, Patron, Gentlemen Jack and dark beer. This last week I have been sick and sober, which was nice, but left my gallon of Hornitos and the vodka and the bourbon I had spent like $150 on last weekend sitting around collecting dust.


I got a flu shot today which had me dizzy on top of my existing illness. SO fighting disease like world war 3 on the insides I made my liver feel pain like it hasn't felt in a while. On top of that my girlfriend talked shit to the lesbian who abandoned her twins - people got concerned, I got supportive. I was like fuck it. Spell check is awesome.


MRL.. If I had a better memory I would have missed you, but such is the life of a drunkard..


6:00am Pacific Standard.. My brothers and I closed the bar out..


Good times... Drinking $200 worth of alcohol and not paying is the best... Wait.. Paying out a $30 tip is worth the trade...


I'm betting that I'll live to regret this night/almost day...

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last night... was good.


i went to a place called chopsticks in tacoma, its a dueling piano bar. they serve strong-ish drinks. a bunch of army folk were there in their class As. i talked lots of shit (they were infantry, i'm cavalry, and i was too drunk to make good decisions). i bought their first sergeant (he's an e-8, i'm an e-3; significant outranking) an appletini. i told one of their staff sergeants and he wanted to fight. i told him i would make sure he lost all his rank. he was huge and i was scared...


i drank vodka tonics all night. i told the waitress, jena, to just bring 'em every 10 minutes. she was not good at keeping track of time. sometimes it was every 6 sometimes it was 15 minutes. she only charged me for 5 because i like ben folds.


this was demonstrated during the performance of "song for the dumped" a few of you may have heard it. theres one part--"so you wanted to take a break, slow it down some, and have some space... WELL FUCK YOU TOO" and apparently i was the only one who knew the lyrics as i screamed 'em and everyone stared at me... she had big tits, and if i were to have intercourse relations with her would be the thickest (thick NOT fat) i've attacked, but i'm lonely so its okay, right???

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Thursday I played pong, got trashed, endin up fighting 15 Chads with just one of my other boys (cuz Manute Bol threw one shot and took off hahaha...I got you homie!)


Friday night after going on some gay haunted hayride thing with these 2 girls I went back to the crib, played pong with mad of my boys and some annoiyng bitches, went out, some crazy shit ended up poppin off and a good friend of mine broke an aquantice's (sp?) eye socket. The rest of the night was spent trying to track a few people down for some mroe beef, shit didn't happen


Last night I had a fuckin WILD Halloween party at my crib...I don't remember alot of it, but I do know that over the course of the night we killed almost 5 full handles of vodka, 3 liters of rum, and god knows how many beers


Tonight I'm chillin, sober, painted some highway and whatnot. I gotta be up in the morning to check in with the PO, but right now I'm trying to score some late night loving ha

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halloween party at my homeys apartment went like this:


i showed up with my nun costume on expecting it to be just my homey, his girl, my girl, and a few other friends. i walked in and a fucking fog machine blasts me in my face. first i ate at least 10 Taaka (shitty, i know) jello shots, then played a few games of beer pong. My homey james finally showed up with not one, not two, but four half gallons of jaeger.


after the jaeger showed up, it went all downhill. i woke up the next day in my nun costume. i ended up falling asleep in a lawn chair on his balcony.

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