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I dont remember going home, but I almost got in a fight leaving the bar. I was drinking since 5:30 in the afternoon because the power went out for miles and there wasnt shit elsed to do sept pull my car into the yard and bump music. I found out they got 5 for 20 round the way and waited for the lights to come on. At the club that night I started spitting my drink on this guy I dont like, and he got security to kick me out, but my boys dad owns the club and he works there so I ended up hanging out with all of them and dude looked like a douche



then when I was leaving I talking to this chick I went there with and some dude down the alley dropped his guitar and wsas like "DID YOU JUST CALL MY GIRL A SLUT?!?"


I threw my jacket off and was like ""I rreally didt, but I guess were gonna fight about it"


the other chick was like "He didnt call me a slut" and we went on our way.


thats the last thing I remember. Woke up in most of my clothes on, facing the wrong way in my bed with gal asleep. So drunk I forgot to smash

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Sounds like a good night. My shit sucked...shitty party because my friends dont know how to invite people. So me and 3 people when skateboarding through the rich city and I fucked up my toe...


Tonight I am going to be either going to watch a movie with opera girl at her house or working on music for a show I've been hired for in Long Island...

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im broke as a joke so i went to my parents house to drink some beer with my pops and watch osu kick the shit outta minnesota, i just got back to my place ad osu was winning. so ima meet up with my bro and go bombing. family nite fo sho, my friends have been on some lets go to high school party crap. so fuck that. time to pick up a case of pbr and get wasted with my bro and destroy some shit. he just got fired from his job so i get to watch his jar head ass beat up some hipsters tonite. well peacce out 12oz, which of you is gonna bail me out tonite

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Threads been slow and thought I'd save. Here's how a real team alpo member gets down. So after a week of being responsible with work, school, taking care of a sick relative and pets, and having only 3 hours of sleep a day I manage to unwind by drinking for 18 hours straight on friday no joke. A whole day of drinking, weed cookies, blow, mad bowls, poon, fighting, and a bucket of KFC is definate team alpo foundership status. PS drunk off a 5th of rum, a couple lines, and a couple of bowls and bowls of flip food.



"Anyone talk about my team of alpo members can eat a hot one"



-Zero aka magnum o'piss

the atrocious dopest

that'll make you eat ho piss

and vanish with two words bitch......

Hocus Pocus

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Yeah camping this weekend was fucking raw.


After getting lost a few times I got there at about 11 pm Friday. Started out with a rum n coke while setting up camp. Put down a bunch of beers and shit until about 4 am and then everyone else showed up who hadn't even left to come down until like midnight. I did some "pixie stick" shots as they called them which were like jager bombs but with three olives and energy drink.


After that I don't really remember I ended up like blacked out in this tent hooking up with some chick and it ended up that her ex boyfriend was sleeping like 2 feet from us hahaha. After all that I got out the tent and started drinking more, went to the shower house and then came back and BBQ'd/ I was so out of it I got a bottle of ketchup and poured it on this dude's head for no reason.


Everyone else stayed until this morning but I think I got a ride home around 11 or 12 last night, all I know is that I woke up in my bed. I got these big ass bubbles on my hands from getting burned and I don't really remember how.


Good weekend of alcohol filled fun though. CHyea

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i was gettin drunk earlier at a friends house who insisted that i spar with him.


of course he ends up hitting me square in the jaw and now it hurts to talk. drunk boxing: your chance to be the Muhammed Ali of the party


dude thats usually always a bad Idea.



My roomates boy and me decided to do some jiu jitsu sparring (I took judo, issun ryu, satori ryu iado) so I figured he would choke me out pretty quick. Well I choked dude out twice, the second time really fucking him up and making him have a mini seezior.


When he came too he was like "my back hurts will you pop it?" I did, but he collapsed on my feet and I wound up fucking my ankle up bad enough to wind up in urgent care...



Drunk sparing - good way to wind p with hospital bills...


but yeah last night I ran into a friend of mine I hadnt seen for years in town from rotterdam.


And smashed my ex as well. Twice

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It used to be a group of people talking about liq and/or interesting stories related to drunkenness. Now its a bunch of teenagers trying to prove how drunk they think they got...


age has nothing to do with how drunk you can get pal.


i have a few friends who are 19 and can inhale a 24 pack and still not slur when they talk

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