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When I think of AyeBee I think of like...an old grizzly sailor who doesnt give a goddamn and drinks a whole bottle of Jack everyday...and he has a lot of kids, but he doesnt know them because he doesnt remember having sex. He remembers making out with the toilet the day after and hoping he used a condom....

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I had a scuffle with a crazy homeless lady.


She got arrested. And the beer she bought, the cops gave it to me.


So I drank it in the LP office.


Team Alco.



Team Alco? Not really on that one I don't think. Homeless people are like the saints of alcoholism, plus you never get props when the cops have your back to the point that they are stealing from homeless people for you. Maybe you should elaborate.





I made Bloody Mary's from this the other morning and they were the shit with some garlic stuiffed olives etc... I've been finishing the bottle as shots and it's a weird sort of good.

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You can't hate on my Team Alco status.


She was a crank head trailer trash piece of shit. She swung on me and my boy when we tried to have her come back in the store. And she started talking jibberish.


I don't do the whole "stop snitchin" thing to that extent. If I crazy homeless bitch is swinging on me and I'm scared she's gonna syringe me, then the sherrifs get called.


ALSO, the Sherrif bitch that came was cute as fuck. And she dropped the homeless lady hella hard, then gave me her beer.


It was awesome.


PRETTY sure that drinking on the job is Team Alco status.

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I'm good.

This finger injury is annoying. Teach me for getting drunk.

But my legs are so damn sore from basketball the other night too, fuck I shouldn't sit online for long periods of time.

Oh, and a girlfriend gave me the first 2 seasons of Arrested Development to watch, so looks as though I am couch bound thus afternoon, before boozing on some more tonight.

I just realised how quick I sobered up last night, was about an hour after my drink that the effects wore off., That was kinda weird.

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I'm watching Intervention, and this particular show is about a dude who drinks 2 bottles (I think) of whiskey and a 12 pack a day. He really made me reflect...







































































...on my lack of whiskey consumption in the old fashioned sense. Perhaps I should start drinking American whiskey on the rocks more often than just when someone else is. FREEDOM ISN'T FREE. SEMPER FI. MY OTHER CAR IS A HARLEY.

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Aussies say other things like 'Lets get gritty' and all sorts of other shit to describe getting drunk.

Maybe we just like to embelish as drinking is part of the culture??

I prefer to say 'Lets get roasted' myself, as saying pissed can mean 'pissed off' as well.

So yeah it is definitely down to the context it is used in.



"Let's get maggot" is probably the main one in sydney

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I say an assortment of things...fucked up, smashed, plastered, twisted, wasted, hammered....I've been liking "washed up" lately


I played in a wiffleball tournament for 7.5 hours today, and decided I'd play sober since it was starting at 8 AM and I was still feelin rough from last night...terrible idea. This hadda be the first time I played wiffleball sober since I was like 12, I got one fuckin hit all day...ONE! My team went 6-2 though, and our 2 losses were against the champions and runners up from last year, so definately nothin to be ashamed of.


Showin up for work 6.5 hrs late was hilarious by the way.


"Where the fuck were you, we've been calling you all fuckin day"


"Wiffleball tourney"



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