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myspace advertisments have gone too far

civilized neanderthal

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i hate the ads that ask you to like outknit sadam hussein or shoot the duck....you know....those flash games....cause you get the urge to play them...and when you win....you get linked to some stupid shit.....im like what the fuck happened to my ipod nano i was supposed to win?

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anyone ever go through with it after the game and fill out all that shit for the free gas card or whatever? don't. your mailbox get flooded with tons of ads. took me a while to unsubscribe from all those people.


too late...and im still getting like 15 pieces of spam a day.

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No, I enjoy actively taking part in one of the biggest money making corporations in the world. Myspace ad's are awesome, they make me feel like someone knows me and markets to my particular interests based on what the database knows about what I've clicked on. I'm not a person, I'm a database entry, that matches others...

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I saw an ad for this shirt company, and the model was wearing a shirt that said "I <3" with a lamp next to it. I laughed at that for five minutes straight.


The other one that gets me is... where they put Paris Hilton's head on Eminem's body, and are like "WHOSE BODY IS THIS??? WIN A FREEEEEE IPHONE OR IPOD OR XBOX360 OR MAYBE A HOUSE OR SOME SHIT WAAAAUGHHHH".


Too bad there's no HeadOn ads on there...

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