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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear tails


what happened to the 15yr old gf? i hope youre not the cheating type, because i tihnk youre ok but if youre an 'ecko wearin playa' our e-lationship (/just freinds) is over.

cheating/disrespecting=neverforgive action.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Edoggg,


heres the scoop...

i know the girl in the black shirt from another one

of their family parties from the summer... at first i

just wanted to chit chat but cock block buddy was on her

like white on rice... like he was born just to cock block...

but naw im not the cheating type in all honesty...

plus my girl sent me a message over myspace earlier...


"i do LOVE you!

very much..this break is prolly harder for me than it is to u..and this shit has been sooo hard i didnt noe wat to do,

but to let u go...

i saw how u worried for me...it hurt me to see u hurting!

i couldnt do it...and hun..i was wit u for u..cause


and tonio..i dont go flirting round wit people!!

i only have eyes for one man only...

and lately all i seem to be doing is dream && cry for u..

cause i miss u soo damn much!

u noe damn well i dont want a break!

haa. and yesterday i watched enchanted and the whole time i was think of u too =]...i even cried =[

n e ways...

bout my aunt...ill talk to her and ill try to arrange

a meeting for u too..ok?!


i dont want no break...but i dont wanna hurt..i rather me get hurt than u..



so yeah i couldnt cheat on her.... that guilty concious will creep up on me...




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


shes 15? i dunno, i mean no offense, but when a 15 yr old says she loves someone in a grammaticaly lacking myspace message some sincerity or maturity is missing.


but, im glad you two are happy.. and not messin around on each other

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear exgirlfriend,


you're coming over in a few hours to pick up some of your stuff.

i guess this means we're really over and there isn't a chance in getting back together?

why do you have to be so immature and stupid?

i love you, you know that, you said you loved me too on friday.

but you're still dating that motherfucker in oklahoma, he's far away, and a creep.

maybe you're right though, maybe this is "good for us" and maybe we'll get back together eventually.



still love you with every bone,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Edoggg,


yeah thanks i guess...

shits just gotta chill for now really

and then everything will go back to how it was

slowly but surley.... hopefully...

i dont neccisarily get what u mean though...

but when a 15 yr old says she loves someone in a grammaticaly lacking myspace message some sincerity or maturity is missing.

mind "dumbing it down" for me?




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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear sneak,


i see ya creepin

as you do






Huh? What?


Predator is on Spike TV....GET TO THA CHOPPA!!!!

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


she's saying that she's surprised your 15 year old girlfriend confessed her love for you in a poorly written myspace message instead of telling you face to face.




well she tells me stuff like that all the time really...

even out of the blue she'll just be like "i love ya"....

and asked what would've happened if we

would have never gotten together and she misses me

every day, and when she sees couples in school holding

hands she gets sad and wishes i was there with her...


soooo i think i got this girl whipped, or something else....

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Tails,



Good for you bro. I wish I had a girl like that.


I've got no girl right now....huh huh huh.





Dear Steelers,


Sons, whoop on Tom Brady today. I hate him, he looks like such a girly boy.


James Farrior, I want you to hurt that kid...I'm not talking carrer ending or anything...but sideline him for the season.



...I almost forgot...


You guys need to win too.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear bruce


as much as i HATE the steelers... (im from seattle so go figure) theres nothing that would make my day brighter than the pats losing and tom brady aka worlds biggest douchebag getting ragged on instead of creamed over by every sports analysist inthe world.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




hahaha sorry about the 'g' i guess theres to many in edoggggggggggg. anyways, yea i got the sketch my bad about not thanking you. i might just hit it up at the freewall if thats cool, but i'll be sure to post it up. would you mind if i made a few slight changes? i'll put you up on it for sure though

thanks again bro.


sorry bout the 'g'


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear me,

my life has been changed after watching bodega and the ghetto big mac

it took you long enough

i cant believe we wasted 6 bucks at macdonals today

when i coudlve spent $2.16

oh well

there is always next week

very good weekend by the way

very good

and no school tuesday

can you say...hyped?

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Steelers,







Way to go kids. First off, you guys lost.


Second off, Fucking Randy Moss and girly Tom pulled that fucking "Tom pass to Moss, Moss pass back to Tom, Tom hits the endzone for a TD"





At least you guys tried. I enjoyed that little fight ya'll tried to start.



My advice for next time?


Foote rips off Brady's helmet...


Farrior takes his helmet off...



Farrior clubs Tom over the head several times.....many many times.



Get yo' shit together /PE



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Suicide File,

I'm so fucking excited to see you play a reunion show in Chicago this upcoming saturday. I anticipate i will do massive amounts of stage diving and singing along to celebrate finally seeing you play live.





Dear M.,

Brick brick brick. I'm going to destroy your loins.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear you,


i still like talking to you alot. i cant believe how fast 2 hours passes when youre lost in good conversation and funny jokes, memories and heart break. i dont know where im going and i dont think you could answer that question either but this is really awkward for us to still be so in love but not together.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear dudes,

I like you.

But I don't want to be tied down in a relationship right now.

I hope you understand.

We can still go on dates.

I will still cook you dinners and kiss you on the mouth.

Don't ask, don't tell.

Things should be fine as long as you check your emotions at the door.


Bitches Are Crafty


Dear ThunderHorse,

I love you.

More than I have ever loved an inanimate object before.

You woke up my awesome in such a brutal way.

You complete me.

Let's spend the night together.

Wreaking havoc.


Bikes Are Crucial


Dear cold weather,

I thought I hated you.

Then I remembered how excellent you are when combined with whiskey and hot tubs.

Thanks for making my plans for this week easy.


Booze And Cuddling

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