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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Tails,


Dude, if you want to talk about something, just PM me.


I've been speaking with AndroidX for a while now. He lost his girlfriend in a car accident (he was also in the car)


Just a simple whats up will do, we'll find something to talk about....and you live closer than Androidx anyway.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Torn,


I think I was C-Section. Trouble from the get go. I'm very happy for my friends, but kids that belong to me scares me to death.






Just the thought of that is plain creepy.


But I know I'll have kids one day.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear exgirlfriend,


i still love you, you know that.

maybe we can get back together, that'd be cool, right?

just drop creepy non-deserving rebound boyfriend and we're ready to go.






dear drawing project,


you might turn out well, collaged background, some photoshop brushes, maybe you'll be ready for me to ink over this weekend and not turn out shitty.


be cool for the final project?




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear mom,


stop trying to keep convincing me santa is real. i caught onto that crap years ago when


1. his letters were in dads very specific handwriting.

2. i found presents from ''-santa'' numerouse years in your guys's closset.

3. its stupid and impossible.


when you dont give up on trying to convince me it just makes me feel like you think i'm an idiot/stupid, and actually kinda makes me upset.


enough is enough,


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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear United States,


Its been fun, but I got to go...I will try to enjoy my two months left here. See you later




- Sneak "World Traveler" Creep

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear work party tomorrow evening,


please be awesome.

please let there be good booze.

that's all I'm askin.

and I know the place has some weird spirits living in it, so if you could tell them to chill out while we're partying, that'd be great too.


thanks in advance,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear caligula,


for your informatiuon ever since i stepped into 12 oz ive been getting hollered AT, by the oppisate sex... i'm not desperate im just not afraid to talk to girls. maybe you should refer to the ''pretty faces'' thread, i belive there was a convo about how some guys are afraid to holler...


giving it to you straight,

-toe cutter ones

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear caligula,


for your informatiuon ever since i stepped into 12 oz ive been getting hollered AT, by the oppisate sex... i'm not desperate im just not afraid to talk to girls. maybe you should refer to the ''pretty faces'' thread, i belive there was a convo about how some guys are afraid to holler...


giving it to you straight,

-toe cutter ones


dear toe cutter,


if youre gonna sign your post with "giving it to you straight"...

you should really put a "/no homo" after it


just tryin to help you out yo,


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