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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Will Smith,


I was just watching the movie I am Legend, and I'd like to call you out on being a big pussy. Yeah, you might be able to hide behind the script and directors, but fool, you're a big pussy. That scene where your dog gets attacked, and you're dragging yourself back to the car? Pussy, real pussy. Once your dog saves your ass, you shoot the zombie dog and stand up. then you pick up your half dead dog and drive back to your lab, where you STAND up the whole time before picking up the dog again, and slowly moving down to a squat.


So why were you dragging yourself, you big pussy.


I'd just like to say that The Fresh Prince would never have "dragged" himself when you could walk. That was a pussy move, man.


The viewer,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Santana,


Yes we are on for tonight...

& Thank you, I am only 1 tic tac away from a GREEN tic tac!


For some reason I've been getting a tummy ache every morning this past week.. it's the worst!




Adiós bonita dama!



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear snoop dogg show the other night,

you were fun....but there were mad herbs and college kids with flipped visors trying to c-walk everywhere.

i hated the crowd.

and you have definately aged.

but all in all it was a good show.

and i enjoyed smashing the iphone belonging

to the stupid girl

that i found on the floor,

all over the street, because she was a dumb whore about it when i tried to return it to her.

that was definately awesome. :)

and the taco bell afterwards was dank as fuck.

so hell yeah.





Dear atmosphere / brother ali show 2 nights ago

you had more "bro"s at your show than ive ever seen in my life.

seriously. more than like...a dave matthews band.

some girl stepped on my new dunks, in her fucking berkenstocks and i got pulled out of getting into a fight from the bitch.

how are you gonna dance like you're at a phish concert in berkenstocks, at that show? and all over my fucking nikes?

aw, HELL no.

anyways. the show was alright. brother ali threw down 2 of his old jawns, but other than that it wasnt the greatest ive seen....

and the atmosphere shit was killin it til the live band came out.

i had fun, dont get me wrong...

but damn if you aint a sellout rhymesayin ass motherfucker, son.

nas was right.

love, boohead.



dear job,

im going to be there in a few hours.

after i go eat awesome thai food for the 3rd day in a row.

aw shit.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo



Dear atmosphere / brother ali show 2 nights ago

you had more "bro"s at your show than ive ever seen in my life.

seriously. more than like...a dave matthews band.

some girl stepped on my new dunks, in her fucking berkenstocks and i got pulled out of getting into a fight from the bitch.

how are you gonna dance like you're at a phish concert in berkenstocks, at that show? and all over my fucking nikes?

aw, HELL no.

anyways. the show was alright. brother ali threw down 2 of his old jawns, but other than that it wasnt the greatest ive seen....

and the atmosphere shit was killin it til the live band came out.

i had fun, dont get me wrong...

but damn if you aint a sellout rhymesayin ass motherfucker, son.

nas was right.

love, boohead.





this must have been the night my 17-year-old sister down in va texted me "OMG I JUST HUGGED SLUG!!!!"

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear voice,

Come back, I'd like to be able to speak with sound again.



Dear Finals week,

I hate your stinking guts.

You make me vomit.

You're scum between my toes.




Dear aim,

You fucking suck, you cut me off all the time.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Edoggg & Santana..


I bought you two the best cupcakes ever yesterday and didn't even get to give them to you!

I went out by myself and got some stuffs done though! :)


I miss you two muchoooo.




im sorry!!! if its any consolation i was up till three and NOT happy about it. i'll bring cupcakes next time. you wanna hit the streets tonight? i dont care if you dont see this, ima call you.


hasta luego


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear XBOX


fuck you piece of poorly buit shit

red fuckin ring i hate you just work again fuck

oh and when i call the number too get you fixed some

bitch that cant even speak proper english comes on

and im like the fuck is this shit?


"hhhawhat dea poobrremm too joor XBOOX?"


wtf are you saying bitch? put the damn robotcomputer thng i was just talkin to back on








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