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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Spring Break,


Please don't end now. I was just getting to like you a lot. Perhaps you've always hated me by only lasting one week. When I come back, I will be blasted by headaches and grenades of assignments.


Bring it on.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Malin,


Stop debating whether or not to go to Aldofo's for a breakfast burrito. Just get off your ass and go. Or you can just take some Xanax, drink some coffee and shower. Get over it already and go. Your hungry. Just deal with the fact of facing society and interacting with other humans. I'll make you a deal. Take a shower, make sure you scrub that ass real good this time, put on some clean clothes, drink some coffee, Pop a few Xanax, wait for the Xanax to kick in, go get that mouth watering burrito, eat it, come back home immediatly, and clean this fucking pig sty of a shit hole you call a home. Then maybe you can do some drawing and I will stop bugging you about how lazy you are. For fucks sake it's 65 degrees outside. If you accomplish all this in a timley manner, I will think about letting you apply the drawing you'll do to a beautiful virgin boxcar this evening. But that's even a maybe. If you scrubb your ass properly.


Love Always,


Your Brain.


P.S. Your a fucking jerk and I hate you for all those years of drugs you made me expericene with you. Maybe this is why I give you such a hard time.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear SSN,


I figured you would be feeling like shit you looked royally hammered. I on the other hand woke up at 9 and hit the gym.


Dear Cuzzo,


You kick really fuckin hard. I got a bruise on my wrist even though I was holding the pads.


Dear Mag,


Your first muay thai class in 5 years. You were horribly sloppy. Get it together.


Dear 88,


I know I left them stunners there I'll be around sometime to get them.


Magagagus Oppppenheimer.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Neighbors,


if you don't stop playing your horrible house music

ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT even when i gotta wake up early...

i'm ganna have to come up there and stomp your heads in


man fuck there retards, i hate living here and i want them to die


- frustrated oner

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Lukemia,

Fuck you. Don't take my grandpa painfully. Please don't let him suffer, and just allow him to a peaceful remaining days. How dare you go full blown on him suddenly. I'll miss him.










Dear Ms. Seyer,


Hope he pulls through. It'll get better. Prayers are with you guys.



- Malin


P.S. Fuck Lukemia.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Lukemia,

Fuck you. Don't take my grandpa painfully. Please don't let him suffer, and just allow him to a peaceful remaining days. How dare you go full blown on him suddenly. I'll miss him.




Sorry to hear that Seyer, hopefully he pulls through :/



Also, Dear School,





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear paris hilton sex tape,




for real what the fuck... i have never felt so uncomfortable whatching a naked woman in all my life, i. my face looked like this smiley :crap: the whole video.


why is this in existance?




sincerely elis

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Shit,


Yeah...i entered a battle once and me and this other cat were the only 2 left...


they made me go first and after i went, the dude couldnt even rap....he kept messing up and stuttering....so he just gave up....


then they gave he a second chance...and messed up some more...

in the end, i won $50.




p.s. yeah, i saw you complaining that people were calling you shit$streak in another thread.

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