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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Bfish


long time no see

where you been at?

also my enchiladas are not only better than your gradmama's

they can also cure aids/cancer and go back in time.




Dear eatso-

I have been here and there. I dunno about the enchilada thing my grandma makes some chili for the enchiladas that has been in the family for years and has perfected it to the point of godliness.

easto vs. b.fishes grandmama enchilada cook off?

would be somin to make a thread about- banana


Dear c walk-

It was the nastiest excuse for mexican food I have ever tasted. She used a can for the chii a C- was generous.

sincerly- Banana fish.


Dear Cali-g

My friend works at Olipom and the owner of that store opened Bows and arrows recently. I dont know if thats what your referring to?

- B.fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear contemporary philosophy students.

your big word mumbo jumbo isnt impressive.

We are not philosophers. Your word play is just confusing.

And pretty embarrasing. Just use straight foreward english and stop trying to

sound so silly willy smart.

mkay thnx-Bananooooo

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear A,

I'm sad you're going to Scotland for 4.5 months. Hopefully you get the job near me when you come back.





Dear Pills,

You help my chronic headaches and make me sleep like a rock, once i fall asleep that is. I think i'm going to consume some more of you tonight, because my head feels like i have a vice grip on it.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


hey girls (in general),

stop that whole "oh you live far away now so i'm going to express just how much interest i've always had in you"-bit. its not fucking cute.




hey girls (from tacoma to seattle),




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Swagger,


I'm so glad I found you again my long lost friend. I'm also happy that I have an abundant amount of you. So much you seem to be falling out of my pocket. Therefore I declare that I must brush some of you off my shoulder so some less fortunate soul will hopefully catch you.




The Magz





Don't worry the fitted will always be on lean.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Eatso,


You can be click, but you'd have to one hell of an epic drunk dial.




Dear Cabin Fever,


Fuck off. I could never live anywhere you can't go outside. I been in three days sick and just about lost my mind already, but at least I'm starting to organize some crap. May be get rid of some stuff as well.




That's what I've done so far.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Dr. Cali,


i'm on that previcid note so the acid reflux is under control... for the most part.

but man if i forget that pill in the morning i tend to cough up blood after spicy food...


- C-Walk (slowly dying)



Dear C-walk,


the solution:


dont eat spicy foods.

especially because coughing up blood is not a good thing.


(medical advice without a co-pay...holla!)


Dr. Cali-g MD PhD MBA board cerified physician

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear calcutta g,


they opened up a big girls club here...no need for

san diego. when your done with school,

let's go smash some fatties.





Dear pastuerized 2%,


word...im fucking down!!....

especially since reno is much closer than san diego..

and probably has enough husky latinas for me.


calcutta g, india

(bombay aint got shit on me!)

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