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i have some ocd's that are hard to discribe..


like sometimes i'll touch an object... and if i dont touch a certain part of it i feel uncomfortable. its hard to explain. like if i pick up lets say...... a flashlight, sometimes i feel like i have to open it and touch the batteries inside.. if i dont i feel really weird.. and that feeling remains till i actually do it. it'll totally bother me if i dont, and i say, oh fuck alrite then, then i do it..... then i feel better.


its fucking weird and hard to explain.

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The symmetry thing for me as well.


One night I was high as shit and arranging pizza rolls on a circular pan while i was talking to some friends. I just wanted to space them out correctly. I look down after five minutes of doing this and realize I've put them into a rather uniform spiral going into the center.


When I was young, I would only draw half of a drawing on graph paper, so I could make the other side perfectly symmetrical.


I arrange shit so that the balance feels right to me.


Symmetry and balance is the one thing that I think would cause me to be OCD. If I am not already to some extent.


I have more quirks, but I'd rather not come across as insane.

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i tend to grab my junk and shift it from left to right, or right to left, when i get nervous while talking to ladies...

on a more realistic note, i'm one of t hose people that eats corn on the cob like it's a typewriter..eating it row by row all neat and shit.

i also used to do things in four's or even numbers...it's hard to explain, but i guess it relates to the symmetry thing mentioned above with eveness and shit, and 4 being my favorite number.

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i got a minor case of twitches and ocd ya hurd


i also like to pluck hair, have 'eveness'(i don't know how to explain this one, i need things to feel balanced), i tend to have set routines for shit

i do daily, etc.... i'll come back when i think of more

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on a more realistic note, i'm one of t hose people that eats corn on the cob like it's a typewriter..eating it row by row all neat and shit.

i also used to do things in four's or even numbers...it's hard to explain, but i guess it relates to the symmetry thing mentioned above with eveness and shit, and 4 being my favorite number.


I do this.

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Not touching public surfaces like door handles, elevator buttons, etc... without using the cuff of my shirt sleeve, jacket, napkin, etc.... to open it


always using three toilet seat "ass gaskets" before a #2 in a public toilet


crossing the street when i see a big group of black people coming my way (SPyD is cool though. Dumy rules!)

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all the silverware in the drawer has to be laying flat on top of each other or i go insane. all the cups and glasses and plats have to be placed with the ones that match them, i can't stand them being mixed up.


i also can't stand having empty coathangers between coathangers with clothes on them.



i'm by no means a neat-freak.. but there are a few things that just urk me.

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