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Tesseract Appreciation


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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Ahh I remember my days in the Service........










64 days stuck in that tiger cage in Da Nang


*Vietnam Flash Back*

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You guys should really use that uniform for the entire military. You imagine how humiliating it must be for an enemy to be defeated by dudes dressed like that?



Well, back then, the enemy wasnt in such a better shape dresswise:


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you know my boss skipped out on that shit

he's in greece right now actually

take his lead and bail.








ok, so that's not realistic.

but i wish you could.



as far as 'heavy artillery'

you aren't happy about it at all are you

i have to admit last night i saw some shit on tv and i thought

'maybe i should sign up for the army just so i can go kill some people'

i'm gonna think it over.

if i snap, i'm off.

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He really is/was one of the last remaining interesting and entertaining contributors on this board.

Basically with him and PMB gone this board is going straight to hell.


i second that emoticon

seems mams might be one of the only ones left

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Greek heavy artillery?



Its the 21st century try and at least move up to like...smooth bore cannons or somthing.















Just kidding. This is just ganna be like a 12 month vacation/camping trip with a bunch of guys. Except now you guys have cannons and guns to have some more fun. Consider yourself one step ahead of the game.

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tesser, obviously my top 12oz bro..good luck, but dude.......artillery? shit, i always saw tesser as some kind of intel officer, seems a natural fit what with all the low down spy ops on the local tail. that or some type of crazy greek military design unit that's super top secret.....

oh well, blowing shit up with big guns is probably going to be fun as hell. good luck with your drill sargeant bro.

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