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How many shots/beers does it take?


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I always loose the count after 6-7 beers.


If I drink shots, I become an energetic fucking menace and can't remember shit the next day. so I usually dont do that.


but to get a slight blush and a little change in the eye-vision, nice comfy feeling: 1-2 beers.

to get properly drunk, about 3 more.


beer is teh bestest. i want some as we "speak"

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Originally posted by fuck muni@Mar 9 2006, 07:41 PM

i usually drink two forties and chase it with a sparks and any 12oz cans i can find around the party or off kids


average night= 8-12

blackout time=12+


tonight im gonna keep count and report back


last night me and a homie polished off a 12 pack super quick, plus 4 beers i had lying around, a few sparks


so i had around 8 or 9 last night but i surprisingly wasnt that wasted, i was "chill drunk" status, instead of my personal favorite "drunk as fuck smashing furniture and jumping on cars" status

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Originally posted by skullnbones@Mar 10 2006, 06:16 AM

about 8 dollars for a regular size bottle or like 15 for a one point 5 litre



i seriously cant express how good it is and how much enjoyment it brings. im going to get drunk right now.


Is this available in the states? Whats it taste like etc. My girl would like to know. (no offense. I dont like the taste of ginger)

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word... doesn't do ya much good really. i guess one beer a day can be beneficial....

i've always had a hard time understanding why people could like feeling disoriented, dizzy, sick and whatnot... i mean i guess it's okay to take an edge off or whatever but getting hammered is about worthless. unless you like to just erase chunks of your life.

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Guest nutsonmychin!

i <3 patron.


it's weird for me. sometimes i can drink for hours and feel pretty normal. other times two black sparks an i am on my ass. depends on my mood, amt of food i had, etc. i drink a bottle of wine almost every night tho. and i really enjoy it.

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Originally posted by skullnbones@Mar 10 2006, 10:16 PM

about 8 dollars for a regular size bottle or like 15 for a one point 5 litre



i seriously cant express how good it is and how much enjoyment it brings. im going to get drunk right now.


hah this shit has got me absolutley blind before

7 dollars for a bottle how could you go wrong

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enough to get foo chicken wings and rice,and forty ounce and a nickle bag to get diced!!!!!!!



where my Nine fans at.



when I would drink Whiskey, I turned on everyone. I just heard some shitty second hand story about myself cracking a really good guy in the face for no reason. The guy still hates me and it was 6 years ago, I might buy him a drink at bar cause it's the only time I ever see him, but if he hits me back I might just swallow my pride and say "good on ya".

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Originally posted by shameless self promotion+Mar 11 2006, 05:55 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (shameless self promotion - Mar 11 2006, 05:55 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-skullnbones@Mar 10 2006, 06:16 AM

about 8 dollars for a regular size bottle or like 15 for a one point 5 litre



i seriously cant express how good it is and how much enjoyment it brings. im going to get drunk right now.


Is this available in the states? Whats it taste like etc. My girl would like to know. (no offense. I dont like the taste of ginger)





its available everywhere im sure of it. go to your local bottleshop and ask for ginger wine and usually they know exactly what your talking about. if you want to see a bum get hyped up offer some ginger wine.

wonk smub.


and as for the taste. it taste like happy, mixed with a lot of awesome.

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