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depends how often and how far you plan to ride, what kind of bikes you're into and what kind of budget you have. could be 10 different answers.


My commute it's about 30 minutes right now, in car. About 5 minutes freeway and the rest in traffic on residential streets. I would eventually like to go on longer rides on some of the scenic routes here once I get comfortable. Down the line I would eventually like to get a Harley but some of those bikes Soup posts look real dope too but I'm not really into most newer sport bikes. Budget is a couple grand or less.

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Im actually thinking about selling my bike, but not for $2k. More like $3.5k







And look what i've still got



And there's a lot of variables you gotta look at when buying a bike. I really wouldn't pull the trigger on a bike if all i had was $2k. Most bikes in decent condition start at 2k, but if you get it home and something's wrong with it, you want some extra money to fix it immediately. I know too many retards who think they can just ride a motorcycle around until they have the cash to fix it, and then bang, something goes wrong.. I was one of them and lost my first bike that way, a pristine 1984 GS750ES. That thing was awesome. It had Miami Vice written all over it.


I'd wait until you have $3500-$4k to spend on a bike, repairs, and gear. And please get gear. It doesn't have to be expensive but you're gonna crash. Especially if you're new to your motorcycle AND new to riding. This is what a nice, armored, waterproof jacket looks like for $200: Alpinestars "Messenger" They're even coming out with a waxed canvas version so if you dig old school motorcycle jackets like Barbour makes, thats the one to get.





I would also recommend riding a bicycle in traffic first. 30 minute commute mostly in gridlock sounds bikeable. Also you don't want an old bike as your commuter. If something goes wrong with it, what are you gonna do? Sometimes sourcing certain parts takes a long time. I commute 60 miles every day on a 30 year old bike, but I also have disposable cash to sink into this money pit whenever I want. For a commuter I wouldn't recommend anything older than 20 years for that reason, and at 20 years old theres still parts that may be hard to find—And thats not even discussing the cost of those parts.


If you're 5' 9" and 145-150 like me, the PERFECT first bike is a Honda Hawk 650GT. It's a classic. It's minimal. It's a collector. Its a sport bike. It's tiny. You can get your knee down. Its got the narrowest profile I have ever seen on a bike making it really easy to split lanes for beginners. Its not that fast. Long service intervals. And it's cheap.




And the biggest thing you want when it comes to doing touring is ergonomics. You can strap plenty of cargo to a tank and tail and take a weekend trip to wherever on any bike, but if you're leaned over the front of your bike your arms are gonna tire out. An upright position with risers are the way to go.

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Yea good luck finding a honda hawk thats someones gonna part with...


Anyways I just jerked off to the 2011 Suzuka 8hr Bikes...theeeee absolutely most trick purpose built short run parts and one off's ever!!!!! Seriously you could spend all day breaking down one bike its great...





The Blog is about other shit in Japan too like this 600cc series with limited restrictions on frame/engines







Great guys if you wanna import sportbike parts their carbon is fucking phenomenal



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got a bunch of parts in for my bike. black mags, exhaust wrap, some other little do-dads. got some traveling to do in the next couple weeks but after that I'm gonna tackle my nasty chrome pipes. wrapped fronts, BBQ black rear. should be way nicer.... just in time for winter storage season. ha. shits gonna be beasting come spring though. i'll also be done with my sportster by then as well. can't wait.

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haha. levers id probably spring for, since you can get brand new ones for $20, and no way rattle can is gonna hold up. maybe it'll give you that vintage 'worn' sorta look thats all the rage these days.


ordered some rain gear the other day. pants are gonna be melted to my pipes in .2 seconds, but whatever.

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I dont think that crowd will appreciate the RC...


I just got back from New Hampshire overnight rode up mount washington got some good pics...but facebook is being retarded and I gotta upload them somewhere else before I can share...


Also destroyed my sprocket today apparently cheap sprockets don't deal well with my bikes torque...

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At least it's not sturgis.


I went to check out a local hangout for racers and talked to some of the local guys. Ended up riding with a group of sport bikes. Pleased to say I didn't get dropped. Probably because Ive ridden those roads 5000 times more than them. Not bad for a bike the sport bike riders just smirked at.

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This is my chop. 78 xs650.










The above photo is the bike i rode before i got the 650. it's a 1982 xj1100. ran like a dream, even after i wrecked it and rebuilt it. the 650 can get squirley, but she's fun. if i have my carbs done by this weekend, i'll most likely be at the brooklyn invitational. isn't the dice party going down in that same area at the same time?

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