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one te I was walking on haight street...high as a other fucker....there is this asshole hobo guy who yelled at me for not giving him change and he got mad and swung his jacket at me, and crumpled twenty fell out, I ducked and he missed me with his jacket(prolly had scabbies all over it) and i ran in limbo status grabbing the twenty and booking down the street.....prlly the coolest thing ive done high...i usually ust sit there.....

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Originally posted by merk or be merked@Mar 1 2006, 01:10 AM

prlly the coolest thing ive done high...i usually ust sit there.....





totally off topic, but the thread where someone said 'so it appears you merked so as to not be merked yourself' is one of the funniest things ive read on here in years. whoever that was, i applaud you.

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one time while leaving a redsox game i had an urge for burger king so me and my girlfriend go to the atm. upon having some trouble opening the door some drunk asshole bursts through the door talking about "you gotta use ya fahcking cahd." meanwhile said asshole left his card in the machine with the "would you like to make another transaction screen" flashing. long story short, we only took out 20 dollars and threw the card away. we justified it by the guy being a shithead and gave the change from BK to someone collecting money for charity.

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Originally posted by merk or be merked@Mar 1 2006, 06:10 AM

one te I was walking on haight street...high as a other fucker....there is this asshole hobo guy who yelled at me for not giving him change and he got mad and swung his jacket at me, and crumpled twenty fell out, I ducked and he missed me with his jacket(prolly had scabbies all over it) and i ran in limbo status grabbing the twenty and booking down the street.....prlly the coolest thing ive done high...i usually ust sit there.....




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Me and 2 homies bombin in downtown at like 1am....we walk by this bar.....and me and one of the homies both see cash laying on the floor at the same time....we jump for it at the same time but he gets it first cause he was closer......it was a $20 and three ones...he kept $21 bucks and gave us each a buck....fuck that sucked but whatever...he was broker at the time anyways..

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I've found a ton of brand new packs of smokes.


Once I found a cigar pack, opened it out of curiosity and it had an already rolled blunt in it. Shit was rolled sick too. Puffed it up, pretty good ish.


Couple cell phones and shit.


Nothing ever over the $200 range.

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Originally posted by ARCEL@Feb 28 2006, 09:54 PM

i found a dollar bill in a ditch with water, it had brown scum on it and made my wallet smell funny even after i washed the bill, then i found a five dollar by a driveway in a subdivision the same day i found a new pack of virginia slims on the floor in a grocery store

that sounds like a stink-dollar.....

1. get a dollar

2. wipe your ass wth it and fold it in half

3. sit back and wait for some poor dumbass to unfold it and realize its full of shit..........




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I moved out of state for about a year but kept collecting unemployment while working. I came home for Christmas and had about $4000 waiting for me - it wasn't lucky money, but it was a nice bonus

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Originally posted by fearthesear@Mar 1 2006, 07:07 AM

that sounds like a stink-dollar.....

1. get a dollar

2. wipe your ass wth it and fold it in half

3. sit back and wait for some poor dumbass to unfold it and realize its full of shit..........




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one of my friends found an enevelope with over $1000 in it a few years ago while he was at work.. and i think his brother found like $600 at some point too


found $26 bucks in an old washing machine that was trashed..




i had a dream the other night that i had like $50 in my pocket, and i woke up, checked my pockets.. man i was disapointed

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