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Tough Love

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Tough Love last won the day on August 12 2005

Tough Love had the most liked content!


2 Neutral
  1. fuck i have done zero work today and spent most of the remainder of the day browsing through facebook looking at all these ppl from my school fuuuuck
  2. hey at least you aint a rollerblader yeh i know someone said something to that effect but i came late
  3. PROPS FOR THE NINJAS DUDE i woulda spaced it out a bit more
  4. im alone, saturday niggggght at home winter olympics being watched, no TV for tough love
  5. SO i just rubbed some bengay on my calf to ease the muscle pain and i still had some residue on my hands. So w/e no biggy anyways, i go to grab my nuts (no homo) and i forget that i still had the shit on my hands. Now my nuts are buuuuuuurning like a sonovabitch guys, never do what i have just done
  6. i can read ur stuff fine dead...your letters are pretty simple once u get passed the bussiness
  7. ^^^ dude she better put out after that
  8. they assualted u for no reason they cant even act like that if they had seen u commit a crime let alone suspected it sue sue sue sue sue they may lose their jobs, possibly lose oppurtunity to get rehired in the same field etc
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