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Movie Recommendation Thread

H. Lecter

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Haha, that reminds me of this movie my friends and i once watched. We were just chillin and saw that some channel had an old school Jackie Chan film coming on soon, so we decided to watch it. It was called "Jackie Chan is: The Prisoner".


Jackie Chan was in that film for no more than 4 minutes, no joke. We couldn't believe it. It was a hell of a good laugh though.

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Although the "directors cut" sucks ~

go straight to the original, hidden in the extras

I had the VHS for years and still watch it,

I gave the dvd to a lady friend



i'll have the apple pie

a center piece

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i dont know if this one was posted or not....




I saw this one for free. Saw a coupon and went to see it.


Its all right. There wasnt anything wrong with it. However, this movie is more like for old people.


THere was an old lady that was laughing her ass off on some parts that werent really funny. The actors would say something simple like, "You wife hates me" and the old lady would laugh and tell her husband "look dear, he said......." COME ON! WHO CARES!


Dont you hate it when you want to see a cool movie and you have some nerd there being loud and shit?

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