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The Skateboard Thread


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that's my fucking favorite video part right now. so psyched to go skate after i see it every fuckin time. i might be going to check out that new park in Haverhill tonight, hit me up if you wanna go


cant tonight, i'm down to go somewhere sometime next week or sometime soon. i havent skated since October when i slammed into the quarter and fell in the crack, and i've been dying to skate lately. was gonna try and get a new board before i skated again, but dunno if thats gonna happen. i think my 8.5 is cursed.


heard haverhill is cool, but sucks that you can only really skate 1 at a time. or so i've been told, havent checked it out yet.


was thinking of skaters edge the other day, always forget that place has that foam pitt, and that half shell thing.

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the edge is my favorite spot around, the staff is cool as hell, and if a little fucker gets in your way (or just doesn't listen to you), the general consensus from the guys that work there is to just keep going, haha


either way, i've been trying some serious shit there, chupa should have pics eventually, we went the other day. saturdays til midnight? fuck yeah dude. i might actually go do that tomorrow. they just need to patch up the shallow end of the pool because i fucking rape that thing with the longest 5-0s i've ever done in my life when it doesn't have inch deep chunks out of it

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uhhhh, awkward picture is awkward hahaha


looks like a dope park.



ya on the other side of that wall on the left is a whole other kidna street course, a half pipe that stretches most of the building with a half shell thing at the end, with a foam pit tucked in the back corner, with a couple other random ramps you can see in that flick.


unless they changed it since last time i went there. foam pitt is awesome, but gets tiring quick when your constantly climbing out of it.

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hahaha, its really easy to do that there too, i've done it numerous times, slam into the ramp and flip into the foam pitt ha.


i guess theres a new indoor park being built up in Nashua, NH. i think people are starting to realize how much the winter really kills skateboarding around here, more and more indoor parks are popping up.

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Indoor parks can be awesome if they're maintained well. A lot of the ones around my parts get too dusty too fast and everything gets so slick it's deadly.


Plus, cities never build indoor parks, so they're always priced entry - which blows.


But it's gorgeous out today, so skating, then super bowl - GO STEELERS!

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