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The Skateboard Thread


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I have a friend that's done the same in his warehouse here in Cleveland , but not nearly as big and rad as the place you posted pics of . A lot of crazy shit goes down , motorcycle burnouts at 4AM , Tecate tallboys everywhere...yeah skateboarding needs more places like this .

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crack, you ever hear of the casket factory? a friend of mine was talking about we could probably build some shit up in there, i've never been inside but he said its like 4 floors of rentable area. im instantly thinking.. a place called the Casket Factory... already sounds like a great spot with great potential.. then he proceeds to tell me the other floors are generally used for some wild S & M bondage parties and shit haha.

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... already sounds like a great spot with great potential.. then he proceeds to tell me the other floors are generally used for some wild S & M bondage parties and shit haha.

Still sounds great. You could get drunk, build things to skate, skate said things, then go punch women without ever having to leave the building.

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looks like a fun pool party.



No such thing as a front overcrook. They're called nosegrinds.


so if you come up frontside and overcrook its a nosegrind.. but if you come up backside and overcrook its a overcrook, and not a nosegrind? now would you apply that same logic to crooked grinds? because the only thing that seperates them is whether your back truck crosses the rail or not.


always thought nosegrinds are sort of an art of a trick, if you cant lock em you cant lock em and thats that, your doing an overcrook or a crooked and you gotta deal with that. but people cant call sloppy nosegrinds whatever they want just cause they cant lock straight on. you cant call a whale a dog, even if its skeletal structure resembles a dog haha... ya dig?


i mean i do understand where your coming from, but i completely disagree. if you can do a trick frontside, you can do it backside, and if people say you cant than you cant do it either way.


this aggression will not stand man haha.

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