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The Skateboard Thread


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There's something about fakie manuals/switch nose manuals

that never even came close to working out for me.

I've never even been able to get into the shit much less come close to pulling if off.


This has been one of my favorite manuals recently. I cant fakie pop into them but switch pop ... no blocks ... just curbs. Shit is fun because of how insanely awkward it is.

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Okay so girls videos:

Getting Nowhere Faster



Basically the same thing in terms of skills. Not overly impressive. Some of them were pretty good though. And there was a weird like plotstorylinethinger built in. I liked "Nugget's" and Vanessa Torres' parts the most.

PS: It's raining so all I can do is watch skate videos until I have to work.


Not bad...FOR WOMEN!!!

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went skating today at this indoor park from 3-6, and at 6 there was a flip demo.. pretty fuckin gnarly, david gonzalez was shredding, that little like 13 yr old kid louie whatever was absolutely destroying, burnquist did a switch flip boardside on the vert ramp, handplant 360 and doing huge kickflip indy to fakie,. and a front smith - blunt to fakie on like a 5 ft ramp, some dude (might have been glifberg) did a huge 360 board varial over one of the bigger ramps made for bikes and shit. some other dude louis something did a switch fs big spin off the top of a 5 ft ramp over a bank to flat.


and some random dude in a pennywise shirt that was putting up all the banners and stickers for flip did a 5-0 seatbelt around like half the coping on the deep end of a pool.


rowley didnt skate, and appleyard did like 4 tricks and dissapeared. but everyone else was killing it.

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ha, ever heard someone call a hardflip, a illusion flip? that was a new one to me, and they just described it as a shitty looking hardlip.


edit: shit or maybe they were talking about frontside flips when they look like hardflips, jesus christ i dunno anymore.




Illusion flip is what you call one of them late 90's hardlips that is more like a weird pop shovit between the legs.

It's half pop shoveit, and half hardflip and it's hard to tell if it's really even flipping or not.


The term illusion flip dates back to the Chad Muska/Donny Barely days.


These days it's like a sideways diss to call someones hardflip a "illusion flip", but I remember getting laughed at in the late 90's for still doing my hardflips the right way when everybody else was doing illusion flips.

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dude your 18,


skateboardings gay now?? theyve been having x games for almost as long as you been alive.. skateboardings been "gay" since way before you hopped on.


keep trying to "exponentially increase" your coolness by hating on shit you aint been about but a minute now.

i would go on, but sonning you is ABD. thats how you whippersnappers say it isnt it?



heres some footy of me and my homies shredding this weekend

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