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hahah..ok..not simple like that..would anyone like to waste some time on an example??...ok ok..i'm gunna holdmy breath..................................................................:dazed:



but anyways..here is a sticker i did...simple like the yac in that??





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Is anyone interested in helping me finish some pieces. Like I could send you the drawing and the pic and you could finish what I start. cuz there're just some parts I don't like doing. Or you could just send me a pic you want me to draw and I could start it and send it back or whatever. Please respond someone.

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Re: yakster


I don't mean to be a dick or anything, but this is far and away the stupidest sticker i have seen. It looks like you took shitty cartoons that 12 year old boys draw on their notebooks and slapped it on a sticker with some stupid graffiti references.

Earth to Yakrock: you're posting in the toy thread, don't write "no toys allowed" on your shit.

The first drawing looks like you're writing NOC, which is unacceptable. Also, your Y is shit, change your name (don't worry, nobody pulls off a decent Y without being a master). In my experience, the C doesn't leave too much room for improvement either.

You've got a good grasp of perspective, but the car is badly drawn. Next time sit in front of a low rider and draw it.


Other than that, keep at it.

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thanks for the feedback both pos. and neg. here is a simple yac i did...fire away...oh and i'm probably not gunna change my name cuz i figure, why not get good at these letters and when i am good at that..then change my name and progress like that..insted of finding the easy shit all the time..push myslef from the start and it will make all the "easy" letters that much easier... just a theory..but hey what do i know....



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that isn't so bad. i like simple straight letters. id say just thicken up the skinny bars in the y and the a. and loose the squirrel penis nub things...

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Re: ^


Originally posted by YakRoK

thanks for the feedback both pos. and neg. here is a simple yac i did...fire away...oh and i'm probably not gunna change my name cuz i figure, why not get good at these letters and when i am good at that..then change my name and progress like that..insted of finding the easy shit all the time..push myslef from the start and it will make all the "easy" letters that much easier... just a theory..but hey what do i know....



much better, it looks like you're understanding how the Y works.
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Damn Toys Get Worse Every Year


What the fuck is going on here, all of you cats need to keep practicing before you post some of that terrible ass shit man, it is all about development so before you show it off keep working and start out simple. You are not going to be doing burners in the beginning and fuck just sketching all the bullshit paint that shit too. Get your can control down cause you can be ill at sketching, but if you can't paint it as well then what the fuck is the point. Just some friendly advice from veteran, keep working and get PAINTIN'!


Italy One - THM


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LETTER STRUCTURE What is it? I went back and made those letters simple and easy to read. I want to hear from every fucking person in here. I want to get better so bad! I idolize all the veterans in here, they give me someone to look up to, they represent my aspirations. So please look at those simple letters and maybe give more exact details of my greatly needed changes. I'm so open for suggestions.

Let's hear it!

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Hey Casper, hope this helps you out with structure.


*Quoted from Yoink, in this thread.


*Letter structure.

take a look at a simple yet classical font. like the typeface here on 12oz.

times new roman for instance...


your name...or whatever...MIGO migo. study the structure of the letters, they are made up of simple shapes, ie. bars. look at them like shapes, all drawings can be broken down into simple shapes then built upon.*


Back to what I have to say. M I G O. The M is made up of four bars, two vertical, two slanted down in between the vertical. The I has three bars, two horizontal, one vertical. The G is a semicircle, a verticalish bar, and a horizontal bar. The O is your basic circle, until you get the letters down, don't change it from a circle or anyhting. Any letter has bars that it is made up of. Look for them. Draw each bar separately with pencil, outline in pen, and erase the pencil in the fill of the letter. Practice this until you know exactly what I mean. Over time you will come to see each bar in a letter immediately, it just requires lots of sketching, and lots of study. Peace man. Anybody got something to add that I forgot, tell the man.

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