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honestly i think the hardest thing about graffiti these days is coming up with an original name. I'm assuming you write aze which i'm surre has been used before in fact i used to write ase years ago. Almost nobody sticks with the first name they come up with but you really shouldnt worry about that now. Just keep practicing and keep your letters simple and move up from there

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Migo: You really have to learn how to connect letters in 2 dimensions before you start doing them in 3. Piecing rappers' names is stupid, you come off looking like a 12 year old.


Getting back to the letters, you really need to draw a lot of 2d straight letters and perspective letters before you can do a decent wild style, let alone 3D style.

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If I were you I would concentrate more on letter structure, than perspective, 3d or anything, Kinda like what some of the sketches Hovie is doing. Once you learn your letters and how to manipulate them properly youll progress much better.


-keep it simple, even if it there just straight block letters its the best start. and the best way to learn.



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