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some new stuff





in the top one, the d is a little too busy compared to the rest of the letters, and you should probably try making the bottom of it more like the c


dont really like the way the bottom of the spine on the r sorta just curves up like that. i dont think it fits with the rest of the letters.


you need to work on proportion, like where the spine of the r joins the leg/head is way too wide compared to everything else


and you need to work on consistency with your extensions/serifs/whatever. like, one shouldn't end in one type of point/curl and another in a different type, if that makes since.


bottom one is dope. still needs tweaking, though.

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Really trying to define style, something new.. Always find I'm having trouble with flow, creating connections/extensions between letters that make the word really flow... Here's what I'm working on..




Really like that C on ur top piece, Cred, nice maynee

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Finished... Blazed watchn science channel..




Haha thats a dope concept. I watch science channel and food network religiously so bump for that. As for crits/help for connections. I find your name difficult because you have a d to c combo which has two curves going into each other. Take my m to a for example it has a sort of v shape to it so it can be sharp or curvy.

When i picked my name i thought about what my style of writing is. I like both ends of the piece to be some what even for the most part. The m and the n are even on the outsides so i can end and begin my pieces the same or not depending on How i feel and still have a nice aso transition in the middle to balance out the sharpness on the edges. Or i can go curvy and soft on the m and n and sharp on the aso and it still flows. I like to use names that flow even when you write them. Not so many straight letters but not to many curvy ones... Just right. You know.

Like my new name fuck. The seconf bar in the f can make the start of the u then the top of the u to the c and then the bottom of the c to the k

The cor in your name is fine i just think the d is messing with it a bit but if you can make it work more power to you. Ill message you an outline that might help the transition.

I also dont find im the best at graff so my advice might be useful to you or not so. I also dont know if other people choose names the way i do. Hope you got this for the most part

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some new stuff





I like these. The first one is tight. I think the bottom of the d could have a straighter line but beside that pretty nice. The second ones e and d extensions at the bottom clash a little to much. Choose which letter you want to outshine the other and pick that extension. And the last one is fine imho. I like your r's too theyre not generic fat top to skinny leg type of r. I like to see the thick well rounded r once in a while keep that.

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One piece of advice i would recommend to everyone on this thread is DRAW DRAW DRAW any idea you have i mean ANY jot it down. As well as you can so when you go back and look at it you get right back to the moment you drew it and can remember what you wanted to do. And ALWAYS refer to ald sketches a couple months later so you get fresh ideas. So you say im gonna use that transition bar and this break and that loop and throw em all together. Keep it new and funky. Dont be afraid to experiment at all you might just come up with some new age shit who knows! I find that the longer you write the more you get into a mold of what YOU like to see as oppose to what COULD be. So DRAW DRAW DRAW everything and anything! And dont get stuck in a mold explore the paper and let the pen flow

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@Mason - Appreciate the feedback man, really do. I started to realize so e of what you said, been experimenting with a few new names to try and come up with something new that works for me.. Practice makes perfect tho, been tryin to draw as much as possible lately.. Appreciate the crits/look forward to the sketch mayne.. Haha might try and go back to the concept as I progress and do something detailed wit it rather than so simple..


Like I said I tried to tighten up the 3d on the exchange I did for you.. Sometimes got to know when it's time to put the markers down, late night I find myself fightin sleep to finish a piece only to wake up pissed that I didn't jus finish the next day..



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@Mason - Appreciate the feedback man, really do. I started to realize so e of what you said, been experimenting with a few new names to try and come up with something new that works for me.. Practice makes perfect tho, been tryin to draw as much as possible lately.. Appreciate the crits/look forward to the sketch mayne.. Haha might try and go back to the concept as I progress and do something detailed wit it rather than so simple..


Like I said I tried to tighten up the 3d on the exchange I did for you.. Sometimes got to know when it's time to put the markers down, late night I find myself fightin sleep to finish a piece only to wake up pissed that I didn't jus finish the next day..



Im glad you got that and that i wasnt rambling to much. I like the extra background it gives it more oomph!

I remeber one time drawing a wildstyle type deal and was almost half way through and passed out on it and had the sharpie do a nice thick line through it and it just sat at the end and bled like crazy. And im sure most of graffiti writers dont finish something they fucked up on. Or maybe its just me. If im not feeling the first letter its scrapd. Haha then again all my pieces are sharpie or pen so im prolly just a freak like that. I think the new age word for it is OCD XD XD XD XD

Message me some names your thinkin of and i'll see how i can help

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not a bad start. Your K is tiny tho, make all your letters the same size to keep things consistent.


also the hole in your R should line up with the back leg which leads me to believe youre not constructing your letters out of bars. That is step one in simple letters mastery.

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@skor, first and foremost you want to ensure your letters are all proportional to each other n as n30n said you want to make sure you got your alignment right, just tighten it up a little and you got a nice simple.


Also, the 3d should all have the similar depth, the 3d on top is pretty uniform but then under the leg of the R it's short n stubby.


I'm no pro but practice makes perfect

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Thank you for the advice, Ill put another picture up soon, but what do you mean by constructing letters out of bars n30n?


Really quick illustration but he means something like this... You want the lines in the structure of your R to make sense. The left side of hole should be n line with 'backbone' of the R.




On you R the hole is off to the right making the letter look 'off', see what I'm saying? If you have a ruler you can practice uniform lines and width to get a sense for the letter structure

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sorry for the colours, my lamp's broke and it's night where i'm from. if anyone can tell me how to improve (the most thingy was for a crew member, so.. i don't care too much).

especially the ST is constantly fucking with my brain, i try to bring the top of the s more to the left side to make space for the T but then the T just seems much to big and blown out of proportion compared to the other letters... i don't know.

should i go back to an even simpler style?

any crits on the dirty throwie page are also more than welcome.

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