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Guest railroadjerk

yeah im with GLASS*ETCH on this one, im not into track or racing bikes but the weather is great outside and i get one of the greatest feelings romping around on my trek with the high gears and biking by all the people and cars, the second you hit a good speed with wind in your face is unbelieveable.


maybe someday ill get into what you guys are talking about, because frankly i have no idea...but biking is something i recently discovered again and it feels great...

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Guest BROWNer

yea, i'm the same. i have no idea how good my bike is, other

than its not really good. my bikes seem to fall apart quick..

the other night, i went down the street to the ocean and just

hung out on the beach and had a little puffpuff....which really

put me in orbit. after awhile i hopped on my bike and went

for some speed cruising.....wow...................one of those

times when you really feel something for what it is....going

fast and cutting in between parked cars like a maniac...i mean,

i bike like this everyday anyhow, but i was

really feeling the force of earth on this ride, gravity power

'like whoa'. strange and amazing. i'm thinking of getting a nice mid-range speed

bike this july, hopefully, to try and balance the fact i'm gonna

finally be a licensed driver with my own ride. ugh.

any name/model recommendations for under a grand?

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dope and riding mix well. sometime phenominally well. i much prefer being active just after smoking for at least 20 minutes or so. i read an article about pot smoke introducing a significant amount of carbon monoxide into one's bloodstream, which accounts for the difference one expieriences between smoking and pot food or smoking from a vaporizor (which dont produce CO). i think being active after smoking must increase the O2 level in one's bloodstream, allowing me to be more energetic.


you know what else mixes well with dope? birding. but i'm guessing the demographic that paints and is into ornithology is rather small.

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drugs are dumb...



but i feel great....i just went on a nice two hour ride with this cool guy (ive only ridden with him a few time) but we're both are about the same level riding wise...and it's 68 degrees out the sun is shining no clouds little wind, you can just smell spring outside..people in the naborhoods were cutting there lawns...we road hard but not too hard i just feel so good..:love2: :love2: :love2:


racing this weekend down in virginia tech...my kind of course with lots of climbing...i can't wait

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Cinnamon, I'm so jealous of your weather!! It's cold and raining here. I've been commuting to work everyday to get some riding in, even if it is on 15 miles. I can't wait for spring to be over so the sun will show it's face for a while. Good luck in your weekend race!


I raced on Tuesday. Kinda funny. I rode to the race and showed up a little late, but I thought I was okay because the 4/5 group was still racing on the course, which is a curvy loop with a long dreaded false flat. So I figured I had time to settle in and put my numbers on. As I was just about ready I heard the whistle go off for my 3/4 group. I looked up and saw them all riding down the straight away!! I hopped on my bike and raced for the start line to try and catch the group. They stayed in front of me, about 200 yards, the whole race! I never caught them. The great thing was every once in a while some guys would get dropped off the back and I could draft behind them for a few minutes to save energy. With one lap to go the official cut me off. Said he gave 13 laps to catch them and I didn't, so out I was. No biggie though. It was fun and it felt good to be out there. And I got 35 miles in on the course. The weather was wet and the course was really slick. There were several accidents, too. I sat and watched the Cat 1's finish their last two laps and was just amazed at the speed they were going. Phenominal. The sprint finsih was so fast that I'm sure they were going at least 40mph if not faster.


Fixed gear heads... How do you skid stop sitting down? Does gear ratio have anything to do with making that easier? Just curious...

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so THE LAW is back to commuting 10 miles to work everyday...which is awesome...the weather's good, which is also awesome.


what isn't awesome is the events of today.


THE LAW locked his bike up in front of the enormous high rise he's now employed at...one of the tallest buildings in the city. then THE LAW comes out for lunch and bike is no where to be found. FUCK! and THE LAW just spent another 200 bucks on it just a couple days ago. after freaking out for a couple minutes, THE LAW starts asking security guards if they have any policy about clipping bikes parked in front of the building. two of them say "no". THE LAW asks if any bikes have been removed from the plaza this morning....they say "no".... Sooo.....what the fuck is THE LAW gonna do without a bike. he asks a third guy, and he says they clipped it this morning and it's in the security office.


so....THE LAW's bike wasn't stolen after all, which is good, but having to pay another 35 bucks for a lock sucks and being lectured on where to park your bike by some lame ass head of security sucks ass.

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from toy statements to toy questions...


whats the best way learn how to fix your bike up quick...for example i have a cool bianchi mountian bike frame that i wanna fix up..its got shitty standard stuff as far as gears cranks and pretty much everything..the rims are cool but i got at like 80 percent off on the whole shabang so....the whole bike that is...anyway..i want to upgrade the cranks and gears and it really needs a tuneup, i can feel the bearings loose in the neck and its got these weird gear shifter things that are part of the hand grip..so i guess i want to know whats some good advice on upgrading cause the labor is way to much for me to pay and in my opinion paying to have your bike worked on, minuse truing the rims which just seems like a pain in the ass, takes all the fun out of it...thats like paying someone to detail your peice...so im looking to install some good cranks around the 150$ range and and need to fix the headset i think its called...all input would be appreciated. thanks

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I suggest you pick up a book called Zinn and the Art of Bicycle Maintenance. It's about $20, I think, and will save you some cash in the long run, especially if you want to do the repairs yourself. It covers just about everything and is basically written for dummies like me. So it's easy to understand. Though truing rims can be quite tricky. I'd suggest a professional. You may get it from wobbling back and forth but who knows about the up and down. I leave that kind of stuff to the pro's, like Dibs.


As for upgrades on your bike... I don't know jack about MTB's so I'm at a loss as to what is good for the money and what is over rated. I do know that the "weird" shifters you wrote about are probably by a company called Grip Shift. And from personal experience they rock. Much better than thumb shifters. Though I'm sure someone will argue that. And honestly, it's a matter of preference. So go for what you feel most comfortable with. Spend your money where it counts. A good seat, good cranks and shifting, good brakes or at least brake pads, and a good chain. If you keep it all greased and clean it should last you a while. At least till you're ready to upgrade to a new bike...

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wow, where was i? sheesh.

joker- gear ratio has alot to do w/ skidding sitting down. i run a 3:1 ratio on my fixie, and sitting down and skidding is not an option. my roomates bike on the other hand is practically 1:1, its pathetic. i can skid sitting down for quite a far distance. actually i tend to think skidding is somewhat bad ad overstressing on my bike, so i try to only do it in semi emergency situations.


stratodab- if you buy the stuff for a set of wheels i'll build em for like $10. or a six pack. i just laced a new set of wheels today and im re-geeked on the whole process. i wanna make a wheel building website, that would be great. email me anyways though.


*fuck tuning shifters and deraileurs. blah, thats the one thing i'll pay a shop to do, case im inept when it comes to that.

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Re: from toy statements to toy questions...


Originally posted by GLASS*ETCH

whats the best way learn how to fix your bike up quick.....i want to upgrade the cranks and gears and it really needs a tuneup, i can feel the bearings loose in the neck and its got these weird gear shifter things that are part of the hand grip.....so im looking to install some good cranks around the 150$ range and and need to fix the headset i think its called...all input would be appreciated. thanks



Like Joker said, Zinn and the Art of Bicycle Maintenance. I bought that book and pretty much do all my maintenance now. Last bike I built I did everything except for the headset (no press) and the fork.


As far as upgrades:

Cranks...I would go with Truvativ. You can get a bad ass crank set and bottom bracket for under $150. Its a really nice, stiff, light weight set up.

Headset...Pay the money now and be done with it. Chris King makes the best headsets period. I think they have something like a 10 year warranty. If its not threadless then switch it when you upgrade the fork. It'll set you back around a $100.

Shifters...it sounds like you have the Grip Shift shifters. These have come along way in the past few years. SRAM is making the best set of these now. SRAM just started making a set of "trigger" shifters. I have no experience with them, but I'm sure the're nice.


Other things. Just because you got me started. If you upgrade your seat and your not a vegan...go Selle Italia. I haven't found a better saddle yet. I just bought a Carbon Fiber SLR for $40! That thing weighs like 135 grams. I've got it on my racing road bike right now, but I'm gonna switch it to my cross bike and put my Trans Am back on the road.

One of the best upgrades you can make to your bike is wheels. Mavic and Ritchey both have some nice wheel sets.

Brakes...I'm a big fan of Avid brakes whether its v or disks...they rock. Hayes has the best hydraulic set up.

good luck!

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joker- i dunno about gripshift being better than thumb shifters. thumbies are near impossible to find, as everyone who still has them doesnt want to sell them ( I believe sun race and shimano stopped producing them in '97). the only kind still in production are crappy department store generic ones. the higher-end ones allow one to switch between friction and indexed shifting. the result it that one never has to do derailleur maintainence.


glassetch-get that zinn book and ask some people in-the-know what shops in your area are good. find a shop that allows you to watch them fix your parts or will help you fix problems. most cities seem to have a shop or two that charges something along $5 an hour to use their tools. The mechanics at those places tend to be pretty helpful.


as far as what componentry is best, check out the parts reviews on mtbr.com That site has a nice classified section too, though not as nice as before they started charging to post ads.


and about the shifters- SRAM gripshift stuff tends to be easier to tune as the cable pull ratio is 1:1, as compared to shimano shifters which have index differences half the size of the cable they pull, meaning they are twice as finicky. but frankly, i dont like messing with any of that. singlespeeding it is always a low-maintainence, viable alternative.

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hell yeah!!!


thanks a ton for all the super helpfull advice...my cheap ass cranks are making this popping sound which is all bad cause i feel it when it pops and my headset is still loose....

on the brighter side i now not only ride to and from work everyday but went on a 4 mile ride on my lunch break and got bitched out by the security for riding through my office buildings grass and leaving tire marks....or even better was the yuppie on the super ugly diamond back mtb was walking his shit on the sidewalk as i mashed through the decoritively stupid medians in the shopping center and left lots of tire marks.........some day ill be ready for ulock justice!!!


jump mothafuckah jump the fuck off page 2!!

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looking for websites to check out for getting a big ol courier bag.


also, any product suggestions would be great.


help a LAWMAN out.


hesh, holler on AIM!

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looked at the Timbuk site...they used to make one bigger than the Bolo (what THE LAW got now). ...like the Timbuk design but looking for something bigger.


the reload ones look kinda funny.


pacdesigns ones look dope...but way too expensive.



been looking at this one...any word on the durability of these suckers?

also, does baileyworks have a phone #....didn't see one listed on the site.



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anyone catch this this morning?

museeuw won the 100th paris-roubaix. hincapie was up at the front, finally with a teammate, rookie belgain tom boonen, but crashed into a ditch on a section of the pave. boonen, who went in a break away at 31km into the race, actually ended up finishing third. it was good to see museeuw win, but i feel bad for hincapie. at first no one chased museeuw when he attacked at 40km to go, and a crash immediately afterwards left the us postal tandem of boonen and hincapie with a good chance of catching him and maybe using some team tactics like domo used last year to isolate hincapie. it's impossible to say whether or not they would have cought him, but they certainly had a good chance. museeuw was flying and ended up with a 3 minute gap, but hincapie also seemed to have great form. fred rodriguez, another favorite of mine (and i'm sure the bay area people), rode pretty well after his 2nd place last week at ghent-wevelghem.

i was inspired, and went out and rode. this weekend i clocked 110 miles, all on the fixed. not bad, but i'm ready to really get down to business.

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Ok, heres my position on grip shifters, and im a mountain biker.

I think they actually suck for any sort of riding that is technical, they may work great for street, but if your going to need to be doing bunny hops and manuals to get over rocks and stuff grip shifts are going to suck cause whenyou pull up they will twist and shift. Get the ones mounted below the bar, that you press one to shift up, and one to shift down. These also work great, cause you can press it once quickly to shift one gear, or plunge it all the way in, and it shifts 4 gears at once, this is excelent for when you reach a hill unexpectedly. Also after you use them for a short time its not hard to find at all, and the shifting becomes instinct, its really not hard to shift at all.


I need to keep better care of my bike, i dont wash it too often, and it gets real muddy, also i almost never grease the chain so it starts to get squeeky a lot.

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Originally posted by suburbian bum

Ok, heres my position on grip shifters, and im a mountain biker.

I think they actually suck for any sort of riding that is technical


grip shifters work great on my recumbant. i missed the roubaix this am. but i plan on catching the replay on thursday night

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race report!!


god i love bikes



well cinnamon was down (well for me) at virginia tech this weekend for a road race and a time trial



the road race i did the collenaite mens B (which is like a cat. 4 race). the course was an 11 mile loop which i had to do 5 times the first 4 miles was all false flats then the next 4 miles was all down hill then the dreaded 2 mile climb(oh it hurt im talking steep too) then a mile or so down hill to the finish... well i was 2nd over the top of the climb on the first lap and kinda had a little break away going but i decided it was too early in the race to break away so i slowed down and waited for the pack

the 2nd time up the climb i was 4th( i was one of the top climbers there) each time up the climb the lead pack got smaller and smaller by the 4th lap the lead group was down to 13 riders on the 5th lap the hill got steeper i think...but i managed to be 3rd over the climb..on the down hill to the finish 3 riders past me...(im a bad decender) well i ended up gettting 6th (my best road race finished of the year) 34 riders started



time trial...

14.7 miles(strange distance) but im lucky to have a dad that races so i had the disc wheel in the back a zipp 404 in the front and an aero helmet from the 80's. well i caught my minute man (who was the kid that one the race the day before) and i ended up with a time of 34min. and 39 sec. which was good enough for a 2nd place finish....i compared my times with the A riders and i would of gotten 15th in there race..so i think im in the right group...well all in all i had a great weekend of racing...the mountains are my best friends


next weekend im going to beach mountain..in NC for confrence championships...

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nice job cinnamon. sounds like your right on track man. you should be taking that first spot within a month. climbing is where its at. its so demoralizing to others when you blast past them on a climb, or up leave em dead in their tracks.



We've got some nice technical stuff around where I live and I've never had a problem with the grip shift shifters. Guess I'm just used to it.


I also missed the roubaix. I haven't gotten my cable connected since moving. Hopefully one of my boys taped it.


um, what else. oh yeah, finally ordered a wheel for my fixie/single. I totally tacoed my singles rear. I knew it would happen eventually, but wasn't quite ready for it. I was cranking up a big ass hill, one spoke broke...and the whole wheel just twisted like a double wide in a tornado. walk home sucked.

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Yeah Cinnamon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's awesome!! Congrats on your results. You'll be winning in no time. Will you still talk to us little people when you're pro?


I watched the Paris-Roubaix race and I was so excited for Hincapie when he and Boonan left the chase group behind in persuit of Museeuw. But I think even if Hincapie didn't crash in to the ditch, he and Boonan wouldn't have caught the Lion King. He was on a mission. I think he wanted to win Paris-Roubaix one last time before he retires. That was a good race though. I had to get up at 5:30am to watch it, but it was worth it.


If anyone missed it, and has OLN it's on again this thursday...


Thanks for the info Hesh!

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i rode about 20 miles today in a like a hour. also i hunkered down and bought a road bike off ebay an older bianchi brava. cant wait to get it...the mountain bike is getting sluggish..im beat right now but all i feel like doing is waking up an hour early and riding like 15 miles before work....

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