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Looking for a 26 inch wheelset, want something that is strong and not too pricey, don't care how light it is. For use on the paved-with-potholes streets of Chicago


any ideas? I don't know shit about "mountain" wheels


check out jensonusa.com and you will find something in your budget, if you have any questions about what they have let me know.

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I'm looking at these on Jenson



Shimano XT Disc/Rhyno Lite Wheelset



Mavic Crossride Ub/Disc Wheels '11


not sure how i feel about the bladed spokes on the crossrides, seems like they would be a pain to true or replace? They do cut the weight down a lot. Also trying to avoid fancy looking parts since this bike will spending some time locked up outside.


any experience with either or these? should I think about dropping another 100 bucks or so for something nicer?

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i have no experience with the crossrides, but mavic is a solid company.


i've had a few set of wheels with xt hubs and loved them. and i've had rhyno lites; they're a good rim to abuse.


i'm assuming you already have 6 bolt discs on your current set up? thats a shiny part that thieves love. in 2003 my last mountain bike that was stolen had discs, it was in the same cable lock as a bike that didn't have discs, which was left behind even though it was worth atleast twice as much... shiny parts invite thieves. i hate leaving any bike locked up outside...

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I have rim brakes ... most wheels seem to have disc hubs though, I guess it doesn't matter as long as they still have braking surface, right?


The bike lives in my apartment, but I'm using it for a delivery job so it spends 8-10 hours locked up outside in various places for varying lengths of time.

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Yeah looking at that makes me want to get my frame soda blasted to bare aluminum then cleared. Ive got a thing for raw aluminum haha. Soup you know those bikes?


Was hoping my 130mm stem would be here when i got home from work tonight so i could throw it and the bars on my frame and the wheels from my other bike on and get an idea of what the new ones gonna look like. But it wasnt :(

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Friends of mine used to have both of those bikes. They were great. I wish i could remember exactly why they were great but I just remember them being really fast practical bikes. And those hollowgrams were the lightest stiffest cranks on the market. If i could find either one of them today I'd buy em.

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how'd everything go?

bummed i missed out -- been too busy.


Choc, SSCXWC weekend was awesome and probably the most fun I've had in the bay area yet.


Friday was the East Bay MTB ride and I finally got out to those trails off of Skyline/Joaquin Miller. Pretty damn sick on an SSCX bike, especially climbing up Tunnel in one gear with the fast guys. On one downhill section in the trails there was a rock garden and I (always riding in the drops, naturally) had way too much weight over the front coming into it and went over the bars to land on my feet/walk down the rocks, while my bike went aiming towards a ravine but stopped via a well placed tree branch. Other than that, awesome trail ride and good to explore more East Bay stuff.


Saturday was the qualifier in SF. First checkpoint: coffee and beer stop at a bike shop on Market. Second checkpoint... race from the bottom to the top of California St., in traffic, while Mike @ MASH filmed you from a motorcycle. Awesome. Had mad vertigo at the top... that hill starts steep and gets steeper. Other notables included sprinting up Lion's Street Hill to the 500+ stair set, then shouldering the bike and running up the stairs to the top. Me and another PDX guy tag teamed for the 1/2 there, as the first two people to the bottom were also the first to the top (passing is nearly impossible because of the narrowness involved).


Saturday night was Pixie Cross... racing in a basement parking garage on kid's bikes in a homemade cross course setup complete with a pallet table top. By the time my heat was up, the kid's bikes were so thrashed as to be barely rideable, so I spent the majority of my 'race' fucking with the guy in front of me, throwing knees and elbows, putting my front tire into his rear and all around being a real turd :D


Sunday was race day. I did the SSEAW race in the morning and led out the field, but flatted about halfway into the first lap and continued riding that flat out on a course I didn't really preview. Coming near the finish I asked the crowd (and by asked, I mean screamed) where the pit was, but no one really knew and I never found it so I pulled out.


Repairing the flat was a piece of cake (just had to pump some air into the tire and let the tubeless sealant wash into the puncture), so I got ready for SSCXWC by heckling racers and doing beer/cider handups.


SSCXWC was a real shit show, much like the big SS fields at our local Cross Crusade series in PDX. The course was "among the muddiest I've ever seen" (according to an SF friend I stayed with), but mostly standard fare for the PNWers among us. Good, slippery, light mud; none of that thick peanut butter shit. The start was Le Mans style and at the bottom of the longest, steepest, most slippery run up on the course. The result of this, of course, was a chaotic stampede where even if you fell forward or backward on the runup, the momentum of the crowd would carry you upright. Totally awesome. Finding my bike was a hassle as some heckling spectators apparently fucked with some of our shit while we were at the bottom of the run up: if you watch closely at this video, you can see me running forward and then turning around against the crowd to find my shit:


The race itself was super fun, and the course at Golden Gate park was in my top 3 favorite ever. As far as results, I passed plenty of people but only finished around 70/150 racers, which is cool but could probably have done a bit better via a better start.


One more race this weekend, then the season's done :(

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adjusted the bars, tightened the chain, aired up the tires and rode 11.3 miles last night with a couple of homies




only thing that bothered me was my butt, after talking to some friends that ride a lot they

said it's just something you just gotta not think about and push through. my legs are fine,

i am constantly up and down stairs all day at work


new parts checklist:

grip tape

wider pedals

add front brake or move rear to front


other than that the bike rides really good, i know i have nothing to compare it to but i

enjoyed the ride and plan on riding it a lot

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I picked up my first fixed gear today, 2008 Raleigh one way, with a flip flop rear hub but I don't plan on riding the freewheel. Immediate plans are for clipless pedals and ditching the rear break. The chainring seems a bit on the small side too so I'll probably address that shortly as well.

Here she is:


And side by side with my cross check:


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