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I purchased an airplane safe travel bag...made by scicon. Its a soft shell so weight shouldnt be a problem. But like rubbish heap 2 said, I hope the person checking my bag in doesn't fuck with me. It's going to be my only checked luggage. I'm putting all my clothes into my carry on. Hopefully that cuts me some slack

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Are you looking for a touring bike or what? If so I'd give it a look. I've ridden and raced All City's CX bike and I'm definitely a fan, although it's a little heavy (easy swap for a carbon fork).


Would look elsewhere if you're more interested in fixed riding. That low bottom bracket + slack geometry isn't gonna be too fun unless you plan on running tiny cranks and clipless pedals with great cornering clearance. It's touring geometry through and through.

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Eh. You can mostly run fixed on horizontal road drop outs just fine provided you torque down the track hub bolts enough, as the bulk of road conversions makes clear. The real issue is that 75mm BB drop - it's on the floor, relatively speaking. If you ever have to make an emergency turn to avoid something, you're nearly guaranteed to crash yourself out or at least catch air via pedal strike unless you're riding Speedplays with 160mm cranks.

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Forgot about that too. I made my 80's bridgestone into a conversion after I broke my pista concept's fork in half. 54 frame with 160's and the pedals still dragged.


The 20 year old steel was so goddamn comfy on 70+ mile rides that I def think a steel fixie tourer's a great idea, but I remember constantly having to straighten the axel and retighten it. I was tightening it so much there were deep imprints from the nuts. Touring rigs havent changed much in 40 years, so I would just buy a touring bike and a fixed gear and not worry about buying another for a few decades.


I really should get another fixed gear. I havent been riding much this winter. Bought myself a 50 lb kettlebell and just been swinging that around. Best investment I ever made. Maintenance fees on a 50 lb hunk of cast iron are just so affordable...

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The lunch rider for the creative director for Specialized.


Also, I've been digging this bike - the Volume Generator. I had been wanting to build up a 5 speed, disc brake city bike for the winter and this pretty much fits the bill. Not the best looking, but it runs an 8 speed internal rear hub and looks like it would be a lot of fun to beat the shit out of. Anyone had any experience with the Alfine internal hub?


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i had a 3 speed alfine on a beach cruiser.

i doubt i put more than 100 miles on the bike total over a couple years, but they were pretty hard miles and i was super aggressive on the shifter (i'd gotten the bike for free so i had a destructive mentality) and never had any problems.

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im looking for a bike i can keep fixed for riding to work and shit till i get off probation, which i can then in turn throw some extra shit on it and take it touring. without getting two bikes.


i certainly wont be doing bike polo and alleycats and other fixieshit on this bike, just riding it.


but that is a good point on the whole bb height, pedalstrikes suck. good way to wake the fuck up on a morning commute..

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What are kind of helmets are you br0's wearing? I had a little spill this fall that resulted in a concussion, and since winter never arrived in the mid-Atlantic region (60 degrees today), I'm still riding without one. I've been getting more serious about cycling over the past year, doing longer rides frequently and such, so I definitely think I need a helmet now. I tried a few on today and found the ones I tried to be bulky and awkward as hell. Suggestions?

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I think I tried on a Giro today, just didn't like the way it looked and felt, it was close to an inch thick. Maybe I should just resign myself to the fact that I look like a dick riding a bike to begin with and that a helmet isn't going to make me lose anymore "cool" points.


Edit: And that it's there to save my life. Man, I can be so fucking hard headed sometimes, pun intended.

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