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i think i may have slipped a disc in my neck the other day at work. i feel like i cant hold my head up and my finger tips are tingling. i could barely ride to work this morning. im bummed, i had a nice century planned for tomorrow ending at a brewery w/ a car and clean clothes meeting me to get wasted.




sounds shitty.

get an MRI andget adjusted at the chiropractor [if youre into that stuff]

i have 2 buldging discs in my neck and 3 in my lower back, all from seperate accidents.

after long rides my neck gets sore,

but honestly, sleeping on a bad pillow for one night is far worse than any bike ride.

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ack! horror stories.


question. Guerciotti. still the same factory and stuff from the orig stuff or ddi some dirty chinese company buy the name?


there is a 'rep' in portland selling last years models cheap and im thinking of copping a cross set up. so if it s still legit i might be sending joker some cash to shop for me. haha

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HESHIANDET: Guerciotti is a very nice bicycle, especially for cyclocross. They actually made their name on cyclo cross bikes. Many Italian Cyclocross Championships and World Championships have been won on that marque.

You don't see many in the states because of a lack of solid disrtibution. My guess is that particular rep is an independent and payed for those frames himself. Some guys working with the smaller brands will do that as they are not part of some enormous corporate machine. The inventory is their's and they hustle to turn it over to get next years shit or the $ back.

Last year the Orbea rep was selling a couple of cross frames at the races. Same kind of thing.

So yes buy those nice Italian made frames. Don't buy your road size though. Go one smaller.


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nerd unit, you seem to be quite the wealth of information. your presence in this thread is appreciated. haha



its hard to sell bmx bikes. the market is flooded and i can't get 100 for a 600 dollar bike. i'm halfway contemplating giving it away as i haven't really ridden in 2 years, and don't see myself starting up again anytime soon.

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HESHIANDET: Guerciotti is a very nice bicycle, especially for cyclocross. They actually made their name on cyclo cross bikes. Many Italian Cyclocross Championships and World Championships have been won on that marque.

You don't see many in the states because of a lack of solid disrtibution. My guess is that particular rep is an independent and payed for those frames himself. Some guys working with the smaller brands will do that as they are not part of some enormous corporate machine. The inventory is their's and they hustle to turn it over to get next years shit or the $ back.

Last year the Orbea rep was selling a couple of cross frames at the races. Same kind of thing.

So yes buy those nice Italian made frames. Don't buy your road size though. Go one smaller.




you are the secret info weapon in here for sure.


yeah i was aware of the history but they had dropped off so hard here i was wondering if it was one of those things where some shit people bought the name and began ruining it. looks like i'll be picking one up soon.


thanks man.

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i have only maxed out once and that was on a steep hill in btown IN.

otherwise around most of chicago you spin only as fast as you can.

there isnt much in the way of grades except for the overpasses.

and that isnt saying much.


in other news, 44 x 16 is nice.

i only note a difference with starts and stops.

otherwise it aint so different from 49 x 16 when cruising.

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Question: yay or nay on derailleurs for winter riding? i've heard salt can play horrors with the shifting.


i say nay... but that's half the reason i ride fixed. brakeless riding in the winter is my favorite, you just need some quality tires (conti 4 season) and some fenders and your set, the bike stops easier than a set of coaster brakes and the only thing to worry about is cleaning/lubing your chain from time to time (assuming you're not running any loose ball type shit). i'm a guy that likes low maintenance and peace of mind for the most part, even though any bike is going to eventually have something break down on it.







i just got my rollers in the mail today. pretty fun to ride, though 10 minutes on them makes you look like you just got out of a swimming pool. now i gotta tool around with ways to add a little resistance (lowering the tire pressure maybe?).

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is there such a thing as a good airless tire/wheel i have read mixed reviews...i only ask because i am a big dude and my tires are always losing PSi due to my size and shitty roads....is there a certain brand of tire that would benefit a big dude like me and are the airless tires bullshit or something to consider

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hahaha. dads bikes. my pops has a few.

main ride is an 05 langster hand-me-down from my brother.

set up as a single-speed with record hubs and matrix rims,

a set he had on his paramount for a while.

regal saddle and campy daytona calipers front and rear.

reynolds carbon fork and nitto bullhorns with cross levers.

he is on it from the time he gets home from work

until he goes to bed because it is better than talking to my mom.

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Airless tires (and by airless I'm guessing you mean solid rubber) are total shit. They only come on cheap bikes, but are none the less sometimes touted as being "better" than regular air tires. They're bad for you wheels and bike as they provide a LOT less cushioning compared to air; They're bad for YOU because they're much harder to push because of increased rolling resistance, and again less cushioning. Stay away from them.

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yeah that pretty much sums up the negative ive heard...any recommendations on a quality tire for a heavier rider


I don't think they make anything like that but from my own experience (being 220 lbs. when I started cycling) I had alot of challenges with flat tires. Here are a few things I learned.


Check carefully to make sure your wheels don't have any defects that could be poking your tube.

Get quality tubes (I still prefer the thicker thorn resistant type myself)

Some places have these things called goat heads that kill bike tires (usually dry areas)

To avoid getting them stay off all grass and dirt and stay on paved surfaces.

Also the obvious, make sure your tires are good and check the insides for thorns/defects

All tubes loose air slowly but if your tubes leak enough during a ride to be noticeable they might have a very small hole in the tube or bd stems

which can be hard to find. Also tire liners can help alot when it comes to thorns and goatheads.


If you really think your size is causing the problem (doubt it but I'm no expert) you may want to get a light mountain bike to start out with and put some slick tires on it for city cruising.

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Krim is your dad going for the 73 mtb look? I like the setup but It looks funny with some of the modern bits on it.


I tried out a dudes cyclocross bike today and I want one so fucking bad. Riding it on the street, hopping the curb and running it through peoples front yards and ramping off their knocked over fences... youre looking at things like a skateboarder: wall ride this, jump that... If I could find a pair of 35mm non-sidepull brakes Id be in business.

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