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The Nonsense thread


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The average American middle class (is there even any of those left?) hardworking person is too sputid to see this reality. Years of spoonfed media 6pm news and News of the minute live reporting from every war zone and disaster and car accident add in the customary shock and Awe because of an ass shake by Miley Cyrus and Lindsay Lohan problems galore and you get one stupid individual who instead of asking what is happening in their government is more concerned about consuming more media Pablum. 'FUCK THE ECONOMY AND CORPORATE CORRUPTION ...I WANT TO SEE MORE HOLLYWOOD TARTS AND THE HORROR STORIES OF THEIR DRUG ADDICTIONS AND THE MORAL DEGRADATION CAUSED BY SHOWING NIPPLE IN A VIDEO!!" They will only wake up when its way to late to do anything.

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The u.s. economy is purposely being destroyed by the elites to lay the ground work to bring in their new world order global bank and global currency and a global vat. The fed is deliberately destroying the dollar and the more they print the lower the dollar goes until the whole house of cards collapses per their elite plan and agenda.

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"We have got to turn the page on this kind of bubble-and-bust mentality that helped to create this mess in the first place, we have got to build a housing system that’s durable and fair and rewards responsibility for generations to come. That is what we have got to do."


- Barack Obama, August 6, 2013

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