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30 September 2011

Obama Is A Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure...

...And in other news...


Political Correctness needs to Fuck Off And Die In A Fire.


In case y'all didn't know, I drive a school bus/rolling petri dish/primate house...


The other day a driver radioed in stating that the primates had basically started a riot and were screeching and howling and throwing shit, and would not listen to instructions to Sit The Fuck Down And Shut The Fuck Up.


Dispatch answered with, "Well, get their names and write them up and we'll wag our fingers at them come Monday..."




What the fucking fuck?!?!?!? That Driver should have been able to turn around and gone back to the school and have the principal pull those fucktards off the bus, kick their asses and made the "parents" come and get the little fuckers.


A MAJOR part of what's fucked up with this Republic can be traced DIRECTLY back to the public school system. God forbid you discipline a fucking kid 'cause you might dent their pwecious widdle self esteems. "Well, they're growing up the way nature intended.."





When a dog shits on the floor or chews some shit up, you kick it's ass and it learns to not fuck up like that any more. Same same for a fucking kid. It doesn't know any better 'til you teach it better.


But when you have cum dumpster uterus life support systems passing child substitutes like they were turds and shacking up w/ 17 year old sperm donors and a video game system for a baby sitter that the offal will play for hours but still be diagnosed w/ ADDHADMOUSE, and all of them sitting around waiting for the food stamp card to be recharged and the welfare check to come in...........


We either need a revolution to kill all the liberal/commie/fucknozzle supporters of the welfare state and unfuck this fucked up situation, or another asteroid to wipe the slate clean and let the cockroaches give it a go...

Posted by FORGER at 22:42 0 comments

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25 September 2011

Obama Is A Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure...

And in other news, I just developed my own brand of Hot Sauce. I call it "Kleen Up The Kitchen Holy Fuckin' Shit It's Hot Sauce!!" "ZOMBIE SAUCE!!" I took the remains of about a dozen bottles of different hot sauces, jalapeno, habanero, chipotle, multi-pepper blends, and so on, put them in the blender for a spin and bottled 'em up in the containers I had on hand.


Here's the result -



This ain't no weak sauce...



Not only is this bastard child of a dozen mothers hot, it tastes good too.

Posted by FORGER at 14:33 0 comments

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HOLY FUCKING SHIT, BATMAN!!! Obama Is A Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure...

...And I be famous an' shit!!


While figgerin' out The Ol' Lady's IPad, I googled "SCOAMF" to find my blog. It turned up as the #2 result. Curious, I went to her laptop and Binged it....




That's right, Bitches... I'm Bad and I'm Nationwide


Posted by FORGER at 09:43 2 comments

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23 September 2011

Obama Is A Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure...

And in other news, so is Easy Reader.




From Newsbusters via Gateway Pundit -


PIERS MORGAN, HOST: Has Obama helped the process of eradicating racism, or has it in a strange way made it worse.


MORGAN FREEMAN: Made it worse. Made it worse. Look at, look, the Tea Partiers, who are controlling the Republican Party, stated, and what’s this guy’s name, Mitch O’Connell. Is that his, O’Connell?


MORGAN: Yeah, Mitch McConnell, yeah.


FREEMAN: Mitch McConnell. Their stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term. What’s, what does that, what underlines that? “Screw the country. We’re going to whatever we do to get this black man, we can, we’re going to do whatever we can to get this black man outta here.”


MORGAN: But is that necessarily a racist thing?


FREEMAN: It is a racist thing.


MORGAN: Is it not Republicans, wouldn’t that say that about any Democrat president?


FREEMAN: No, they would have gotten rid of Bill Clinton if they could have.


MORGAN: They tried.


FREEMAN: They did try, but still. I don’t, they’re not going to get rid of Obama either. I think they’re shooting themselves in the head.


MORGAN: Does it unnerve you that the Tea Party are gaining such traction?






FREEMAN: Well, it just shows the weak, dark, underside of America.



AAANNNDDD another Whollyweird shitferbrains opens his festering gob and consigns more of my DVD collection to the dustpile...


So, what am I supposed to do, Easy Reader?? Flush common sense, logic and love of Country down the shitter just because some half-white, half-arab half-wit that shares your skin tone managed to bullshit his way past the 52% of voters in this country that don't have two fucking brain cells to rub together and get hisself into public housing @ 1600 Penn. Ave.???


Fuck that.


I guess I've been shoved full circle - from growing up in a racist family where anyone brown was a nigger, to learning from Easy Reader, Lt. Uhura, SSGT. Bowens and SGT. Crawford and others that brown folks are just folks and that nigger is an attitude that ALL colors of folks can have, back to just because if I don't like the commie, America destroying policies of SCOAMF and his fellow commie travelers, I must surely be a racist.


So if I'm to be accused, tried and found guilty of being a racist, I might as well earn the scorn heaped upon me...


(**dons white robes and hood and adopts best Animal Mother voice...**)




There. Are you leftist, commie cocksucking SCOAMFs happy now??


Fuck all y'all.


UPDATE - I'd forgotten about this one. Via Dr. Varno @AOSHQ...


"2005: Morgan Freeman: How are we going to get rid of racism? Stop talking about it!


2011: ...[facepalm]"


Posted by FORGER at 21:07 5 comments

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22 September 2011

Jason Aldean Gets Thrown Under His Big Green Tractor

Two of my best friends are the wrench benders at the garage. They also happen to be farmers. And they dig "Tractor Porn". I'll catch them on break or lunch lookin' @ John Deere tractors for sale on The Net, and accuse them of watchin' "Tractors Gone Wild".


There is also country music on the radio about 99% of the time, and that is where I first heard the song "Big Green Tractor" and thought, "Hey, that's pretty cool". And when The Ol' Lady said she'd go for a ride w/ me if I had a J-D, I swore one day I'd own one, even if was a little one.




Then she wanted me to listen to Aldean's latest hit, some kinda bastard child of Country and rap, which now also justifies the term "Crap Music", 'bout swerving down a dirt road. So just listening to it kinda put me off of "New Country". But when I just went to the head and she had Pandora radio on the tube in the bedroom I saw the info about the song and it said, "Jason Aldean FEAT. Some Shithead..."


I've figgered out if "FEAT" is in the title, IT IS SHIT!! So Jason, you're under the tractor, and the bad news is there's a big ass bush hog running full-tilt boogie behind it....


And while I'm on the subject, that greasy, red spot on the other side if the field?? That's the Ditzy Twits from a few years back...


I'm not saying I've completely turned off "The Next Generation" of Country Music... I have no idea what this next video says, but HUBBA-HUBBA, who cares??




Sara, baby, ya need to get outta the desert and get back to a real Country Boy. But if not, like a good Troop, I have a back-up plan...




I bet Gretchen can change the oil in my truck...

Posted by FORGER at 22:13 0 comments

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Obama Is A Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure

And in other news, the brave LEO's of York PA. cite a 91 year old man for taking measures to keep asshole, wild animal "youths" from gathering on his front porch and yard and banging on his door and peeping into his windows at all hours of the night.



And what measures did Albert Einsig take?? Calling the cops?? Swinging a ball bat?? Brandishing a weapon?? Harsh language??



Nope. He poured a bucket of piss on the front porch and walkway of HIS OWN PROPERTY.


5-0 couldn't be bothered to apply a liberal amount of Tac-Boot leather to some well deserving, possibly rowdy punks, but to write a defenseless old man a ticket?? I'll bet they un-assed Dunkin' Donuts like somebody yelled "FREEBIES AT KRISPY KREME!!" and ran Code 3 to get there.




(DISCLOSURE - I was a MP, and generally have a great deal of respect for LEO's, but this kind of candy ass, no load horse shit pisses me right the fuck off.)




Posted by FORGER at 18:46 0 comments

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21 September 2011

Obama Is A Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure

And now the WHOLE world knows it. I guess by now you've seen the pic of all the World Leaders and SCOAMF in which King Putt just has to be different.




NO?? You haven't seen it?? Well lemme try a new blog trick and catch you up...

Read more »

Posted by FORGER at 17:33 3 comments

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17 September 2011

A Man Whose Man Card Is The Size Of A Billboard

And you should go buy his book.


Larry Correia, writer of "Monster Hunter International" is pimping the first book from EOD Tech, Mike -



From Larry's website -


This is Mike’s first book, and it is a darn good one that deserves to be read. For those of you who don’t know, Mike is an EOD Technician, currently defusing roadside bombs in Afghanistan. He will still be in Afghanistan, risking his life and being awesome, when his first novel appears in stores. Places like NPR can talk about thriller writer street cred, but Mike plays high-explosive chess against terrorist IEDs before breakfast. Most first time authors are super excited to do their first book signings, but Mike can’t because he’s deployed… Think about that for a second… He can’t do book signings for the really nifty book he wrote because he is too busy DEFUSING MURDER BOMBS.


For most authors, the most exciting part of our day is when we spill Coke Zero on our keyboard. EOD are complete lunatics that do something so absurdly dangerous that complete snake eating warriors look at them and say F’ that noise, let the dude in the big suit play with the booby trapped death machine.





Posted by FORGER at 11:19 1 comments

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16 September 2011

Hitler Learns Attack Watch.Com Is A Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure In ONLY 24 Hours.



Oh, and Obama is a Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure as well.


Just in case anyone had forgotten....

Posted by FORGER at 17:53 1 comments

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15 September 2011

A Blast From The Past

Re-posted from a time long ago, in a Blog far, far away...


29 April 2006


My evening in Hell at The Brokeback Bar and Grill


I thought I was going to "The Worst Little Roadhouse from Texas" with the Ol' Lady and some friends for a birthday dinner, I wound up in a cattle car on my way to Dachau.


(O.K., not quite Dachau but I shoulda stayed home.)


I knew things were going in the shitter when the Ol' Lady's cell rang and part of the conversation was "45 min to an hour wait." I have a rule of thumb about restaurants, "No one's food but my own is so fucking good as to have to spend an hour rubbing assholes and elbows with the living dead in the queue." Tonight was NOT the exception to that rule.


No two "steak" joints can agree on what medium is (like good pussy, a good medium steak has a hot, pink center and no blood), and odds are the one I'm at will fuck up a perfectly good piece of over-priced meat, and I hate to piss away $15. I can get two or three identical steaks with my hard-won treasure at the butcher counter at the market for that and cook them correctly at home, imbibing with select friends in quiet and comfort and not jammed up against the unwashed, loud-mouthed masses and their hellish spawn in competition with the shitty selections on the jukebox for most volume.




I after scanning the menu, I ordered what I thought was the most idiot-proof items I could find, potato skins w/ bacon (for my muslim friends) and cheese, and a cup of "Home-made" chili. Both items came out separately, early, after I specifically told the serving wench "Bring them out with the rest of the meals, not as appetizers." Both were taken back and re-heated instead of being re-prepared.


And as for the "chili"... If it's home-made, it's made at the home of the same guy who cooks up that swill Armour puts in cans and passes off as chili.


Almost forgot about the generic Bloomin' Onion or what the fuck ever they call it that was ordered, forgotten, lied about, quickly prepared, half-cooked and rushed out to the table with a side order of bullshit about "your's was delivered to another table by mistake." My ass... If the Ol' Lady hadn't reminded the serving wench after I told everyone at the table that the above was what happened, we probably never would have seen it.


And now kids, let's take a ride up Brokeback Mounting, er, Mountain...


The birthday boy is gay (If you wanna ride your buddy's saddle, no skin offa my nose, but I don't wanna see the rodeo) and really into the drag-queen scene, and one friend and the Ol' Lady (not so much now) are "drag hags", i.e. drag groupies, so you can guess what a good deal of conversation was about... which queen was in what show, who has what "crown", and how many big gay friends were working at the place, with the occasional "Ohhh, he's cute!!" thrown in.


(Friends husband and I weren't totally deprived though, It was one of the local high school's prom night, so lotsa scantily-clad 17-18 y/o breastages and fine behinds on display. Before you tar and feather me, age of consent in MO. is 17, so the Olsen twins were in season for a whole year here while the rest of you heathens blogged "ONE more year..." so neener, neener, neener)


Anyway, back to the rodeo... After waiting 45 minutes to get jammed into a tiny-ass booth, finding out who was gay and who wasn't, getting a preview of how fucked my dinner was gonna be, we passed the hour between ordering and delivery of dinner with assorted small talk, interrupted occasionally by a would be cheerleader rousing the crowd into a half-assed "Texas-style Yee HAAA for the birthday-boob!!!" and ride on a saddle bolted to a fucking wheeled SAWHORSE, while some poor bastard tries to slide under the table to plot bloody revenge on his "friends".


Eventually they served us (me for the third time), everybody said it was O.K. but not up to usual quality, Friend's Husband's said his was tough and tasted re-heated (prolly prepped too early as well by your local neighborhood kitchen fuck-ups). As I think I mentioned above, an HOUR after ordering and after tables seated after us with bigger parties were served.


Given the fact I KNOW that cruel bitch Fate loves to piss in my Capt. Crunch every chance she gets, I don't know why I never saw the big-assed bowl of crunch berries that was coming to my table until some minion from hell with a lisp plops a 10 year old kid's cowboy hat on B-day boy's head and cheerleader wench is screeching in my ear about "it's your b-day and we're all gonna holler like we have double-digit IQ's and you're gonna ride our idiot-generator on wheels around the place!! Just ignore the luke warm piece of meat you waited an hour for, leave your brain at the table and go do a lap, you can eat your steak cold later!!"


B-day boy waffles between "I wanna eat my dinner" and "OH BOY!! A parade for me!!", Friend is on her feet going "come on, go... you know you wanna go, come on go...", with all the GLAAD-hands in the back ground chanting encouragement, Ol' Lady and Friend's Husband trying to ignore the circus and here I am, stuck in the middle with my .45 trying to figure out if I should shoot them (cheerleading section) or myself.


FINALLY, "dinner" is over, plates cleared and praise be to allah (pork-fat be upon him), the check comes. The FUBAR onion has been deleted, B-day boy's dinner has been comp'ed, and serving wench collects the damage and returns the change, the Ol' Lady sez, "You ready??"...





(had to restrain myself from doing a Snoopy Happy Dance on the way out the door and I'm not sure, but I think I might've knocked over a blue-haired old lady with a walker on the way out...)

Posted by FORGER at 21:27 3 comments

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14 September 2011

Obama Is A Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure



From Gateway Pundit, I have found out that the Missouri SCOAMF-cock sucking assholes that threatened prosecution of anybody telling the truth spreading smears and lies about SCOAMF, except of course SCOAMF and his smearing, lying SCOAMF-cock sucking assholes, have resurrected their threat for 2012.



They have started a website website where Teh Faithful can rat out their friends and family that have the two brain cells of intelligence and the pico-gram of common sense needed to see thru the bullshit and lies that are Teh Won Twue SCOAMF.



Go to Attack Watch.com and put some truth to these asshole's Stuttering Clusterfuckery.



I dropped them this little Dab o' Truth:





"My God... It's Full Of Lies!!"


Obama is a Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure





Turns out that this is a Tale of Two Cocksucker stories. The MO. cocksuckers DID NOT start Attack Watch, but they are still up to their old hijinks and are still cocksuckers.


Attack Watch was started by the SCOAMF administration's own cocksuckers.

Posted by FORGER at 13:22 6 comments

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13 September 2011

SCOAMF's Favorite Breakfast


When you have to be at your Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure best, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so eat what obama eats.

Posted by FORGER at 16:56 1 comments

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11 September 2011

Like We Need Another Reason To Exterminate This Filth

Religion of Peace my fucking ass..



"A number of radical Islamic groups including Muslims Against Crusades (MAC) gathered outside the embassy on the 10th anniversary of the attacks.


The group of around 100 men shouted "USA terrorists", brandished anti-American placards and chanted through a loudhailer.


Several members of the Muslim groups made anti-American speeches following the flag burning.


One said: "You will always face suffering, you will always face humiliation, unless you withdraw your troops from Muslim lands."


Another declared that America had been "defeated in Iraq and defeated in Afghanistan". "


Posted by FORGER at 15:37 2 comments

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Posted by FORGER at 07:50 1 comments

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10 September 2011

Budweiser 9/11 Tribute



There's nothing I can add.

Posted by FORGER at 15:03 1 comments

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09 September 2011

I Was Pulling Into The Parking Lot At Work

And as I walked into the garage, I heard the radio morning show talking about a plane hitting The WTC. I gaffed it off as their usual unfunny stupid shit until I noticed through the open office door that everybody was huddled around the TV.


As I walked in they told me that a small plane had hit one of the Towers, but I could tell from the amount of damage and smoke that it wasn't a small plane, and wondered how a plane large enough to do that could have had a total TARFUBAR of instruments and pilot error on such a clear day to have gone so far off course and hit a building. I knew it had happened before when a B-25 hit The Empire State Building, but that was in very low visibility conditions and with out modern instrumentation.


Then the second plane hit and all I could say was, "We're at war." Everybody looked at me like, "WTF?!?" I told them once can be happenstance, the same thing twice on the same morning is enemy action, and grabbed the phone to tell The Ol' Lady to stay home 'till further notice and that I loved her.




Where were you on that day??

Posted by FORGER at 19:57 7 comments

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Rick Perry Whacks Brian Williams' Pee-Pee

At the GOP debate the other night, liberal hack Williams tried to set up a GOTCHA! moment on Rick Perry... And Perry knocked outta the park.


BRIAN WILLIAMS: Governor Perry, a question about Texas. Your state has executed 234 death row inmates, more than any other governor in modern times. Have you… (APPLAUSE) Have you struggled to sleep at night with the idea that any one of those might have been innocent?*



PERRY: No, sir. I’ve never struggled with that at all. The state of Texas has a very thoughtful, a very clear process in place of which — when someone commits the most heinous of crimes against our citizens, they get a fair hearing, they go through an appellate process, they go up to the Supreme Court of the United States, if that’s required. But in the state of Texas, if you come into our state and you kill one of our children, you kill a police officer, you’re involved with another crime and you kill one of our citizens, you will face the ultimate justice in the state of Texas, and that is, you will be executed.



WILLIAMS: What do you make of… (APPLAUSE) What do you make of that dynamic that just happened here, the mention of the execution of 234 people drew applause?



PERRY: I think Americans understand justice. I think Americans are clearly, in the vast majority of — of cases, supportive of capital punishment. When you have committed heinous crimes against our citizens — and it’s a state-by-state issue, but in the state of Texas, our citizens have made that decision, and they made it clear, and they don’t want you to commit those crimes against our citizens. And if you do, you will face the ultimate justice.




Short version - "If you kill someone in Texas, we'll kill you right back."


(*James Taranto cataloged the lefties who thought killing 234 murderers over an 11-year period is barbaric (the same people who have no problem killing over the same period of time 11 million babies whose only crime was being inconvenient to their mothers). I don't really give a shit about the issue of abortion one way or another aside from "If you want to be left alone, then leave me the fuck alone", but the double standard of these leftist fucks is enuff to make a nigga climb a clock tower.)

Posted by FORGER at 14:24 1 comments

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08 September 2011

Obama Is A Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure...

...And other news, SCOAMF is planning to give another campaign a jobs speech tonight. This bucket of verbal diarrhea is expected to contain much of the S.S.D.D. Protocols as any of the other Stuttering Clusterfuckery that routinely scrolls across TOTUS:


Blame Bush, Republicans are puppy smoothie drinking evil incarnate, Tea Party Terrorists blowing up Grandma, LOOK!!! SOMETHING SHINY!!! and SCOAMF is the plastic chocolate jesus that can turn all this bullshit around if we're just not too racist to give him another 4 years to finish raping The Republic like Barney Frank, or a mooslime on a little boy...


Let me save you some time and IQ points with this preemptive synopsis -

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Blogger innominatus said...


Warning - this will probably be long and rambling.


Short answer: Jealousy


Long answer: it's complicated, but here's my theory...


There are both spiritual and material aspects of Jew-hatred. For starters, the Jews are God's 1st round draft pick. In Old Testament times, most everybody was running around worshiping idols and generally being stupid. Not too many believed in the real God. God didn't want them to continue in that error. So He picked a guy named Abraham (and his legitimate descendants) through whom God could show himself to be the Real Deal. These would become the Jews. However, Abraham messed up and had an out-of-wedlock kid named Ishmael. Ishmael (the firstborn) was rejected and he and his mom sent packing. Ishmael went on to be the "first Arab." Isaac was the second born, but he was the first born of Abraham's actual wife. This put Isaac in place to receive his father's inheritance. However, the tradition of the day was that the firstborn would get a double share. For example, if there were four sons in a family, the estate would be divided into five shares. The firstborn would get two shares and the rest one each. Therefore, Ishmael and all his Arab progeny think the Jews ripped them off.


Dunno how long a comment can go, so I'll break this up into pieces...



Blogger Marine4ever said...


So far, innominatus has got my vote. (I'll wait to see what he says about the Arabs.)



Blogger innominatus said...


So, now the Arabs are permanently pissed at the Jews. God then begins to bless the offspring of Abraham and teach them how God wants things done. This pisses off Satan, 'cuz he had been having a grand ol' time getting people to worship idols instead of the real God that Satan hates. Satan also knew that from the Jews would someday come the Messiah who would be Savior to everybody. Satan's underpants got really knotted about that, so he set out to exterminate the Jews. He failed, but he is stubborn so he keeps trying. Satan and his minions influence everybody they can and try to get them to fight the Jews.


On a more practical side, the Jews have a strong work ethic. This is in contrast to most other people who live on the Mediterranean. Even today, we see the Italians and Greeks seeing their economies suffer because the people would rather kick it on the porch with a glass of wine than go out and get to work. It is a cultural thing I think it has to do with there being a long growing season and mild climate - for centuries, those people have been able to half-ass things and still have enough to get through the winter.


The Jews tended to be more industrious. When the Romans came and plundered Jerusalem in 70AD, Jews scattered in fear throughout the whole world. In the places they landed, they were seen as "the other" and not really trusted. In many countries, the Jews were not allowed to own land. So they tended to settle in urban areas and take jobs that didn't require land. They became bankers and jewelers and doctors and such. But they maintained their work ethic and tended to excel. Thus arose the "money-grubbing Jew" insult that persists even today. They just worked hard and were good at what they were doing and people resented them for it.


In summary

1. The Arabs (and the Muslims who originally came from among the Arabs) hate Israel because they think they got ripped off.

2. Satan hates the Jews 'cuz they have a special place in God's plans for the Earth.

3. Other people hate the Jews because the Jews (in general) strive to excel at whatever they're doing.



Blogger Marine4ever said...


Yep, think that pretty well sums it up. I'll add that God gave Abraham a little spit of land that was a paradise and gave Ishmael a BUNCH of land...the desert. God told Ishmael that his offspring would be a rich and mighty nation. Ishmael didn't know it at the time, but he was sitting on all this oil in the desert. God always does what He says He'll do... in His own time. Even with all this vast amount of land and wealth today, the Palestinians (Arab, Muslims, whatever) hate and are jealous of the Jews and want that ONE little piece of land that God gave the Jews. They've been trying to get it since Day One and will continue until the End Time. Somewhere we have to factor in the part about Jesus being the Savior and how the Jews are still waiting for the Messiah to come and don't accept Jesus as the true Savior... but THAT'S a whole 'nother story.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


Google Meir Wallach-Finkelstein.


Here, I'll help you:




Now Google "Maxim Litvinov Gareth Jones".


Here, I'll help you again:




Now I could go on and on and on in this vein, for, oh, about 150 years [roughly the amount of time that has passed since the Jewish "Emancipation"] - just how much time do you have on your hands?



Blogger Luis Miguel Silva said...


Are they really? ;o)


Check out the "documentary" "Defamation"!



Anonymous Anonymous said...


well, Christians hate Jews because they say Jesus was a bastard and Mary was a whore, oh and i don't think they really appreciate the whole "crucifying" situation that much.

Muslims well lets see, Jewish people lived with Muslims for centuries in the middle east and there was even many famous Arab scholars that were Jewish,the crusades who came to Jerusalem committed genocide on both Muslims and Jews so i guess they both lived together, oh! i know, maybe Muslims hate you NOW because you invaded and took over a country that welcomed you after the Holocaust, when america was turning down German immigrants, maybe because you use phosphorus bombs that burn people alive on them, and as for the rest of the world there are many possibilities, you should know that polls show that 33 percent of Americans think Jews were behind 9/11,a whole lot of people think that Jewish people are the source of all problems in this world,oh..and the whole "owning" Hollywood and the media thing is not on your side dudes, it makes you look like you have some sort of "agenda", well i hope that answers your question my dear Jewish friends, and so don't worry, no one gives a bulls crap about your "work ethic" if you want to call it that because we call it a greedy cheap Jew who works hard because he wants more money in his pocket, a Jewish man would sell his own mother if the price is right.



Blogger Marine4ever said...


Anonymous, you're as full of shit as a Christmas turkey.



Blogger Marine4ever said...


And by the way, Anonymous, I've used Willie Peter (that's WHITE PHOSPHORUS, to your cheap civilian ass) rounds on people... SO WHAT THE FUCK? THEY SURE AS HELL DIDN'T MIND THROWING THEM MY FUCKIN WAY... fuckin dipshit.



Anonymous Jim Hlavac said...


Weirdly, Gibbons, in his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire brought it all down to this: Jews circumcise boys and the rest of the world did not. And Jews simply said: Go do as you wish, we will do as we do. And the rest of the world hasn't much liked it ever since.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'll add one more tidbit: The "prophet" Mohammed tried to make his new religion the "successor" to Judaism. He thought the Jews would convert in droves.


They didn't. The Jew's rejection of Mohammed's shiny new scam pissed him off, so he ordered his brain-washed minions to persecute and if possible kill the Jews.


Guess 'ole Mohammed wasn't much good at handling rejection.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


This is an EXCELLENT short explanation of why Israel is the victim, contrary to what another anonymous poster claims.



Seriously, just how much does Israel have to give up to satisfy the Muslims?


Short Answer: Everything, including the lives of every man, woman and child in the land. To steep a price, wouldn't you agree?



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Blogger Marine4ever said...


Yep, that's a pretty steep price -- and one that WON'T be paid if I have anything to do with it. That's why FORGER and I say, "While the HNIC and the rest of his Jew hating administration may throw you under the bus, me and millions of Americans stand with you."



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