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i present the most overly-politically correct blog i've ever seen.




meet Jenn;

Jenn. 22. Cisgendered white female. Transabled. Pansexual. Tortoisekin. Singlet. Gainer. Vegan. Feminist. Fat activist. Transfat activist. Demiplatonic. Aromantic. Asensual. Currently questioning my ethnicity.


meet Justice;

Justice. 23. Genderfluid FAAB. All pronouns acceptable. Racially mixed PoC. Pansexual but currently nonsexual. Trans* activist. Hardcore vegan activist. Animal rights. Organic Raw Veganism. Former O.S. Anti-racism. ED recovery. BPD. OCD



so many fucking acronyms and trans/cis/pan faggotry DAO would fucking shit himself.

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Justice here, answering because the last part is directed at me. transabled = transitioning away from ‘disability.’ tortoisekin = the experience of being a tortoise in a human body. singlet = one person/being in one body. transfat = transitioning from a smaller state to a fatter state. demiplatonic = only seeking friendship with potential romantic interests. asensual = an aversion to tactile sensations such as touching, hugging, etc.



Motherfucker. I'm trying to watch the end of french connection and now this?





singlet = one person/being in one body

singlet = one person/being in one body

singlet = one person/being in one body

singlet = one person/being in one body


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dude, it gets so much better.


Jenn here. Ugh. My mom just walked in on me during a past life regression. I was crawling around the floor slowly. She asked me what I was doing and I told her that she wouldn’t understand. She kept pressing and I told her I was experiencing past life regression. I told her about how I was a tortoise in my past life and about my tortoise memories. I ended up coming out as otherkin to her and had to explain what that meant. She got angry and told me to “grow up” and fill out some job applications online.


I don’t even know why she would tell me to fill out job applications when I’m going to be moving soon. I can’t wait to move. I am so sick of living with a bigotted alcoholic mother who is afraid of what she doesn’t understand.


i should make a thread about this shit

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I’m pretty sure calling someone a turtle when they identify as a tortoise is considered offensive is some way but this person says they’re transabled, transfat, and demiplatonic so I don’t even fucking know. -RANDOM DUDE


Jenn here. Actually turtle can be correctly used as a catch-all term for all species in the order Testudines (turtles, tortoises,and terrapins) and therefor completely non-offensive.



...implying that turtles might be offended were the incorrect term used, further implying that they have the emotional capacity to feel offence towards something

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Anonymous asked: Jenn, I Identify as a cloud of cosmic gas from the 17th dimension. The problem is, that I have absolutely no idea what it's like to be a cloud of extradimensional sentient gas. do you have any tips or trick to help me get into the antimassive mood?


Jenn here. This is somewhat tricky. While this is a completely valid identity, I assume you are in a human body since you are typing to me. Human bodies can be limiting in that their inhabitants aren’t always human. I would say that your best bet would be transcendental meditation. I have lurked on certain forums in which posters stated that it helped them explore different dimensions. Lucid dreaming can apparently have a similar if not identical effect. If neither of these help, perhaps you could try drawing pictures of the entity you identify as.

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oh shit, i hit the jackpot. this right here is fucking glorious;


Anonymous asked: actually i wasn't trolling... i've been struggling with identifying as human feces for at least 4 months now and when you assume that i'm a "troll", it just makes me feel like more of an outcast. my parents dont believe me and have sent me to therapy. all i wanted was some guidance.


Jenn here. I am very sorry. You have my sincerest apologies. I will never make an assumption like that again.

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