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The Nonsense thread


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I've got a problem, it's not really my problem, but it bothers

me to no end.

A friend of mine was confused in 9th grade and went

through one of those ´might be gay´ phases. Long story

short he went ahead and sucked dick. From his telling it was

an even trade with a gay kid. This other kid was totally gay

and I kinda think he may have pushed the envelope on this

one. This happened once or twice. (we aren't sure if it

happened twice but it certainly didn't happen 3 times)

Needless to say this was only a phase, a rather short one at

that, and is like 8 years in the past.

That's not the problem, I have no problem with

homosexuality or even experimenting, this was an honest

mistake on his part and he will say it now with a straight

face "I fucked up, dude. shoulda never sucked that cock."

The actual problem is that some people haven't forgotten. I

mean of course our whole group of friends remembers

(this is one of my best friends, but we used to tease him a

lot about it. it was pretty bad) but since we've grown up

he's had girlfriends who he has sex with and stuff like that.

The probem is that I can't take this guy to parties and stuff

because everytime I think of bringing him I'll say "dude im

gonna bring Chris to the party" "You mean sucked a dick

Chris?? hahahaha yeah man do it it'll be funny" it's not

even like I'm embarassed of bringing him to the party or

anything, I'd just rather spare him.

I've tried telling these other guys like "dude, that was a long

time ago he's not gay, man can you stop calling him sucked-

a-dick Chris every time we talk about him?" This usually

prompts a discussion along the lines of: "Dude, let me tell

you a story... you bake a loaf of bread does that make you a

baker? No. You fix your leaky sink, does that make you a

plumber? No. But you suck ONE DICK AND YOURE A

COCKSUCKER FOR LIFE HAHAHAHA" It's really gotten out of


anyway I was wondering if you guys had any advice or

ideas of how to bury this. I was thinking maybe drugging

my other friends and getting them to suck my dick, and then

I could use that to make them shut up. Idk


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