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Pug-faced Hispanic drinks herself so numb she doesn't even notice when last night's chimichanga is hanging halfway out her asshole. Her laugh is as bad as her hygiene. Sounds like something Steven Urkel would emit while making love to the dude from Wonder Years.

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not mine....



A year, 2 months, and some change ago, my ex-girlfriend broke up with me, after cheating on me with what was at the time a mutual friend.


After about 2 weeks of depression and reflection, I started out on a campaign to break her spirit purely for revenge.


I decided that everyday for the rest of my life, I would e-mail her the simple phrase "I hate you".


I figured in the long run, this would get to her, if I really became committed to it and never faltered.


So, everyday, the same e-mail, at varying times of the day, with different HTML texts and from a new e-mail account each time so that she knew it wasn't a program doing it, but me personally.


It started off very lame. She ignored it for a good three days. On the fourth day, she called me immature, juvenile, told me to get over it, etc. Then she went back to ignoring me.


After about two weeks of sending her my "I hate you" e-mails everyday without a single hiccup, and no replies from her whatsoever, I began to wonder if she somehow figured out a way to filter my e-mails even though they were coming from different accounts everyday.


Then at some point in the third week, she sent me a 21 paragraph e-mail, spilling her heart out to me, but most of it accusatory, blaming me for driving her to cheat on me. Most importantly, she was not filtering my e-mails and was receiving every one. I replied with "I hate you".


After this, she started sending me "I hate you" e-mails back. We traded these for about a week until she gave up.


She sent her friends after me. Some would call, some would e-mail, two approached me in person. I told all of them to mind their own business.


After three months of "I hate you" e-mails, she finally threatened to call the police. This actually did worry me, but I was committed to my stupid cause, certain I could make it work somehow. I kept at it. The police never contacted me.


Almost half a year passed until she finally decided to change her e-mail address. I promptly gathered the new one from an inside friend (dating her best friend) and resumed my campaign without missing a day. She changed it again, but with the same result.


7 months passed, and she began calling me routinely and showing up at my house. Leaving messages on my voice mail and txting me that she wanted to reconcile.


"I hate you."


After two weeks of that, she gave up on that also, and went back to ignoring me. I kept at it. For another 7 months. I learned all of her new e-mails right away the entire time, but she kept ignoring me. Not a peep.


About a month or so ago, I learned from mutual acquaintances that she was having a nervous breakdown. She was alienating her friends, incapable of dating other guys, and was becoming increasingly depressed and reclusive. I learned from her best friend that my "I hate you" e-mails were making her cry everyday.


I kept at it. Everyday. I hate you.


Last night she attempted suicide by overdosing on prescription painkillers


She is in the hospital, presumably in a psych ward (I'm guessing -- I have no info beyond confirmation that she is indeed hospitalized for a suicide attempt). Today is the first day I haven't sent her an "I hate you" e-mail.


Instead, I'm going to see if I can send her a dozen roses at the hospital.


With a card that says "I hate you."

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