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I was lightweight browsing the oontz as I fell asleep last night. Somehow I knew that by the time I woke up and checked Ch 0 again, the entire first page would be old Blood Fart threads bumped from back in the day.


I see that I wasn't too far off. Fucking cracked me up! Laughs a million.

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Morrissey: 'Norway attacks are 'nothing' compared to the actions of McDonald's' The Smiths man makes controversial comment onstage in Warsaw


Morrissey has branded the actions of Anders Breivik, the man responsible for last week's twin attacks in Norway as "nothing" when compared to McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken.


The singer allegedly made the comments during a gig in Warsaw on Sunday (July 24), before playing The Smiths song 'Meat Is Murder'. Morrissey apparently said:

We all live in a murderous world, as the events in Norway have shown, with 97 dead. Though that is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Shit every day.

The Mirror reports that last night a spokesperson for the singer said: "Morrissey has decided not to comment any further as he believes his statement speaks for itself."


Breivik apparently listened to haunting violin-led piece 'Lux Aeterna' by Clint Mansell, formerly of indie band Pop Will Eat Itself on his iPod during his hour and a half long shooting spree at a youth camp last Friday (July 22).


'Lux Aeterna' – meaning 'eternal light' - was originally written for the soundtrack of 2000 film Requiem For A Dream, and the stirring piece of music has since been used on The X Factor and Britain's Got Talent as well as in the trailer for The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers, after being renamed 'Requiem For A Tower'.




He needs to get album sales up huh?

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