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David Hasselhoff In 'Sons Of Anarchy': 'Baywatch' Star To Play Porn Star


Once a massive primetime star thanks to his heroic talking car in "Knight Rider" and then camp hero thanks to buxom heroine lifeguards in "Baywatch," David Hasselhoff has, over time, made the career-elongating transition from legitimate draw to B-style television to straight up self-parody. Some might argue that his time patrolling the waves was, at least by the end, an exercise in self-awareness and winking all by itself, but regardless of the exact moment of meta changeover, The Hoff is now, undoubtedly, always The Hoff.


Following a rough end to his gimmicky presence on "America's Got Talent," Hasselhoff has now signed on to what sounds like a perfect bit of self-parody: according to TVGuide, Hasselhoff will be playing Dondo, a former porn star turned girl-on-girl skin flick director.


Whether the boys of Sam Crow will appreciate his presence in their Charming, California, is a whole other question, the answer to which will presumably hint at just how serious his time on the show's fourth season will be taken.


This role follows the ultimate in guest starring self-parody (though James Franco may see it in a more artistic light), a run on the soap opera "The Young and the Restless," and comes around the same time as he returns to the shores in ultra-aware, B-Movie glory for "Piranha 3DD," which is due out on Thanksgiving of this year.


All of which you can watch while enjoying the very serious ice cream treat, the Hoffsicle.



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View Full Version : THC and Temperature



05-28-2009, 03:40 PM

I have been interested in making some baked goods with a kick. But I have a small issue with THC burning out after that 170F point. How much difference does it make if you use little to no heat VS. baking with brownies or cookies or cakes. Is it really worth it to lose the potency for a baked treat? I was also wondering if I can soak the green in some olive oil and vegitable oil for a month or so and drop some on a sald or something and have it take effect. Or would i have to simmer it in?


05-28-2009, 05:01 PM

I'm not an expert baker by anymeans, and have never done any experimenting with THC evaporation. Varying the temp of a specific baked good usually doesn't produce good results from a culinary aspect. I'd stick with the recommended temps and times for baking, but look for items that require a minimum of baking. Stay away from simmering, cuz your THC is gonna go up in steam. Brownies seem to be a big favorite, cuz the batter remains thick and moist, and if some THC does evaporate its more likely to be absorbed by the brownie itself. Cookies would be a distant second place to brownies. An oatmeal cake or carrot cake might work, or anything that remains pretty moist when finished. Also there are no-bake brownies and fudge that might give ya the kick ya want.


You might also want to explore making your own granola/trail mix kind of stuff. It uses very low temps to finish the product.


Your idea of putting weed in olive oil for a salad dressing is intriguing. I'd encourage you to try it and report back what you discover. This makes me think about vinegrette where various spices are soaked in vinegar to impart their essence. I don't know what the acetic acid in vinegar would do to THC, might might be worth a try, too.


Thinking outside the box, I like that. Good luck with it.


05-28-2009, 06:49 PM

I love olive oil on subs or salads. I thought it would be an easy way to ingest THC and also offset the green taste of the oil being it is a salad. Thats a good point about the brownies. I didnt think about them being so thick and catching any thc that burns up. That makes me wanna go for the brownies.


05-28-2009, 08:52 PM

I love olive oil on subs or salads


Me, too. In fact, I'm actually getting to the point of liking the taste of extra virgin. I hope someone has tried this and can give us some possitive results.


There is a section of this forum for cooking with weed, down towards the bottom of the index page. For some strange reason, I've never looked at it. I guess I'm more of a purist and enjoy the process of inhaling the smoke. But, dang, some brownies sure sound good.


05-28-2009, 09:38 PM

Me, too. In fact, I'm actually getting to the point of liking the taste of extra virgin. I hope someone has tried this and can give us some possitive results.


There is a section of this forum for cooking with weed, down towards the bottom of the index page. For some strange reason, I've never looked at it. I guess I'm more of a purist and enjoy the process of inhaling the smoke. But, dang, some brownies sure sound good.


I dont exactly know what your smokin man but this thread is in that section. So now you can officially say you have visited that area now. But I know the oil should for sure take on the THC, But I dont want to have to simmer, boil or heat up marijuana in oil at all because that will fry it for sure. I would like to even simply take a small shot of oil and just dip bread in it for a good "high snack". No cooking needed and very stealth, I would love to know details on making that work. I think I would be in heaven if I could use honey but I think thats more sugar and not fat so I dont think it could transfer into it. I think toffee bars would be a great snack, Make some toffee bars with bud butter and got yourself a great snack. I just wanna open up a kitchen for this stuff. Cant eat without getting higher and higher.


05-28-2009, 11:42 PM

I dont exactly know what your smokin man but this thread is in that section.


Wow, too much reality. I need another toke.


I really get the munchies, reading your posts. My wife used to make our own granola quite a bit, with lots of dried fruits and all kinds of healthy high-fiber cereals. I know she put something sticky on it to glue it together and then left it in a warm oven for awhile. I used to munch on it like popcorn while watching TV, etc. It would be GREAT with some weed in it.


A THC-enriched olive oil would really be great. How about dressing a hot, freshly baked pizza with it? Hot, freshly toasted french bread dipped in it. Oh, Man!!! Tokin' and munchin'.

Terminal Head Clearance

05-28-2009, 11:50 PM

I never tried baking but a lot time extraction practice with alcohol and choclate milk niyty nyte!


First the quick night time drink. nah.


What I have found depending on the drink of course. To soften the crytals to slink into the butter or fat in milk and chocolate. 20 mins you have a choclate milk toddy do not simmer the milk just soak it. so what temperature is that?


05-29-2009, 01:12 PM

I have been interested in making some baked goods with a kick. But I have a small issue with THC burning out after that 170F point. How much difference does it make if you use little to no heat VS. baking with brownies or cookies or cakes. Is it really worth it to lose the potency for a baked treat? I was also wondering if I can soak the green in some olive oil and vegitable oil for a month or so and drop some on a sald or something and have it take effect. Or would i have to simmer it in?


Like my dad used to say, "Dont worry about the mule going blind...just hitch him up." In other words, dont make problems where there are none! You cant eat enough salad to get high on the oil in the dressing. you CAN get comatose-stoned eating a dope brownie made with oil that has had weed simmered in it. Plus, if you strain the oil, you wont even taste the weed.




05-29-2009, 03:18 PM

Like my dad used to say, "Dont worry about the mule going blind...just hitch him up." In other words, dont make problems where there are none! You cant eat enough salad to get high on the oil in the dressing. you CAN get comatose-stoned eating a dope brownie made with oil that has had weed simmered in it. Plus, if you strain the oil, you wont even taste the weed.




I dont think the amount of salad you eat will determine how high you get. Its how much bud you put in the olive oil and how much olive oil I put on the salad. If that stuff is made potent enough then it should only take a shot of it to get high. I could down that in a shot glass and not even put it in a salad. But then again I would just use alcohol then. And if I made a brownie I wouldnt use weed oil, I would use weed butter. But the point was the baking temp of a brownie killing off THC VS. soaking it in oil so I wouldnt have to use heat and possibly lose some potency. I want a max potency treat that doesnt need to be cooked, Got any help towards that?


06-06-2009, 06:24 PM

I dont think the amount of salad you eat will determine how high you get. Its how much bud you put in the olive oil and how much olive oil I put on the salad. If that stuff is made potent enough then it should only take a shot of it to get high. I could down that in a shot glass and not even put it in a salad. But then again I would just use alcohol then. And if I made a brownie I wouldnt use weed oil, I would use weed butter. But the point was the baking temp of a brownie killing off THC VS. soaking it in oil so I wouldnt have to use heat and possibly lose some potency. I want a max potency treat that doesnt need to be cooked, Got any help towards that?


CT, not getting down on ya bro, but I think your fears are somewhat baseless. Not to say heat doesn't degrade thc but years and years have come and gone in regards to baked goods. They are what they are and no amount of reasoning is going to change that. I remember having chocolate chip cookies a quarter century ago that would put a guy down. Just one was enough. There are probably heads on here that can claim that from half a century ago. If there is any lost thc from heat during baking, then there is not much you are ever gonna do about it that hasn't already been figured out. My personal experience is that baking thc products gives thc an extra 'boost'. I dunno why, or if that is even based in fact, but baked goods will kick my ***. Generally this is started by boiling herb which is higher than 170F before it ever sees an oven. Why question a good thing? It works.


Also I know you can incorporate bho into olive oil quite handily. I garauntee a spray of that will change your religion.


07-01-2009, 10:28 PM

I posted in another thread concerning making butter. Baking is AWESOME....cookies if not over done, brownies the main stay of us hippy types...lol


IF you make GOOD butter you can use it in everything, ive tried most ways including the olive oil. (The better the "greens" and Oil to stART with the better the end result. I make pesto's ect in the same manner... are you getting the hint im a Heavy medicator (sp ?)


Choclates are another "SmasH" hit around my home....mix store bought dark choc. with 1/3 by wieght butter and re-mold into candy sahpes.....can u say nite nite !


07-01-2009, 11:32 PM

Info is VERY scarce about this, but when you cook canabinoids in the presence of fat, it not only is disolved, but it undergoes a chemical change as well. IIRC is is decarboxylated or something similar. this is the reason for the difference in acute effects in cooked vs smoked pot.


consumed cannabinoids are not just uptaken differently, they are actually utilized in a slightly different and more efficient manner in the body.


if anyone could back me up on this, id love to re-read whatever it was that i read this out of at some point in the past.


WMM is correct, the density of the baked good will trap and condense the evaporating cannabinoids. This leads me to believe that the cannabinoids undergo an oldschool under-investigated proccess called isomerization. It can be done at low temps in a large unit, or most correctly in a sohxlet extraction device.


I have looked into this extensivly. when the extraction liquid is evaporated and condensed thousands of times, as such the case with isomerization is, it undergoes a chemical change where the cannabinoids reduce and become very similar to eachother. i have altho never foudn a scientific explanation of what chemical change takes place.


I know anecdotally that the isomerized thc product is orally viable, smokable, vapable. it resembles a very fine black fluff opium. when several grams are consumed orally it is highly halucenogenic in nature.



NOW, this is a total stretch, buuuuut i find it conceivable!


What if the repeated evaporation and condensation within the dense brownie batter simulates a low key for or natural isomerization. this could be tested but i have no means to identify or isolate cannabinoid isomers.



also cannabinoids dont breakdown until 400-500f, so none will be straight destroyed either.


Also, Does anyone have an accurate measurement of the solubility limit of clarified, unclarified butter, and olive oil? I know the alkaloid saturation point for iso, naphtha, and acetone, but not eatable solvents


ALSO, i happen to be a chef and can tell you this if you are still worried about evaporative loss. Brush the top with a small amount of water part way thru baking, or, coat the top with a layer of sugar or bakable icing(the best way), OR if you dont mind the taste mix egg whites with powdered sugar and whip into a good slurry. brush the top with this once it is a little firm and settled.


The way bakers get a nice crust on a loaf of bread is by placing balls of ice on the oven racks with a pan below it. it ice melts, drips, hits the hot pan and vaporized. this makes a really hot high humidity environment which causes the outside of any baked good to crust without getting HARD and crunchy. all these are methods to use for other things in the kitchen so some adaptation and experimentation is required.


all ove these methodes will add a rather inpermiable layer to the top to help retain moisture.


07-02-2009, 02:27 AM

Hey Lotek, good post man. I would love to have read what you did. Most of the reading I have done about isomerization insists it takes place in a very acidic environment. Cooking IS part of the process but, again, in the presence of a very strong acid. If you come acrossed that info again, please share it!:D


07-02-2009, 05:33 AM

My lady's family used to make it. they had these like 5 foot tall 8" black stove pipes with an upside down cone in the top to condense it into the center dish which was in the middle of another dish that sat atop nothing more than a 100w lightbulb!


I found this: http://nepenthes.lycaeum.org/Drugs/THC/isomer1.html


that sounds exactly like what im talking about. that article reminded me about acetate which i had totally forgotten about! ive read many hints of it being a true psychedelic.i will look it up, but i wonder if it is any different than just refluxing it with acetic acid.


07-02-2009, 05:57 AM

okay so if you'd be interested in doing a log with me(if it is allowed here?), id love to tell you how to make a DIY version of this. its so easy to reproduce.


altho i think i may spend my time and money on producing acetate ester. its such an easy conversion and sounds more likely to be what my father-in-law nostalgically calls "eatable T"


since these are chemical synths is talk of this okay here? i know under uk and us law thc-o-acetate is treated like heroin in the eyes of the law(cause it kind of, in an uneducated way, is pot heroin).


to make things very simple, all you have to do is find a step by step for how to cook morphine into heroin. the amounts of reagents used may vary, but the process is the same.


a much more controlled and proper thc-o-acetate can be produced with a soxhelt extractor, a sep funnel, acetic anhydride, a carbon filter medium, vac for sox(optional) and a couple solvents.


im not too fond of the typical morphine/opium latex to heroin cooks with a pot on the stove as im not in the ghetto or a poppy farm in a us occupied country....


if this is out of lien with forum rules let me know guys. I would love to me able to first isomerize my organically grown nuggets down to a pure D-9, then cook it all over to thc-o-acetate for psychedelic reasons. may have a medical use with hardcore terminal patients as i assume if the mental effects are elevated to that of hallucenation that the body effect would be odd aswell. my own hand made with love Technicolor TV set grown right from mother earth....



i wonder if one could produce CBN acetate...... i may need to breed some mice for this one.....

Super Silver Haze

07-02-2009, 03:18 PM

years ago i had a recipe for brownies that used bud and a shot of liquer. you boiled water and then put oil in a pan and put the bud in the oil and put that pan in the boiling water, this was to extract the thc. after you strained the bud out of the oil it was put in liquer, i guess to get the remaining oil and THC off the bud. the oil smelled like the bud and was green.


i lost the recipe but they turned out good.

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