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The Nonsense thread


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Originally posted by DETO

i just finished my last class for the semester.


two more finals tomorrow and I'm done... I'll probably be up all night reading too... blech


After that, a quick trip to get my new digicam and a beer as post-semester stress removers (or something like that...) A sure fire way to forget everything I'll be cramming tonight :dazed:

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I hope you did the letters in flat black and the tree dee in terracotta... FRRRRESH!


I just got done watching a history channel special on poker and have decided to stay up for a while in my underwear and a cowboy hat smoking cigarrettes and playing no limit texas hold 'em online. I'm doing quite well as of now, check back in an hour or so...


My rant about Lindsay Lohan:

She is gorgeous, and I am sure a wonderful person and has a nice rack and all that. But, shes 17. I think of myself at 17, and my personality, and what I considered important and what my life was all about and I compare it with what is important now and it seems like two completely different people. Shes not even a senior in highschool for goodness sake. I would feel like a child molester if I hit that (Albeit a happy child molester, but a molester none the less) and outside of me giving her exctacy she's never seen without illegal substances what else would we be able to do? I mean, I'd hit it, I'm not gonna lie, but I sure as hell wouldn't date her...


Milton *Sissycore*

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