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the NEW sketch thread


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on the whole hecz/seeking topic, a stack of dope blackbooks dosn't stack up to even one dope, clean, running freight. Ansiq has put in work in big cities across the country, hecz has put in work too, but only in a bunch of books in the safety of his own home.

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Originally posted by micro

i usually paint and dont draw very often but the flower i did in 2001 and just found it but i did the dude earlier 2day...comments and feedback please...




Ur little sis do ur bubble letters for u?

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To end my comments about teh Hecz and Jayfo thing,


Hecz, I know you draw better than most, it shows no doubt, despite all that tho, your ego sucks. I mean everyone needs one but you just liek to insult peeps. That is all. I don't care if you paint or not. That is you. Im not gonna father you on that cause who am I, but at least show some gratitude towards others. (Spelling sucks).


Ablinomonkey or whatever it is, you are starting to piss me and other off if Im jot wrong. Keep off the comp and do your thang. Your state of being right now is not anywhere to talk about anyone. Even off graff realted topics, you sound low and have no idea what you doing other than trying to gain some hard ass ego. It isn't working man. No beef but stay low with dumb comments.


Lets just see sketches and drawings from peeps and not ruin the thread.

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Originally posted by MLTf4nt0m

ok gliks. so youve been writing for 10...20? years? so wait, that gives YOU the right to call everone in here toys? so let me get this type of thinking straight, ive been skateboarding for YEARS, just because some one isnt as good as me there a poser? you sir, are no better or worse than some of these other people on here.


any ways here some bullshit i was messin around with earlier today.




Older writer will always denote most as toys. Is it always about the sketches all post? No, it is teh attitude that most bring to the net that MAKES most look liek toys. I may be wrong but that is how I see it. If many just posted sketches and left no comments that made no sense, he prop would of said anything. the word TOY doesn't really mean your skill, it has alot about attitude and knowing what to do and not to.

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thanks... i would post some pieces

heres one




all devoid of colour

i am perpetually broke cant afford anythin except pen and pencil :o




edit: this was after approx 7-8 months after i started graff thats why theres wack ass structure - i added that crown on top because i was a fucking toy fool back then now im being hella conservative and steppin tha fuck back

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