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does it really matter if its seen?


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I dont really know man i mean the more fame tha more problems but I get a thrill out of hittin' up a spot I know a lot of people will see it at :king: but hittin' a weird spot is fun too so it's hard to decide... :burn:

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in the uk you can go along pretty much any motorway and providing there is a railway your guarrented to see in a small tunnel in small remote village in the middle of nowhere pieces,throw ups,handstyle..anything and you think wtf is it doing there..but it dont matter graffiti is all about fun and you do if for yourself its an ego boost for you and if others see it and say "hey you wrote that?" it just makes it all the more worth doing it....or am i insane? :huh2:

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The sad part is that some of these new writers are getting seen, but their style sucks! They're just famous for getting ups but no style. I saw one good new throwie this year and he ranks #1 in my book, yet I've seen 25 ups from this guy (who'll remain unnamed) and all his shit sucks!!! So a note: PLEASE PRACTICE MORE IN THE BOOKS BEFORE YOU GO AND MAKE A STYLE DUNCE OUTTA YOURSELF!

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some of my favorite spots are ones out in the middle of no where that no ones ever going to see. like finding an abandoned car in the woods thats been there for years. its all about "i was here". ive come across spots like that and its just like, wow, i bet im one of maybe 5 people that have ever seen that. of course, some of the most impressive spots are ones out in the open that everyone can see.


i would say, balance

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ok heres how i like to look at it i think when i do somethign it dosent mader if it gets seen or not ...becasue i know i did it. when i do a spot liek in the middle of the woods on a trial then those hippy dudes will eb liek wow what the fuck...??.?>? but then probly hate on it cuz its not saposta be there ... while if some one that is in to graffiti would be liek damn what the fuck ..and be liek wow and stuff...but im mostly a get up kid rooftops and lean overs in small towns are fun becaus eif its big enough that shit stay for a logn time...also i liek to hit crazy spots like in grates that can be seen from the side walk liek on the ground.. becasue cats walk over the grate and look down at it and be liek wow...but yeah seen is good and clever is is good to they got they good resons and there bad ones...people wont see it as much but those who do are like wow.... caves are fun...and clifs

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i just like painting...cause the "abandoned warehouses" where no one goes has some of the best walls...and the people that do go there are the ones who paint, who are the ones that take the time to notice it and recognize it. idk just my opinion on that

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Sometimes i get the feeling that I really want to be known and appreciated for the work that i do/have done/am going to do...but then i think, don't be such a toy! I write because it allows me to express myself and if in that expression it's a tag on the highest branch of a tree (organic graff, WHUT!) at least i have that slight excitement of walking past it and knowing i've made my mark there.


Maybe even a kid who's lost his ball will see it, and then i've inspired another as well as myself. Graffiti is all about the mix of personal satisfaction and the appreciation of other writers...for their work, and their choice of spot. I always walk down a small alley, or peep behind a bush if there's a small glimmer of hope that some guy like me has done a throw up there. It's part of this urban art...

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I only have a few minutes to bless this thread with some

knowledge before the fantasy magic unicorns championship.

Some people will try to tell you graffiti is a visual art form,

but it doesn't have to be. Sometimes I go to a wall with my

bag of paint and just pretend to paint a mad fresh burner.

It comes out real dope in my mind and I really don't worry

too much if no one else can see it. I know I rocked it. I've

also gone all city in my basement on two seperate occasions.

Once in '92 and again in '01. Again no heads really saw it

but who cares? For those that are interested - I'm working

on a new album that you can't hear. I don't really think you

need to be able to hear music to enjoy it. There will be a limited

amount of cd's so hit me off asap and we can talk pricing.

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It depends who you're writing for. But don't underestimate how many people will eventually make their way through the cuttiest of spots... I remember seeing a tiny KR scribe on a gas station bathroom mirror somewhere in the middle of the fucking country, and being just as pumped as when I've seen giant rollers of his in major cities on both coasts. I think one of the coolest things about graffiti is seeing the same names wherever you go, and knowing that you and that writer have crossed each others paths repeatedly without even knowing it. I've never met Ewok, but I know he lives somewhere near me, 'cuz I see his tags daily... so it was cool as fuck when I was hiking the rainforest in Puerto Rico last year, and caught some marker tags of his on a trail map. I say leave a mark wherever you go, 'cuz you never know who else has been/ will be there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everyone writes for different reasons, but me I just write for myself. When it comes down to it I don't care if people see it I don't care if I'm ever considered "up" or become a graff legend or any of that. I really enjoy painting in the cutty out of the way spots, some of my favourites are things like finding rando bridges and other man-made/urban type structures in nature, I like writing there because these things dont really belong there so when you tag them I think it gives them more of an organic, natural quality, (and you always see tags from like 71 and stuff in those kind of spots which is chill). I don't agree with people tagging on trees and rocks and parts of nature, to me thats not what writing is for and it doesn't like right. As far as bombing high profile spots, yeah I do that I'm into it, but only if it looks good. I know that there was a time when my pieces and tags looked whack, but still, unless you've got some level of skill there's not really any point in getting up in high profile places, you don't do your reputation as a writer any favour and it brings down the general public's opinion of writing(although I'm not sure that really matters). And finally, as a lot of people have already said in this thread, no matter how cutty a spot is there's definately at least 10 other people who're gonna be there to see what you've left for them.

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I also think one should figure this one out for themselves. High visibility will get attention from other writers and people in general. then again I've seen tags and streaks on some weird places, like small caves, stones and shit and they always make me laugh, especially if I recognize the writer. Like "what the fuck was this guy thinking". it adds some kind of humor to it.


anyway I'd feel a bit uneasy to shoot rolls of films of my own bombs in safe locations and then make threads here with that stuff, for a rough example.

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Originally posted by harvey wallbanger@Feb 5 2005, 04:04 AM

It depends who you're writing for. But don't underestimate how many people will eventually make their way through the cuttiest of spots... I remember seeing a tiny KR scribe on a gas station bathroom mirror somewhere in the middle of the fucking country, and being just as pumped as when I've seen giant rollers of his in major cities on both coasts. I think one of the coolest things about graffiti is seeing the same names wherever you go, and knowing that you and that writer have crossed each others paths repeatedly without even knowing it. I've never met Ewok, but I know he lives somewhere near me, 'cuz I see his tags daily... so it was cool as fuck when I was hiking the rainforest in Puerto Rico last year, and caught some marker tags of his on a trail map. I say leave a mark wherever you go, 'cuz you never know who else has been/ will be there.



well said.

some one, somewhere is likely to see it...

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having people see your shit is definately key...but sometimes ill throw a tag or a sticker in a little small place that if anyone ever sees it a few years down the road or so...they are going to say to themselves, "hey, this dude fuckin puts up everywhere."


one time i found a dutch charactor behind a random gas station....it was really dope...


i was unloading pallets from a truck at work...and inside the trailer i found goze tags.


what im sayin is...its not just about gettting up in "seen" places....its about getting up everywhere with a surface that works...

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