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The Photography Thread


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walking the alley taking shots... 3 cop cars rolled up in the alley and just sat there watching me. i just kept snapping but was a bit nervous wondering if they were going to ask me to get on the ground. turns out there was some "suspicious activity" they were monitoring. they were also escorting some garbage truck for some reason and looking through trash. i wanted to take pics of the cops but i didn't want to draw anymore attention and dipped. i remember seeing them around the corner earlier waiting in the cut.

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So I finally got this exhibition together of the kids' work from last fall. Mayors, NGO executives, VIPs of all walks of life came through. Was truly awesome, was glad that some of them that spoke spoke as if they were the ones responsible for it, I hope that that enthusiasm means that these kids will get a lot more photo attention in the future. I ended up working with a graff dude and a graphic designer, who also gave similar workshops and we all shared their work together. Had a wall for the kids to tag up on the side, we had a Passa Passa performance (passa passa is like breakdancing meets electric slide, dressed up in hipster clothes and dancing to really violent dancehall, aka awesome), and kids rapping as well. The kids who spoke all spoke about the importance of self-expression, and how photography, graffiti and graphic design are all parts of their Urban Culture and they were very happy that they were getting the respect that they felt they deserve. We ended up on three local news channels, I got interviewed, etc.







"The New Boys Dancers, until death"





Got some photographers to go in there and give some props.





We built our own room dividers, and had the kids mount their own work and everything. Some of the pictures turned out crooked, but I think its more important that they felt as much like this is theirs as possible.



Getting dude's rap on






I have a meeting next week about the possibility of me creating a photography project on them and their lives to really contextualize the sort of backgrounds they have, hopefully the idea will be that I will get paid for that with the understanding that I will keep teaching them /get them cameras throughout that entire process. I feel great about it all.

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Awesome Mayor, do you have a link to all of their photos?


I had posted a bunch of them a while back, here are the quotes from those


When I'm not out shooting, I also teach/volunteer teaching kids photography with a couple different organizations. Recently, I received a grant to teach in three of the most dangerous outlying suburbs. Here are some of the pictures that the kids took. They are all between the ages of 12 and 17, and most had never held a camera before they started in the class:





















check me out lounging in the background


all of these photos were taken with super shitty point and clicks. not that they're perfect or anything, but one thing i've learned from these kids is to not put so much pressure on myself looking for the perfect shot. it'll come, you just have to be prepared.



good shit- i'd definitely like to see more, please put all those pictures in one post though, there are only 20 posts to a page and when everyone puts one image in a post a lot of images get lost in backpages pretty quickly. the more images a page, the better.


i really like the tree and the worried/bored people at the station.


Here are some more images from my students out in the burbs.



Little kids get paid pittances to scrape the mud off of the trucks here. Its still the rainy season.





A lot of these neighborhoods haven't been there long enough to have paved roads. I'm in the background cold chillin





It is so much easier for kids/teenagers to run up on someone and take a picture. and to think, we fret/talk about how hard it is frequently, and they don't even think twice about shoving a camera in a stranger's face.










I only got a week more here.


theres a shit ton more obviously, we went with 25 shots, a lot of which i didn't show here, and some that i showed here but wasn't shown there. politics and all that

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Still don't have anything new to post.. But if you guys could help me out and vote in this competition it would be awesome. I probably won't win but it's a bit of good exposure either way.

You can win a Canon G12 just for voting, so it's not a bad thing to do :P


It's nowhere near the best photo, but it's one of the only ones I have that isn't a super cliche skyline shot to enter. Have to go with what the public will like..

And if you have a Tumblr or know someone with one you could reblog this too


Thanks a bunch! Should have 5-6 rolls of film developed and scanned by the weekend.

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